Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+tony+stark'

Jan. 22nd, 2024




Today is Apothecary Mistica's grand opening.

Feel free to stop by any time today, there'll be some wine and appetizers served all day.

Bring a friend, no need to travel in this fog alone.

Jan. 7th, 2024




MIST is your go-to for all things Dunwich support. If you see monsters, let us know, because I have created entire teams for Search and Rescue, Fighting, Medical, and Magic to deploy when things happen. I keep hearing about people going out to search for monsters and kill them, but I haven't heard that anyone has actually seen them?

If you have seen a monster or anything out of the ordinary (not a Mistake), please contact MIST immediately with as much detail as you can give us. We're here to help you.




Riley & Tony
01.08 4AM | Salvage yard | Low

Salvage and surprises.
mentions of addiction, bloodthirst
Read more... )

Jan. 5th, 2024




So, okay, maybe I shouldn't have get the really wet egg that I got for Christmas. But it wasn't moving, and I couldn't hear anything inside it, so I didn't think destroying it was a big priority, right?

I was so wrong.

This morning, it opened up. I swear, I thought the thing inside was going to make me a pod person, but Jeff popped out. Jeff, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Jeff.




Is it just me or is it getting colder with the creepy mist?


I should have Are you... Okay?

Dec. 22nd, 2023




"it really is a wonderful life"
Read more... )

Dec. 15th, 2023




Spam Oreos, available to anyone willing to have them.
Never touched or open.

I hate that this is a sentence I had to speak into existence.

Dec. 13th, 2023




Maybe a weird question, but is it possible to add landmarks to the town map that's on all the phones? Say, a house? So anyone who for obvious reasons doesn't want to run into me can avoid it

Might need to skip therapy this week. Won't be at the Clairmont-Bishop place. I moved out.

Thank you for all your help daylight-proofing the house. And for having me in your home.

Yesterday went okay. Nothing to report. Didn't attack anyone, didn't set foot outside

[tw: mention of drunk driving in comments]

Dec. 11th, 2023




Scale of one to ten: is it normal to get a random phone call in the middle of the day asking if you'll be starting your new job as an English teacher for Dunwich High School on Wednesday as planned. Don't remember filling out an application or interviewing.

How many students do we have going to the High School?

Dec. 1st, 2023




Well. Guess that solves that. I am once again the last remaining Stark. Honestly, probably for the best. He was entirely too spry for my liking.

Nov. 22nd, 2023



Thanksgiving Day - Around 4pm or so

Did you think you'd be fine not doing Thanksgiving with people and then realize that you're actually a little bummed you're not hanging out? I've got low key stuff at Mist going on. Putting up decorations and the tree. Hot cocoa. Food and drinks you won't have to clean up after. A couple of movies going on the TV.

Come on over.

Nov. 16th, 2023




With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T

Nov. 15th, 2023




Well this sucks.

Don't mind the big robot going through the halls every once in a while. That's me in my suit. It's got headlights and thermal readers, and I've got a bag of batteries and extra flashlights. If anybody needs help or some handheld light let me know.


Any way we could hook up a usb adaptor to Warmachine or something? One that won't blow up our phones if we need to.

Nov. 11th, 2023




I have a question -- it's normal to have a shit sleep schedule when it's always night outside, yeah? I keep wanting to nap when it's the middle of the day and in the middle of the night, I'm wide awake.

Bit troublesome for work. Guess that's why there's coffee.

[Private to Roy]
Oi, grumpy gills, I've got an idea.

Nov. 8th, 2023




It's important to look at the positives.

24/7 night-time: 4/10
24/7 fluorescent overhead lighting: 2/10

Just think, at least we have fresh air to exercise in and shit loads of coffee.

Nov. 3rd, 2023




As long as we get through this weekend without any memory problems or mysterious gaps in network posts, then...

I want to announce that the food truck is opening up next weekend. I'll have a full menu and hours and locations where we'll be parked.

First location is going to be in front of the Dunwich Police Department, by request. Ten to three, open for lunch. Try the Tony, a shaved cheesesteak panini.

Just look for the bright blue truck that says Lunch Box.

Nov. 2nd, 2023




Alright everyone. I've had to do night stints for weeks at a time. If this keeps on, I recommend you get a Sun Lamp and a bottle of Vitamin D. Deprivation of Vitamin D is a hell of a thing.

And socialize. I know that seems weird, but people fall into depression really easily when there's no sunlight. Surround yourself with your favorite people.

Nov. 1st, 2023




This bloody alligator. I didn't think to check the pen after this weekend, because I figured the bugger was still gone.


He's there.

I guess I found him or he came back on his own. Can Frost gi Asgardians have a heart attack? Or is that just a Midgardian thing?

Oct. 19th, 2023




Steve & Tony
Today | Dunwich | TBD

Tony is showing Steve the new place.

Read more... )

Oct. 16th, 2023




I'm going to your meeting. I'm not a genius, magic, or have time powers, but I'd like to be present to help with suggestions.
Roy and I broke up. I had planned to do it after his game on Saturday because he wanted me to wait, but if we're going to continue to have our minds messed with, I can't give someone else what they need. So we broke up. And I got my hoodie back via Jude, so I'm guessing he's pretty pissed.

Give him a wide berth? Or, IDK, make friends if you want.

Oct. 8th, 2023




[MCU Avengers]
Hello. Please say you recognize me

Oct. 6th, 2023



90s Howard

You'll be happy to be in my Physics class tomorrow. We're making our own gak recipes and seeing which ones are most effective at protecting an egg dropped from height.

Whoever does the best doesn't have to take the midterm.

[Private to Jarvis]

Never thought I'd be a teacher but turns out I'm great at it. How's Home Ec going?

Oct. 5th, 2023




If we haven't met yet, I'm Dr. Theo Crain. I'm a psychologist, and have an office at MIST and will start seeing patients next week. Let me know what kind of schedule works for you, and we'll hash out the details.

Please don't feel that you have to come and see me if you really don't want to, but for a little bit of background: I've been a child and family psychologist for more than a dozen years, and have a PhD. I'm happy to help if I can, and happy to be a willing ear if you just want to talk.

ETA: In case it wasn't clear, I'll take patients of any age.

Oct. 3rd, 2023




This is just a friendly reminder that it's that time of year to get your flu shot.

ETA: I'll be hosting a Flu Clinic this weekend between Friday and Sunday! Come by and give your vaccine for free.

How'd the bones work out?

Oct. 1st, 2023




I do love the change of seasons.

By the way, when did Halloween become so ghastly?

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 25th, 2023



Network Post-Howard Stark

If you were wondering how I'm doing, I'm not.

[Private to Jarvis]

If you need me, no you don't.

In my room.

Sep. 18th, 2023



Network Post-Howard Stark

Well, that was a new experience. Last night I was visited by the ghost of a woman I haven't yet met in my timeline and yet is my wife. Gotta say, didn't see that one coming. Anyone else experience anything like that?

[Peggy Carter]

Would have been awkward if that was the night before. I think I need a lot of drinks.

Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.

Sep. 14th, 2023



Text to Steve Rogers

Invite me over.