Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+penelope+murray'

Nov. 16th, 2023




I can imbue objects with light. It's not so bright like you get from electrics and it's much better for creating illumination in an area than being used like a flashlight to see further ahead of you but it will help you move around your home without hurting yourself. It works best if I can work it into a material that's... malleable, or made up of tiny individual pieces. Fabric is the best, because it's so many threads woven together, but the wall of a house is too solid and unyielding to work well.

Nov. 8th, 2023




Okay so are there any magic types out there that give us, I don’t know, portable sunshine or something? I’m genuinely afraid that Ivy is dying ]:

[ Ivy ]

Hey babes I know you’re like, not doing super great right now but there’s something really important I need to talk to you about.

Nov. 7th, 2023




It's going to be very strange not seeing Mobius around Pickman House. He's been one of the few constant presences since I left my own world, both here and at the Agency beforehand.

Nov. 6th, 2023




I need to know if he's still a vampire. Can anyone tell me? I know he's gone back but he isn't mortal again, is he?

Oct. 31st, 2023




It's been two weeks and I still feel off-balance every time I see the date and realise my birthday has been and gone. Like standing on the edge of a short drop just about to jump down and never quite doing it, only to realise you're already at the bottom. I think it will be easier in November, when I don't look at a calendar and immediately start trying to make the mathematics work.

Oct. 20th, 2023




A belated IC/OOC event!
WHAT? Margo gets a bunch of magic users together (plus geniuses and time magic people and anyone else who wanted to show up tbh). WHEN? Tuesday, October 17th. WHERE? Margo's place. HOW? Bribery mostly. She provided pizza and alcohol. When it comes to the alcohol, Margo was extra about it. There's beer, wine, cider, cocktails, even kombucha for the non-drinkers. Something for everyone! WHY? To figure out what's the deal with the missing weekends.

THE TWIST. Margo spiked the drinks with a magical truth potion. She's going to make sure, the best she can, no one is hiding something stupid. REALLY, MARGO? Have you met Margo? Yes, really. CAN I OPT OUT? Of course. Maybe your character offered to bring wine and drank their own. Maybe they just drank water from the tap. Margo isn't going to push anything on people, in order to make sure the most people possible get truth serumed.

DID SHE TELL... Quentin? She would have, but Margo didn't want Q to spill to Julia, so neither of her roommates are aware of her plans. DID SHE TELL... Natasha Romanoff, who wanted to be in on the meeting? No, but she did rudely tell Natasha to BYOB and if Natasha doesn't, then that's on her.

• Some FAQs... CAN MY CHARACTER SENSE THE POTION? Nah, it's magic bro. Just use one of the opt out methods detailed above. MY CHARACTER WILL NEVER TRUST MARGO AGAIN. She's fine with that. CAN MY CHARACTER GET HER BACK? Plot something out with me. I'm open to fun and hijinx and revenge.

Oct. 15th, 2023




Sabrina Spellman is missing. I haven't seen her since Friday.
If anyone knows anything please message me or obviously the headmasters.

Oct. 8th, 2023



CURRENT TIME: after midnight

I'm not trying to alarm anyone, but....

What the hell happened to the weekend? I settled down to go to bed Thursday night, pulled out a book, and now I'm sitting in front of my computer in the middle of an email. Nothing important, but you know, my clock says it's Sunday night, and I distinctly remember looking at my phone before I picked up my book SECONDS AGO, and it was only the 5th.

If you've done some magic, you should probably say so that we can figure out what went wrong so it doesn't happen again.

Oct. 7th, 2023



90s Kurt

Hallo! Das sieht nicht nach Deutschland.
Where am I and what is this device?

Oct. 1st, 2023





Who: Witches, Magic Users, People with Powers
Margarita Drinkers, Sandwich Makers. Etc.
Where: Sidewinder Park, a very nice clearing
When: 9/30, Saturday night, 8pm
What: Magic. Talks. Show offs. Networking.
Coven considerations. Maybe drinking, maybe sandwiches.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, possibe TWs with backstories? Warn in subject headers.
Gordo didn't know what to expect. )

Sep. 11th, 2023




So you're having some issues with ghosts (non-Mistake variety).

Firstly, talking to them is a good start, but you've probably tried that. (If you haven't, please do.) If you have and they still won't leave you alone, then hopefully there's enough of us here who've got different ways of doing things with ghosts to help you out?

Can I get a list of volunteers for helping to show people how to work with, set boundaries, etc with ghosts?

Once we've got that if Mobius or Natasha will let us use outside Pickman or a room in MIST to showcase these things, that'd be great.

