Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+sam+wilson+%28au%29'

Nov. 22nd, 2023




(posted on Wednesday but I won't be online)

Don't think I'll be at the Thanksgiving thing. I'm sure Christmas will be better, but this was always the big family one for us and I don't really feel up to the reminder that I've only made it to two since the boys were born, and they don't even remember the first one.

I was planning to make some seafood cornbread dressing anyway and I'm going to have way too much so if anyone wants to swing by and grab some to take over please do. I'll probably just be getting some work done.

Nov. 17th, 2023



Late morning (day after the bonfire)

We've got a bunch of frozen stock that I don't want to have to expense out so I've convinced the guys to get hold of some gas cookers and sell it while we can. I'm only in the office to sort a couple things that couldn't wait and I'm about to take off again so it's not gonna be a proper seafood boil-up like the ones I've organised before, but it'll be cooked and it'll be cheap. They're setting up on the docks. Cash only for obvious reasons.

Nov. 15th, 2023




[Incoming call on Wanda Maximoff's phone, 4:13am]

[ooc: conversations about PTSD, war, death, etc]

Nov. 11th, 2023




I have a question -- it's normal to have a shit sleep schedule when it's always night outside, yeah? I keep wanting to nap when it's the middle of the day and in the middle of the night, I'm wide awake.

Bit troublesome for work. Guess that's why there's coffee.

[Private to Roy]
Oi, grumpy gills, I've got an idea.

Nov. 8th, 2023




It's important to look at the positives.

24/7 night-time: 4/10
24/7 fluorescent overhead lighting: 2/10

Just think, at least we have fresh air to exercise in and shit loads of coffee.

Nov. 5th, 2023




Hey, mate. I was wondering if you could take over the group the next couple of weeks? After the last fight I'm not sure I'm up to it right now. Then I've been thinking about asking this anyway, but maybe we should co-host it? You pretty much do that anyway, but officially? With the way this place is, we just never know what we might be going through at any given time. Good to have a plan in place.

[Edited after this comment to add - unfiltered]

Hey everyone. Sam's gonna be leading the support group for the next couple of weeks and then officially going to run it with me afterward. That's not really a change, we're just making it official.

For those who are new or might be thinking about coming now that shit doesn't ever stop, we meet Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30. And then we've been meeting, probably, on Sundays after first aid class as well. Probably should keep those going. We'll make sure it's as bright in the building as we can for group.




I don’t believe the sun will be rising anytime soon, so if anyone is looking for a little fun to brighten this permanent darkness, I’m going to be throwing a party at my house this coming Friday. Everyone is welcome. The address is [here]. While I don’t have any sunlight to offer, there will be plenty of food and cocktails.

Nov. 1st, 2023



Midday November 1st

I know I'm late to the party, but... I'm not crazy, right? Is it really noon?

Oct. 30th, 2023




Is the date right? October 30, 2023?



present day

When you have to write a note to yourself saying not to go to work because you were fired for missing every away game of the season — which they knew was going to be an issue — because you knew you probably wouldn't remember it otherwise?

Fuck this place.

Guess I'm moving back to Pickman since this is the football coach's housing.

Oct. 22nd, 2023




I'm keeping office hours over the weekend if anyone needs it.

[Over 18s]
Anyone who wants to help search, let's run information through me so we've got a central point of reference. Laura's already handling searching using scent so I'll let her continue with that but we could also use people who might be able to detect the use of magic or similar abilities to hide things, and if there's several people then a single coordinator for them as well. Someone who maintains a normal life would probably be holding them somewhere easily physically accessible like a basement or bunker but if he's purely some kind of supernatural entity with no need for a day job the field is wide open.

Researchers could also go through historical records and local folklore to see if they can find any hints of particular areas that might help. Since that's not strictly searching for the kids I'd say keep Mobius as the point of contact on that, it's starting to get further out of my wheelhouse.

Natasha, we could use maps from the town records. Current and historical, the more detailed the better.

Oct. 21st, 2023



'97 POST

Just a reminder, until we find the missing students, absolutely no one 18 or under goes out after 7pm.

