Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+christopher+pike'

Jun. 27th, 2023




I wanted to
I'm sorry about
I was hoping

I watched the DVDs. I apologize if I made you feel like I wasn't taking your concern seriously. I believe I understand better now why you were so insistent. I should have recognized that you had a different set of information than I did.

Jun. 24th, 2023




Mobius and his crew were able to make it into the church and find the time capsule. They've brought it here to MIST. There is a lot here, so I could use some help sorting through the things inside it.

[OOC NOTE: The items to be discovered can be found here. If you'd like to add items because you missed the first time it went around, feel free! Plot with people!]




Is there a club for people who have seen their friends disappear back into the mist?

Henri and I were on what I thought was a pretty damn good date and she went off to the bathroom and never came back. I saw some mist in that general direction, and now I've gotten the error on the network about her leaving.

Shit. That's just really shitty, you know?

Any luck finding a job?

AdmiralCaptain Pike
Do you have any openings at the sherrif's station?

Jun. 18th, 2023





Read more... )

Jun. 16th, 2023



The Dunwich Sheriff's Department Presents:

Dunwich provides some interesting logistical challenges. Such as: what happens when Mistakes do crime? Well, it turns out, the Sherriff's Department, made up almost entirely of your fellow Mistakes, has your back.

Introducting The Shenanigans Tank! Like a drunk tank, but for troublemakers. This is your go-to reference post if you want to make note of your character's regular appearance here or the details of their one off experience.
Get busted for crime? The Sherriff's Department will make a show of taking your character in and letting them cool off in the Shenanigans Tank. It might be a few hours to a few days. Once the locals have more or less forgotten what happened, your character is released.

(Obviously these are for smaller crimes. Do anything too big or too major and you might create a real headache. Please talk to a mod if you're interested in pulling on this plot thread, but work it out and get permission first!)
🚨 Get in the comments!

🚨 Check out the headers for regulars and one time offenders. That way characters in the PD, the community, etc, can get the vibe of what kind of trouble maker your character may or may not be.

🚨 Are you a member of the Dunwich Sheriff's Department? They'll be a section for that here as well so you can explain your character's role.

🚨 This is for reference and will be linked to the Dunwich PD/FD setting page? Possibly other pages?

Disclaimer: The vibes are light, people. The founding members of the Sheriff's Department do not come from worlds where horrific systemic abuse happens. They're free to reimagine and create a department whose literal purpose is to protect and serve their community, locals and mistakes alike. If this is not your thing due to real world awfulness, you have zero obligation to interact with this small pocket of game plot. That is 100% okay.

Jun. 14th, 2023




Please use this as the official "tip line" for information on Ani Flickerman and Richie Tozier.

If you were the last to see them, there whereabouts, anything at all, please drop a line here. You can do it anonymously as well, either by phone call, blocked text whatever, I don't know how these things work I'm sure it works, but please let us know.


I don't know this place as well as you guys. I'm heading to the outskirts but there's a lot of ground to cover. I've looked for missing people before, and it don't always end up great.

Do we want to have the rest of the group checking along the entirety of the ghost line to make sure they didn't go through for some reason?




Has anyone seen or heard from Richie today?  What about Ani?

Sheriff Pike or anyone else from the police department, is there anything I have to do to report them as missing?  Find them, find them now, please.


I won't be making dinner tonight. Sorry.


Can you keep an eye out for Richie and Ani when you're flying?

Jun. 4th, 2023





Time travel, teleportation, what else has the government invented since I got transported from my fuckin' home?

Jun. 3rd, 2023




Listen up. Anyone who's found DVDs, VHS, picture books, comic books, audiobooks, novels, records, radio plays or whatever the fuck else might be out there about me and mine?

Fucking out with it now.

And the rest of you that might be holding onto some weird shit you randomly found? Now's the time you could open your mouth and say something.

Just so I'm not a complete fucking hypocrite, I found a used boxset of DVDs about the Enterprise. The shrink wrap was opened and it's missing a few disks but most of it was there. Looks like it was filmed in the 1960s and there are different actors pretending to be you. It's yours if you want it. You're welcome.