Also because this is Dunwich, and Dunwich is rude, half of these things might not work here. Or might go extremely wrong.

Head's up, the new girl seems to have some Anti-Christ trauma so. There's that.




Online introductions are apparently the way to go here. Hi, everyone. I’m Mallory, new arrival and still a little bewildered about everything. This is a very impressive set up. I’ve ever had someone just willingly hand me a cellphone to keep while walking down the street. Or ever. But that solves one problem. Thanks to everyone at MIST for being so incredible to new arrivals.

Don’t go past the boundaries, there’s no known way back, weird things tend to happen, I can stay at Pickman house (thank you), MIST is a key place for all of us, avoid the Church, Time and Again will probably be my favorite place. Anything else I should be aware of from those who’ve already been through this?

Lastly, I hear there is a coven. Is there someone specific I can speak to there? A leader or council I should approach?

Sep. 10th, 2023




Hey, if you're noticing anything weird this month can you hit me up?

I've noticed a few strange posts on the network and I'd appreciate if people checked in about whatever they see going on? It could be just a fluke, but if there's a pattern, it'd probably be a good idea for MIST to have a heads up.

You can message me privately if that's more comfortable. I'm sure it's nothing, it just seems like there's something every month, you know? No one wants to see the hedge maze come back.


ETA: Okay, so it looks like a lot of you are reporting ghosts from loved ones back home and a few of you have powers on the fritz. Just know you aren't alone? And if things progress or get worse, please let me know.

Are the rest of you seeing this? Could we have been getting new arrivals from home that have been coming as ghosts?

Sep. 9th, 2023




I hate to call in sick to work so soon after the right, but I feel as though the inside of my skull has been scraped raw, and when I live my apartment everything looks... strange in a way I'm not sure how to describe. It's almost like... a second layer of the world has been placed over top the first and there's a slight difference in the colour filters so it nearly looks like early colour photographs. All combined it doesn't exactly hurt very much, but I would much prefer to stay home and hide my face in Minnos' fur.

Sep. 5th, 2023





Guys guys guys!

My hyenas are here!! This place finally did something for me that doesn’t suck!

[ Private to Constantine ]
Hey um listen I know we've never really spoken but I have a question for you.

Sep. 1st, 2023




I've been told to schedule something called an MRI with you, but I wonder if you might answer a few questions about that procedure.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one awake in this building. It certainly sounds like it.

There were certain roots and plants one would use, where I'm from. Or you could bother a wizard. Whether they cast a sleeping spell on you or simply talked until you entirely passed into unconsciousness, either way it did the job.

Aug. 26th, 2023




I can't believe it's been days since the fight. I remember dancing while I was watching Enid, and then... I'm not sure where I was. It was so empty. I knew I was lost, but it felt like I was only wandering around for about an hour before I saw some sort of spirit or ghost cat that I followed through a door and woke up at MIST.

When I finally got home I found two of my cats, Minnos and Fripon. I do hope they weren't there for long. They didn't seem much more hungry than usual, at least.

Aug. 25th, 2023




Pickman, this is Mary. Mary, this is the network we communicate one. Please remember to use this form of communication, and not turn up at anyone's seances.

Aug. 19th, 2023




Are you psychic? Do you have a way to get into people's minds? We'll need you for the upcoming battle. How many of you have battled on the psychic plane? Not the physical plane? From what I'm gathering, Vecna doesn't like to play fair and sticks mostly to his psychic plane for battles. We'll be heading straight into the trance as soon as we're able, so be ready.

Those of you without psychic powers who want to help, we can still use you. I can link all of us together. Your psychic energy will boost the psychics. You will feel fired and run down, so do not volunteer unless you can be some place safe.

Aug. 18th, 2023




[ooc: way after this. don't mind the out of touch old man from an apocalyptic world w/o cellphones not erasing his voice recognition after texting.]

I'm looking for somebody missing

White girl with dark hair, 5'2" last seen in a

red and white plaid long sleeve, brown shirt

[ ... ]

Hey Siri What is Wagner No what is vac know Vicknair What is Beckner Fuck this

Aug. 13th, 2023




I get the feeling I'm getting to town at kind of a weird time.

But I guess I'll take weird.




Okay, so the window reformed on us twice. That church is full of bad energy. I still think burning it to the ground should be an option, but it'd probably end up respawning and being an even bigger pain. But we got in and out without issue aside fro.

At least we can mark it off the list.

Are there any other creepy places in town that haven't been checked?

