Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+lafayette+reynolds'

Oct. 11th, 2023




Looks like this is where I introduce myself.

God, I need a drink.

Sorry, guess I should introduce myself. My name's Ben.




That was the most unique church I've ever been to. But different dimensions I suppose would handle things differently.
That Father Andrew seemed very nice, though.

Oct. 6th, 2023



1990s! Sookie.

[trigger warning: bully behavior, not so nice sookie]

Half of y'all think too loud, the other half doesn't think at all. I prefer the latter. It's quieter.

Also, we all have to walk the halls, that doesn't mean we should have to smell you, deodorant is your friend.

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 25th, 2023



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

If you ain't know, I'm a medium. I speak to those beyond the grave more often than is normal, but the past month been a bit crazy on that front. But if you need my services to help make sense of any ghost been showing up, let me know. Been able to help some folk out so far.

[Private to Keith Kogane]

So, it took me a minute, but I was able to talk to that ghost was trying to get ahold of you.

Her name is Atria. And she a cat. She just want some toys to play with and thought you a kind soul who could help her out. I did the honor of playing with her a bit and she ghost purred, which is a thing ghost cats can do, if you didn't know.

Hope that ease your mind some. Maybe put out some toys for her, she leave you be.



[Backdated to yesterday (24th), about an hour before sunset]

If I wronged you, I ask forgiveness.
If I helped you, I wish I could have helped more.
If I didn't help you, I'm beyond sorry.
And if you helped me, I'm grateful beyond words.

Easy fasting and a meaningful Yom Kippur, if you're observing. G’mar chatima tova.

גמר חתימה טובה

Sep. 22nd, 2023




This is probably the biggest waste of time and I should reall Hi, I'm Theo Crain, Luke's sister. He said I should introduce myself here, so - I'm a psychologist, I'd rather a vacation in the mountains over the beach, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, and this is all way too weird to actually be happening.

This is starting to sound way too much like the start of a dating profile, so I'm just going to quit now. Luke also claimed says I was here before, but I don't remember any of that, sorry.

Sep. 19th, 2023




Hell of a place you all got here. Gotta admit though, never thought being held somewhere against my will would come with the suggestion to introduce yourself on the internet. First time for everything, right?

I'm Nyx. Got here the other day.

Sep. 18th, 2023




Just a reminder: if you hear a ghost, no you didn't. If a ghost gives you something, no they didn't. If a ghost asks you to do something, no they did not.

I need a favor.

Sep. 13th, 2023




It turns out Joyland only needed me for the summer so I'm done there. Which is fine, the wax museum gets creepier the longer you're there. And I can focus on school and painting now.

Still no Angel Fever powers. Guys, I think I'm a dud. But that's okay! 😊

I'm doing this really interesting class in school about recent modern history, which is great! I get to catch up on the stuff between the 80s and the 20s. It's great!

And that's all I can think of. 😊 I hope everyone's having a great day.

Sep. 10th, 2023




Hey, if you're noticing anything weird this month can you hit me up?

I've noticed a few strange posts on the network and I'd appreciate if people checked in about whatever they see going on? It could be just a fluke, but if there's a pattern, it'd probably be a good idea for MIST to have a heads up.

You can message me privately if that's more comfortable. I'm sure it's nothing, it just seems like there's something every month, you know? No one wants to see the hedge maze come back.


ETA: Okay, so it looks like a lot of you are reporting ghosts from loved ones back home and a few of you have powers on the fritz. Just know you aren't alone? And if things progress or get worse, please let me know.

Are the rest of you seeing this? Could we have been getting new arrivals from home that have been coming as ghosts?



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

You know fuckin what, I am straight not having a good time right now. I can't fuckin sleep with all the ghosts everywhere tryin to get my ass to do this and that. Being a medium is sometimes a burden at the best of goddamn times now this bullshit got me wishing for home.

How you holding up baby? I ain't doing so good.

Aug. 10th, 2023




I know things are chaotic right now, but my house is still open if any of you would like to stop by tonight. We can take a look at whatever plans we have and see what might work or if we can combine anything to see what might help.

Checking in on you- how are you holding up?

