Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+jim+kirk'

Aug. 7th, 2023




I drove over a nail and now I've got a busted front tire on my motorcycle. It won't take me long to fix, but I probably should get a new tire. It's just - they don't make them the way I like here. That's dumb to say, especially while a whole lot of people here seem to be going through something worse than a flat, or at least sharing some kind of shared migraine, but I can still say it, can't I?

How about you? How are you doing? Any headaches, dreams, whatever the hell is happening this week around here?

Aug. 5th, 2023




What the fuck is wrong with this place?

Aug. 1st, 2023




Someone seems to have accidentally mistaken me for someone else and has given me their transmitter. Would anyone be kind enough to direct me on how to return it to them?

I can't sense There's an odd obstruction around the area encompassing the town and further. Does anyone have a ship that can get through, per chance?

Jul. 11th, 2023





Um so for those of you who are off duty or don't know the call signs cause I sure didn't before this

Hopper says if you're available head to 327 W 7th Street, Apt A. Just a murder to deal with. You know... Cause this is the police department and that's what we do?

Jul. 9th, 2023




Right. Seeing as I have seniority, I suppose that puts me in charge at the sheriff's department.

Which is why I went ahead and submitted the paperwork declaring Jim Hopper as our new Emergency Interim Sheriff. The job is yours. Executive decision. Sorry not sorry.

Speaking of the sheriff's department, we could use your help. There are reports of a creature on the lose known as a demodog. Otherworldly, larger than a wolf, head opens up like a flower filled with teeth, so real pleasant. Only known ways to kill it include fire and beheading.

This is a request for information only, we're not asking anyone to go after the creature. But if we can get an idea of any strange scents or places it may be hiding, that would be helpful. Please let me know if this is something you can assist with. Thanks.

(*OOC: Don't want Boorman to know you're a werewolf? Don't reply! It's totally cool. If you're out/open about it, please feel free to reply.)




I'm fine. The next person to DM me is getting punched in the dick.




Well, shit.

Hey, so I'm trying to make playlist so I can stop thinking about losing Spock and Pike all at once and it's got to have loud rock music on it. Bonus points if there are good lyrics.


Jul. 8th, 2023




Weekends are supposed to be relaxing. I need a relaxing hobby.

Dunwich PD:
Reports of some strange things happening in Joyland, but it's vague. Not sure we need to check it out or not yet but maybe we should keep our ears open...

Also there's some kind of creature from my world running loose in the woods no need to worry.

I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Hawkins Crew + Russians and Ava:
Alright you heard right, I'm making dinner. A roast dinner, on Sunday, 7pm. Don't be late. And I'm going to the grocery store so does anyone need anything? Any special requests?

Jul. 6th, 2023





[The Dunwich Police Department and Affiliates]

I figure a week is more than enough time to be sitting around doing nothing. And from everything I’ve heard so far, I might be here for quite a while. So… I was wondering if there are any open positions within the police department?

I’m not sure if it means anything here since this is a whole different world and time and everything, but I’ve been through all the necessary training. Deputy Hopper said you could use someone with experience. I admit I only recently graduated from the police academy, and I only got to be a cop for one night, but… I’d really like a do over. With no zombies this time

I hope you’ll consider me.

Jul. 5th, 2023




I think I'm settling in. That cookout was fun, made me realize how totally out of shape I am trying to play Ultimate Frisbee but it was nice to get moving.

It looks like everyone got these passes to Joyland? I don't know if I'm going to use mine, it looks a little freaky, some of it. Most of it.

But yeah, just settling in. I'm going to try to get out more this weekend. Probably not to Joyland.

Jun. 24th, 2023




Is there a club for people who have seen their friends disappear back into the mist?

Henri and I were on what I thought was a pretty damn good date and she went off to the bathroom and never came back. I saw some mist in that general direction, and now I've gotten the error on the network about her leaving.

Shit. That's just really shitty, you know?

Any luck finding a job?

AdmiralCaptain Pike
Do you have any openings at the sherrif's station?

Jun. 22nd, 2023



Log: Jim and Henri

Their auction date, which includes a motorcycle ride through town and drinks at Todash
Mist / disappearance …

Sorry that I had you in a vice grip. I’ve never been on a bike before. )




I do not wish to overload the network with trivial matters, particularly in light of the dangerous events at the Todash Tavern that left many injured, but the enigmatic facilitators of Dunwich have yet to bestow an undesired occupation upon me and I find myself in need of currency so I can assist Captain Jim my captain my friend Captain Kirk in acquiring and financing a residence outside of Pickman.

Until I find permanent employment, I am available for small jobs, temporary work, paid research opportunities, etc. If anyone could use my services, please let me know.


Thank you.