I know people talked about something happening at the tavern during the Bad Moon festival. Could he be in that space? Can we purposefully access it?

Aug. 12th, 2023




Has it been a weird week for everyone?

Something happened at the church.

Thank you.

You have wings!

I'd like to report a murder.

Aug. 11th, 2023




I want to scan the people that are floating, and some of the people with headaches as well. It's completely non-invasive, I don't need to touch anyone or get samples or anything like that. Lyla scans them and the area around them, that's all.

I want to scan them to see if there's any trace of something that's Vecna and not them, and then it'll be something else to help locate him/Eddie. Energy signatures, some weird trace element or compound, something that shows up this link he's established that can be disrupted by songs. Then again, there may be nothing there, I don't know.

The people floating can't give consent, though, and I've had to deal with entirely too much red tape before now, so I guess I'm asking for consent from their Next of Kin to do these scans.

[Edit] Monsieur Clairmont, do I have your permission to visit Ms. Eponine Thenardier at your home?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




[Addie, Pamela, Sabrina, Chrissy]
So my birthday's coming up on the 13th. I'm thinking of having a sleepover the night before- the 12th? Would you ladies be interested in coming over to celebrate with me?

I meant to message out to thank everyone for coming out after our last meeting. I think I'd like to set a standing date for a monthly meeting- perhaps the second Thursday of each month? If we need to meet up between these meets we can certainly do so, or meet up in smaller groups as needed, but I think once a month might be a good starting point. I'm open to hosting at my house, or we can find other places if you'd like as well.

Less than a month before we're back to school. Am I ready for my classes? Perhaps not as ready as I should be.

The beach party was wonderful, though- thank you for setting that up, Sookie and Sabrina!

Jul. 29th, 2023




I went to Joyland after the beach today - just for one more trip around the carnival games because I NEEDED a few more neon lobstrocities with googly eyes.

Anyway, I hit the Madam Fortuna machine and got a really freaking weird fortune and I'm pretty creeped out, so.


... Did anyone else get anything weird from Madam Fortuna? Please tell me I'm not the only one. I've been staring at this thing for hours

Jul. 20th, 2023




Coven Meeting

Who: Witches & Invited
What: The first coven meeting
Where: 579 Hemlock Drive
When: 20th July, 6:00pm.
Warnings: TBD

This is meant to be a relatively lowkey event. Diana has invited witches interested in working as a coven to come over starting at 6:00pm. She has a workroom attached to the kitchen with a large fireplace, a workbench along one wall underneath a window, and a table centered in the room with bench seating for everyone. The space is well warded for protection, and Diana has snacks and refreshments off to the side. A small altar is set up in the center of the table- an altar cloth with a bowl of salt representing earth, incense representing air, candles representing fire, and a bowl of water. The altar is already blessed, and she's kept things relatively simple for now until everyone is acquainted and willing to actually work magic together.

If there's interest in casting a circle, they can absolutely do that- especially as an added layer of protection, but if not, that's alright too. Generally speaking, this first meeting is more open for everyone to meet, introduce themselves, discuss their experience and what they'd like to learn or get out of working with a group. It probably also can't hurt to establish some ground rules/etiquette, how often people want to meet, and go from there!

Introductions & The Meet
Questions, Comments, Etc.

So mote it be.

Jul. 14th, 2023




[Witches & Those Included on This Filter]
Thursday the 20th, 6pm. 579 Hemlock Drive. I'm hosting the first meeting for those of you who were interested in working as a coven. I'll have the space well warded and for now we'll just try to see what we want out of a group and how we'd like to proceed. If you're unable to attend but are still interested, please let me know.

Jul. 12th, 2023



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

Dis maybe a presumptuous ass question, but seem easier axing here than tryin to figure it out axing one by one.

Is there a coven here my ass can join? I promise no bullshit, I done been and done bad juju shit, I ain't tryin to get no one posessed or nothin'. Dis place give me some vibes and I just wanna connect with some magic fuckin folks if you feel me.

Girl, how you holdin up, that drink good 'nuff or we need somethin' else?


Where you spose we get some that makeup at so we do them blog shit?

Jul. 8th, 2023



Network Post-Howard Stark

Oh ho, hello to my fellow citizens trapped in this...fine little town of Dunwich. I'm Howard Stark and this little machine is capital! A non-descript young man gave me this and I've been tinkering with it for hours. Thank you, Peggy, for helping to explain a bit. What a gal.

No doubt you've heard of me, though probably only half of what you've heard is true. Anyone have a line on where a fella can get a fresh cigar?