[FILTER: 19+]
Talk to me. Someone tell me they have something.

How is security looking this weekend?

Oct. 16th, 2023



present day


Football practice is either cancelled or twice as long today. Haven't decided.

Pretty sure it's actually over this time.

Did we break up and I can't fucking remember it
All I have is text messages like I'll drop your hoodie off at MIST.
Guess I should fucking drop your hoodie off at MIST

Oct. 10th, 2023




Apparently some of you passed the first aid certification. I don't remember that, but the names in my notes are familiar enough that I'm willing to accept that it happened.

I emailed you the list but I thought you should know - it looks like I originally included Zemo before crossing it off pretty emphatically. So it's possible I found out about some scheme he's into, but it's also possible he's just an asshole. He doesn't normally get under my skin too badly but you know how he is. It could be either.

[Steve Rogers]
This is a comically long shot, but while trying to figure out what the fuck happened over the weekend you didn't happen to come across anything like a selection of handmade posters titled "Why I'm Mad at Zemo: A Presentation" or, I don't know, notes for a dastardly plan scribbled on a napkin that I might have left there, did you? No? Didn't think so, had to ask anyway.

Sidenote, all this time and my first thought was still to check if Bucky's okay losing time again. Except he's probably just as okay as anyone else and it's not on me to give a shit.

Oct. 8th, 2023




[MCU Avengers]
Hello. Please say you recognize me

Oct. 6th, 2023




Guess who has two thumbs and finally got their GED?

Oct. 5th, 2023




Got everything sorted so I can first aid certify people myself, so we'll probably get started on that this weekend. And I should have more free time now. I know I've been kinda conspicuous by my absence lately.

Oct. 4th, 2023




Sam Wilson & OTA
Tuesday evening | Todash Tavern | TBA

Sam's schedule is finally starting to ease and he takes the opportunity to chill out a bit.
None expected.

Read more... )

Sep. 22nd, 2023




This is probably the biggest waste of time and I should reall Hi, I'm Theo Crain, Luke's sister. He said I should introduce myself here, so - I'm a psychologist, I'd rather a vacation in the mountains over the beach, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, and this is all way too weird to actually be happening.

This is starting to sound way too much like the start of a dating profile, so I'm just going to quit now. Luke also claimed says I was here before, but I don't remember any of that, sorry.

Sep. 19th, 2023




Since we're putting a certification requirement on search and rescue, I'm gonna need anyone who signs up for it to let me know

a) any formal qualifications you have at home
b) any experience you have that you think is probably equivalent to formal qualifications
c) if you've already gotten any formal qualifications here

Also anyone who would like to get formal first aid or CPR certification, even if you're not signing up for search and rescue, tell me that as well so I can include you in arrangements for assessments. My first aid class is on Sundays, 2:30 - 4pm at MIST, if you can't make that we can figure something else out.

Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.




do you guys think the ghost line works on animals and do they know about it or sometimes does a bird hit it

or ants

Sep. 10th, 2023




I remembered to be a good boy and drink plenty of water before bed. As far as I can tell I remember everything and I'm pretty sure I don't need to apologise for any of it, but feel free to let me know if you disagree.

(Unless it's about Montero. No apologies for Lil Nas X after watershed, that's just a predictable consequence of putting me in a room with karaoke and alcohol.)

Reminder in case anyone missed Jake's post that we're doing an extra session of support group tomorrow after my regular first aid class.

Sep. 7th, 2023





What feels like ages ago I promised Sabrina I'd track down a karaoke machine and get a night going at Todash. And then Dunwich Dunwiched so here were are in September.

All that aside, Todash will be hosting karaoke tomorrow night!

What's karaoke you ask? Well, if you've ever wanted to get slightly tipsy to drunk and belt your heart out in front of a bunch of other strangers of varying sobriety to such emotional hits as "My Heart will Go On" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart", or maybe you prefer something more upbeat like "I Wanna Dance with Somebody", or you want to channel your inner boy band dreams and hit up some "I Want it That Way" (or girl band, "Wannabe" is a very valid choice here), karaoke is for you.