Jun. 11th, 2023




Looks like I've got a way around town now that isn't my own two feet. A bit strange to just walk outside and see it there. Should have come with a giant red bow, in my opinion.

Hey Spock, want to go for a ride on my motorcycle?

May. 30th, 2023




Prom was a fucking mess.

The King Clan mean anything to you?

Think I found something you might want to know about.

May. 13th, 2023




The lobstrocities on the beach have been dealt with. All the beaches are open for business!

Except for Dark Score Lake. They're still there.




Dear open diary network that goes right to the phones of every person I've never met in my life:

I bought a prom dress.
I'm not going with a date and I'm cool with that.
I will only fast dance, and only if we make complete fools out of ourselves.

Also, whoever #8 is at the MYSTery date? I see you.




These bugs are bloody hilarious.


Any of you talk to that angel yet?

May. 7th, 2023




got somethin I wanna try but I wanna make sure it ain't already been done. yall tried crossin that ghost line like your goin through a wall yet? In my neck of the woods we call it phasin

May. 1st, 2023




So, what is it we've figured about those folk who swapped bodies or powers?

Everyone get that outta their systems or there still some hangers on?



Species Swap Log: Kirk & Spock

Backdated to the start of the swap plot | Spock's room at Pickman | E for excessive emotion
Nothing specific, no.

That is why we hold back. Because letting go means losing control. )




Okay so! I (with some help) had a truly fantastic idea. We're going to be throwing a singles event! This will include a fashion show, karaoke, speed dating etc etc.

It's a free event, for charity. I'm not sure what to put the proceeds to yet though, any ideas? Any like, worthy causes here?

Send me a DM if you want to help out :)

[Filter to Natasha and Mobius]

The donations are going to go to Pickman and MIST. Is there anything on particular either place needs so I can add it to the donations list?

We've got the basics covered - clothing, personal necessities, money if anyone is able, food. Anything outside of the typical boxes you can think of? We're also thinking people can donate time and/or skills to help with like maintenance items or whatever.

Apr. 29th, 2023




Margo Hanson & James T. Kirk
Today-ish | Margo's Place | SFW

You've seen human!Spock. Wonder where his half Vulcan nature went? Unfortunately for one Captain Kirk, he's now the recipient of dramatic brows, pointy ears and a bowl cut. Margo does her best to help but isn't particularly enthused about the whole situation.

Read more... )

Apr. 12th, 2023




I am seeking information on any potential spatial-temporal anomalies that anyone may have experienced since arriving in Dunwich. Examples of such anomalies could be, but are not limited to:
‣ time travel (or evidence thereof)
‣ items that defy existence in the pre-determined reality of Dunwich; i.e. technology or artifacts inconsistent with 21st century Earth but were not brought here by one of the Dunwich Outlanders
‣ paradox
‣ improbable photographs, videotapes, written works
‣ doppelgängers (endemic to Dunwich, not other Outlanders who share similar physical appearances)
‣ any disruption of normal space time

If you have experienced one or more of these events, please let me know. You may privatize your message if the information contains personal details you wish to remain confidential.

Thank you.

Apr. 8th, 2023




Margo Hanson & Jim Kirk
April 2 | Margo's House | SFW

Jim shows up at Margo's place to help her with combat training. Both are pleasantly surprised to discover that the other is actually taking it seriously. Jim tries to suggest things will work out. Margo refuses to leave things to chance.

Read more... )

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 4th, 2023




So uh - this isn't my first time down here, but I guess maybe things have changed since the last time I was here?

Apr. 3rd, 2023




I have your lizard. When can I return it?

With the assistance of High King Margo and her lizard, I have recently undergone a week-long ‘spiritual journey.’ During this experience I was in deep conversation with what I can only describe as projected aspects of my personality who reassured me that my—and thereby the rest of the Dunwich Outlanders—presence here, albeit long in duration, will be temporary. They also alluded to the fact that when I return to my universe it will be near to the time that I departed it. As such, it will appear as though no time has been lost. Although I have no means of quantifiably verifying the validity of the visions I received during this mental quest, I do trust they are accurate as it would be illogical for me to lie to myself.

They were, however, acquired by ingesting the epithelial secretions of a reptile. So, I cannot account for whether this information serves the betterment of the group or not. Nevertheless I felt that the community leaders and my commanding officers should be aware of my somewhat illogically obtained ‘discovery’.




To those who wish to join in the self defense/survival lessons, let's meet this Wednesday afternoon. Let's meet outside near Pickman House, unless someone has a better location.

Once we figure out who all is attending, we can divide into pairs based on interest. For those interested in survival lessons, comment here with your name and what you'd like to learn.

Self defense, please do the same and your specialty. For example, mine would say hand to hand combat, aerial attacks and sword combat.

Mar. 31st, 2023




Hey wow good party, right? Who knew disco was still fun? Not me