Aug. 9th, 2023




Lafayette Reynolds (and ghost Jesus)
Weds Evening, Pickman House
Lafayette sees ghost Jesus again, gets a warning of things to come.

death, drug use mention




To anyone who needs a meal or a coffee, it's free this week. I'll cover it. It's the least I could do.


How are you doing with this situation?

Aug. 5th, 2023




What the fuck is wrong with this place?




Okay. I'm officially confused, so can I just ask a few questions?

What's going on, can I even go back, did the Pulse even happen here and if it didn't, does that mean I can buy toothpaste in a tube? And wow, the air. It's so fresh here.

But hey, I'm Alec.

Aug. 4th, 2023




The summers here are very long.

Anyone here know much about curses? Or could lift one?


You still ok with Emma checking your memory?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




There's not enough tylenol in the world some days

Saw there was a beach party. Shame to have missed it and all that. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Next time, right? Maybe.


I need a break from work before someone comes and mothers me about it. Where's the best place to get a sub in town?

Private to Mobius
Your tempad. I've got it working. Why does something so complex look like the 60's threw up on it?

Aug. 1st, 2023




Hi....are you free Saturday night? And if you are, would you be willing to cook for my girlfriend's birthday and some of her friends? Her uncle can pay you whatever you want.

Jul. 31st, 2023



(tw drug mention)

hey janet?

how come the beach here smells like cold lobsters and where are all of the boats and dance clubs and cocaine sharks?

Jul. 30th, 2023




I don't know about y'all, but I could use a day at the beach with the radio, a comfy lounger and a cooler filled with the fruitiest drinks known to man.

Jul. 27th, 2023




It's aliiiiiive.

The hardware all works at least, I still have to get everything working together properly. There's 40 nodes in that case and another twenty in a case sitting on the floor with room to expand it. (Please no one tell my boss to look into how much use I've made of the store's wholesale ordering discount.) And since all great custom builds need a name, in honour of Beowulf and great contributions to arts and culture I've dubbed it Skibidi.

Jul. 26th, 2023




Hello again!

I have another question, and an associated sub-question, which I would very much like people to answer.

Here are my questions: What are your favorite things to eat and/or drink? Why is that?

Whilst I do not consume food or liquids, my favorite drink is black coffee because I enjoy the chemical structure of the caffeine molecule, and my favorite food is crullers, because I know how to make them.

If we were in Nueva York, I would keep your responses on file so that if you were to visit Miguel and myself, I would be able to provide you with refreshments that you enjoy. However, since we are here and resources are limited, I will not keep your responses on file and I am only asking so that we can continue to become friends.

Thank you!


Jul. 22nd, 2023



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

Ooooh look who just got made a member of the Employed Club. Walked into the 6th Street Cafe to try an omelet and suddenly I'm in the back making them? Don't really know how it happened but here we are. I guess stop by and you can have some fine food made by yours truly.

I heard it's what happens here but it still was surprising as all hell.

Jul. 23rd, 2023




vague allusions to homophobia )

Jul. 21st, 2023




Listen. I love that we're all here to entertain the kiddos, because MAX needs it to not burn things down and make weird comments about how Metal doesn't live up to Americana Rock or whatever but --

Adults. You ever felt kinda sad to not be 18 or below, these days? I'm one hundo jealous of movie outings and music lessons.

Maybe we just need more clubs? The sad fucks who need more hobbies club? The ADHD assholes who want a new thing to do weekly because clearly if we'd have wanted to do something and stuck with it we'd already KNOW guitar?

Yeah. That.




Lafayette Reynolds
Layla El-Faouly
WHO Lafayette and Layla • WHERE Creepy Carnival Tunnel of Love • WHEN Friday morning
Two people who didn't know each other, being okay with seeing each other's trauma with no judgement. What could ever go wrong? WARNINGS Discussions of death, will update as needed
He was desperate to see his love. Sook had to understand that, right? Read more... )

Jul. 19th, 2023



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

I've been saying for weeks now that I wouldn't go to that creepy carnival shit, I've seen too many horror movies, that's how people like me end up dead.

But I've been hearing about this Tunnel of Love shit, and I'm thinking on going anyway.

Anyone wanna be my date?


I'd say we should go, but you really wanna be in my head at something like that?

Tell me I'm crazy to go.

Jul. 17th, 2023




Was told this can be seen by everyone. Hello. I'm unfamiliar with it.