So come on down, have some drinks (a shot on the house if you go sing), show off your vocal chops and cheer your fellow Mistakes on.

Gentle ribbing is the name of the game but please do not be an asshole.

You're being all squirrelly, what's up?

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 4th, 2023




[Jake Pentecost]
Hey, do you think it's worth doing a second group session on Saturdays or Sundays for a couple of weeks? It feels like some people are really struggling still.

I've found myself looking up late enrolment at the college a couple of times so I'd like to officially remind myself that we are not talking about "just a couple of classes" to finish my Masters and get licensed. It would be at least another year of coursework depending on whether I needed to repeat any of the classes I took ten years ago, 3360 supervised clinical hours over at least two years with a qualifying board-approved supervisor, which can't be at a private clinic or academic counseling, 960 direct client contact hours with a maximum of 350 in group work, passing a licensing examination, and submitting an application to the Board of Registration, which is located outside Dunwich and would notice anything weird like all my pre-masters fieldwork having been done in a different universe. And in the meantime I'd be working and studying and doing the first aid classes and unexpectedly taking time off every so often to fight monsters or whatever and trying to have a social life, and I could also disappear entirely at any moment.

Written down it seems really not worth it. It's just kind of a pity that the required qualifications in this field go straight from "finish high school, have lived experience of trauma" directly to "Bachelors degree (four-plus years), Masters degree (two-plus years), and thousands of hours of qualifying fieldwork (two-plus years)".

Can we book out the room at MIST for a second support group session on either Saturday or Sunday evenings for the next few weeks?

Sep. 1st, 2023




I want to say a thank you to Tobias for staying with me when I was in that trance and a thank you to Julien for healing me when I came to.  It didn't hurt, I don't need casts, and he had a dog with him.  I think it doesn't get better than that for coming out of a nightmare trance.

I would have said those thanks sooner.  I wasn't sure if this was all real.  I think a part of me still expects to wake up back in that facility or hospital or whatever it was supposed to be.  

Was that real?  Why hasn't anyone else

Does anyone else think we should have a music night? With all different kinds of music to listen to? 'Cause even if they were favourites, hearing the same song over and over again was a lot.

Do you remember me and trying to get out?  I guess we did escape in a way.  Is Steven real in Dunwich too?

Are you okay? 
I remember something about a concert, maybe?

Aug. 31st, 2023




Julia and I are looking for anyone who could build some type of robot to send into the pocket dimension that pops up every second Tuesday of the month in Time and Again. Alison says people who enter it can lose anywhere from a few minutes to months of time and think they were there for only a few minutes or way longer. So holding off on any in person ventures at this point.

If you think you can build something that you could control while inside the pocket dimension and that could record what's happening inside of it, please let Julia or I know.

And if anyone has any other ideas for how to research this dimension, please also let us know!

Aug. 27th, 2023




Things have been rough lately, so this Tuesday's dinner will be catered by MIST. Come by after 6pm for a pasta and salad bar. There will be options for gluten-free and vegan there. I'd like to invite you all to spend some time among our fellow Mistakes and get to know people you may not have before.

Yelena did a good job, but there's a lot of things you have to do to run what is considered a charity. If I am taken out of my role here for whatever reason — I'm sick, I'm in a trance or I've died — I'd like to create a list of who would temporarily take my place. Steve, Tony — you are my obvious first picks for taking over my leadership role. Jake, you're my first choice for behind the scenes administration because you've been here since the beginning.
Thank you for doing what you did while I was not able to.




People keep asking about learning how to play football. Real football, not the bastardized version Americans play. So Tartt and I are going to teach the sport. Maybe we'll form a team here, whatever local teams are called here where you don't travel because you fucking can't.

So let us know if you're interested.

Gonna make this a MIST thing, if you're good with it.

Alright? Today sucked.

You up for giving some advice?

I was told to talk to you about buying a car.

Oi. Can we talk?