Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+016+it%27s+dangerous'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




Last Week
Logan & Dean
"Tonight was a burger and beers kinda night."
Todash | ⚠ Maybe hinted internalized homophobia?
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Jun. 1st, 2024




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May. 31st, 2024




My name is Prince Stolas, of the Ars Goetia. I serve all of Hell in all ways of the stars and their prophecies. I should like to warn you all that I have looked into your stars, and though I have not been able to study them as intently as I would have liked, they are very similar to the stars in my universe. Enough that I was able to discern something vital to the Dunwich populace.

I am certain you all know that Dunwich is not like other towns. It's not even like it's supposed to be. There is something very large and something very old looming over it. A demon of monstrous proportions who lies dormant, for the moment, in a place beneath the town. Beneath, yes, but also in another space entirely. He is locked in an eternal battle with another demon who is even more monstrous in his actions.

There will come a time when these two giants will emerge, and you will be forced to reckon with their coming. There may not be any aftermath to contend with, but I wish you luck.

May. 30th, 2024




a gift for the kids )




While I'm not one to cheer for aging, some things do improve with it.

Who's for a birthday rager?

And where may I inquire about hosting one? Terms and conditions can apply, of course.

Castiel, darling, you can arrange the entertainment, but keep it hell approved, naturally.

May. 29th, 2024




Does everyone use the internet here? There is so much on it. Eggos have their own website. And so many Eggos. Buttermilk Eggos. Blueberry Eggos. Chocolate chip Eggos. Cinnamon Churro Eggos. So many more!

Why doesn't RoxxCart have real Eggos?




Now that the worst of the settling in is done, it seems only fair to offer our services: my partner Edwin and I are the Dead Boy Detective Agency. Mostly we had been working with spirits before, unfinished business and all that. But this place doesn't seem to be lacking mysteries, or those that try to solve em, so if something's had you stuck let us know and we'll see what we can do.

Reasonable rates, et cetera. Kidding?




Did you ever have a dream so real you were pretty sure it happened?


Hey, mon ami. Where are you? Are you okay

May. 28th, 2024




With the influx of new residents to Pickman -- some of whose keys actually seem to work for, even -- I think it might be prudent to note a few things:

All "Mistakes" or transplants are welcome in Pickman, assuming the building itself allows it. If ever you find yourself regretting moving out or anything else, you can always return.

There is a jar of money at the front counter for those who are new and without gainful employment. Use it as you need. Or, when you later on get a job, refill it as generously as you like.

If you have questions, concerns or are in need of an escort to someplace else, you can get what you need from the employee at the front desk.*

There is limited space when it comes to washers and dryers. Please. Learn to set a timer.

Additionally, the walls are not sound proof. Please refrain from shouting, particularly at the time of night where most people like sleeping.

* Have I mentioned I'm hiring? Front desk attendees and security positions are currently available. Seek out your local Loki for details!




I tried my Pickman key again. It worked. We're supposed to tell everyone, right?

Cinna, I'm counting on you to help me make it look less like 13 decorate.

May. 27th, 2024








[ Mutants ]
We really need to put our heads together and figure out how to get this cursed watch off Morph. My claws couldn't cut through it and I guess magic doesn't work. Any other ideas? Beast, maybe we can pick that big brain of yours?




What's something you'd like to see at Erwin's Cafe?

In addition, I am still hiring. One manager requested, a barista and additional staff. I can train.


Would you help me select teas for my cafe?




For the record, when a ghost attempts to pass through the Ghost Line, they have no body to be forcibly ejected from. They are instead forced into a place that is somewhat beside this one, I believe, occupying the same space but unable to interact or communicate in any way with this place or anyone in it.

The effects seem to have lasted roughly 3-4 days.

I would not recommend future experimentation.



Text to Matt Murdock

Hi, you don't know me, but someone told me that you might be able to help me. That maybe you're a lawyer?

My name is Will Graham.

May. 26th, 2024




I've heard tomorrow is something of a holiday, the Starlight Theater will be open tomorrow night for a double feature. War of the Worlds, and the Thing from Another World.




[Will (Graham)]

So this might seem a bit strange, hear me out.
That friend I told about, the one that was acting paranoid - he's doing better now. You remember how I told you he can turn into animals? He can turn into a dog and he likes to do stuff like play fetch in the park. I thought you might like to meet him and the three of us could hang out? He can't talk out loud as a dog. He can use telepathy. If you're not comfortable, that's okay. He can send me a message to me, and I can tell you what he's saying. He might become a friend to you here. He's not judgemental at all.





Open To Their Friends

A Party • Sunday May 26 • Strawberry Spring Lanes • High for sexual humour, otherwise low

It's Richie's long overdue surprise party, combined with a welcome Mike party. It's very....eclectic.> </lj-raw><span style= )




There's a teacher here. He can teach me the science stuff I missed when I wasn't in school. Is that okay? I told him you might want to meet him first.







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Huh. Weather's not so bad lately.

Could do with a little less pollen in the air, though.




Hello, lovelies.

Daddy's home.




So yeah, the watch isn't coming off. It's not a bad watch but it's kind of putting a damper on my shapeshifting, since it doesn't shift with me. Whoever I turn into, it's them with a watch. Kind of a dead giveaway.

Plus, there's the demon face.

Logan used to be the only one who knew who I was no matter what I looked like

Anyway, I heard keys are working. Jubes, just let me know if yours does and you want to start decorating your own space. You can do whatever you want in my room, obviously, but I know it's cool to have your own too. Sleeping at MIST isn't so bad.




Who was it that said our keys suddenly work? I owe you an apology. Though I am taking back the toaster. Seems I have a shoebox of my own to put it in.

But really, who is in charge of decor? This room is not nearly as creepy as it could be.

May. 25th, 2024




I've been digging into what everyone's been researching about this supposed ghost line.

I guess I can't really call it supposed since it is something that keeps us here. Ghost line though?

Does anyone want to explore it a bit more with me?





Derleth University fields
2pm until 10 pm

Local vendors are welcome!

Three matches: adults, experts and under 20s

*experts means anyone with just a little experience

$20 entree fee for adults
(Anyone can pay for someone else to play!)
$5 entree fee for under 20s
$25 vendor fee, with 20% proceeds going to MIST

All proceeds from entry fees are going directly to the MIST Charity

Time for party/gathering after the matches








Who are you and why are you yelling for us?




A lot of people have come and gone in the past several weeks, and as a result, I just wanted to let those of you who might not be aware know that we have different groups that meet at MIST, as well as mental health services:

Support Group: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
Addicts Anonymous: Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm

As the resident therapist, I'm Dr. Theo Crain. You can schedule a 50 minute session with me that can be weekly, bi-weekly, or however often you need, or you can stop by my office at Mist anytime the door is open if you'd just like to talk informally.

May. 23rd, 2024




Last year, I taught horseback riding lessons for the under 21s. With the summer coming up, I thought I should mention that I'll be doing this again this year. If you're interested, let me know. I will be testing to see if the animals like you before agreeing to teach you.

June 20th is the final day of school. Apparently, all those snow days when there were fog monsters extended you year.