We need to have a conversation.

Julia said you're the one that found that DVD. Anything else you want to add? Just wanting to cover my bases and make sure there's nothing else out there.

May. 20th, 2023




I ordered a few things when I thought we were going to be body swapped longer. Returning online orders are a hassle so I'm dropping it off at your place. Wear it, burn it. I don't really care. Enjoy the thongs wearing something that isn't flannel.




I think you should find yourself some formal wear and a very capable date for prom.

May. 5th, 2023



Margo's Dinner [Open To Fillory Crew, Richie, Pike]


Dinner with the Magicians

Taking orders was nothing new for Christopher Pike, but as a captain he'd gotten used to giving them rather than taking them. But that didn't mean he couldn't concede every now and again. And while Margo basically demanded that he would be cooking dinner for her and her friends, he knew at heart that it was actually a compliment. Maybe even a request. Not a gentle request, mind you, but after the body swap Pike felt that he knew Margo well enough to understand her mannerisms a bit better. He arrived at Margo's place—on horseback, mind you—a little before four and immediately started prep-work in the kitchen. He purchased the ingredients himself and planned it all. With the exception of the drinks which he left in the more skillful hands of Mixologist Eliot. He didn't know what to expect from the Fillory Family, but he did his best to make a meal he thought everyone would enjoy. But he was secretly glad that Richie was there as well so he wasn't the only odd one out.

The Details

The Fillory Crew, Christopher Pike, Richie Tozier

Margo's House

Friday, 7 pm

The Menu )

May. 2nd, 2023




You're making dinner at my place for my friends this week. What night works for you?

Apr. 28th, 2023




Margo Hanson & Chris Pike
April 23 & 27 | Margo's Place | SFW-ISH

How It Started vs How It Ended. Sometimes it takes a whole ass body swap to get Margo to stop objectifying a person and let them in. Christopher Pike gets a better understanding of Fillory's High King and isn't completely scared off. Yet.
Non-explicit, glossed over nudity & boot knocking. Gender swapping with no dysphoria.

Read more... )

Apr. 26th, 2023




I'm myself again. Margo and I figured out how to break the curse.

It's really quite simple. All you have to do is give the item you purchased from the pawn shop back. We think it might also be possible to end the curse by breaking the item, but seeing as we only had one we couldn't test that theory out.

I know a lot of you are scared and concerned that you won't figure out how to solve this problem, but you don't have to worry about this being long-term. As far as we can tell there's no reason to believe that this is permanent.

Although the issues of envy that may have instigated this are another matter entirely that you might want to work out with whomever you've switched with. Otherwise you might be stuck with some other problems for years and not to sound like too much of a boy scout or a fatalist but we might be here for a long time and you wouldn't want to be like this forever.

In short, it appears that this happened because some of us bought something from Needful Things and the change isn't permanent. In order to break the curse you need to give the item to the person you switched with or maybe destroy it. That second option is untested though.

So, just in case, don't do that. It's always best to err on the side of caution.

Apr. 13th, 2023




See the post below mine?

No one else touches him. My best friend is a little possessed. Quentin, Julia and I will handle it.

If anyone fucks this up for us, it probably won't work out the way you hoped.

Back off.

There's a good chance there's a god killing monster in Dunwich in the shape of my best friend.

I didn't tell everyone that part because I've seen enough to know there are idiots who think they're hot shit and will take that as a challenge instead of a warning.

I'm only telling you this because someone should probably know in case he slaughters the three of us before we save El. In theory, the axes I showed up with should do the trick. He trusts us enough to let us get close.

Anyway, if that doesn't work and we end up dead, good luck. I suggest pretending to be his friend and coddling him rather than attacking, but if I'm dead I really won't care and you do you. The bonus of the coddling route is he might actually have the power to send people home.

Whether he would or not is another matter.

Jim, Pike— if these are my last words, it was fun and I want a wake with at least a threesome in my honor, so you better figure it out.


ETA: We handled it.*

*(Still want to reply before Margo gave the all clear? Unless the subject header says otherwise, you can reply to Margo's original post and we'll assume your character responded beforehand.)

Apr. 10th, 2023




I'm sorry to have to make this post, but I was wondering if everyone wouldn't mind looking at the following photographs and letting me know if they recognize anyone in the pictures. We have a few missing persons cases the department would like to resolve.

Or... lie about and give the family some peace.

Whatever makes sense.

[Attached are eight photographs of people from missing persons reports. OOC NOTES: If your character has been doing some vigilante vampire slaying, feel free to have them identify one as a vampire that turned to goo when slayed. Up to five photos may be identified. The other three will remain mysterious.]

Hey, Magic Man. Don't suppose you can scry the location of some of these, assuming they're still alive? Apparently Dunwich PD budgeted for a psychic consult. I figure a sorcerer is probably better.

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 6th, 2023




Anyone else getting a lot of people asking them for selfies?

It's like they've never seen a horse before.

Or am I missing something? Feels like I'm missing something.

Apr. 5th, 2023




We haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet, I don’t think. I’m Chris Pike. I’ve been considering taking a small group beyond the Ghost Line to see how far it extends. Mobius suggested I talk to you about your experience before I make any plans. Something about a bug, I believe?

Apr. 4th, 2023




Hey Margo. Spock approached a few of us about something his … spirit guide?? told him about Dunwich and I wanted to reach out about the veracity of his vision. Is the information that someone receives after using your lizard always truthful? Or is there a vague interpretive element to it? because I don’t want to get people’s hopes up on a Vulcan’s delusions from a bad high

For the sake of transparency, Natasha, Mobius, and Jim Kirk have been attached as read-only on this message.

Apr. 3rd, 2023




I have your lizard. When can I return it?

With the assistance of High King Margo and her lizard, I have recently undergone a week-long ‘spiritual journey.’ During this experience I was in deep conversation with what I can only describe as projected aspects of my personality who reassured me that my—and thereby the rest of the Dunwich Outlanders—presence here, albeit long in duration, will be temporary. They also alluded to the fact that when I return to my universe it will be near to the time that I departed it. As such, it will appear as though no time has been lost. Although I have no means of quantifiably verifying the validity of the visions I received during this mental quest, I do trust they are accurate as it would be illogical for me to lie to myself.

They were, however, acquired by ingesting the epithelial secretions of a reptile. So, I cannot account for whether this information serves the betterment of the group or not. Nevertheless I felt that the community leaders and my commanding officers should be aware of my somewhat illogically obtained ‘discovery’.




Folks, we have easily over a hundred people at Pickman and I can't keep up with it by myself. I'm opening up several positions here at the house to keep it going now that we have a few folks paying rent as well as those who've given some generous donations for new arrivals.

FRONT DESK - Three full time positions, three part time positions, eight hour shifts. 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm, 11pm to 7am. I don't think it'll be particularly busy work, even with tasks such as keeping the lobby clean. Duties include greeting people as they come in and out and acting as a sort of concierge for new arrivals, making sure they have clothes, groceries and anything else they need to get them settled for the first few days. It's completely okay to read a book or pass the time with a quiet activity as needed.

SECURITY - One full time position, one part time position. Shift is approximately 10pm to 6am, but subject to change depending on sunrise/sunset. Duties include patrolling the property and walking anyone at night that needs to run a late night errand that doesn't wish to go alone.

For those of you who have found work and are staying at Pickman, please consider donating a percentage of your paycheck so that I can offer decent wages for their work. You can make those arrangements with me.

If you're interested in one of the jobs described above, come talk to me.

(OOC: Yep. Still costs 1 AC to pick up one of the jobs described above.)

Mar. 30th, 2023








Hello, Dunwich Transplants! As most of you are probably aware, there's a disco themed party at Margo's tonight. As fewer of you are aware, I've recently come into possession of everything that was in my closet back home. As protective of these clothes as I am because I'll never be able to find anything like them here (yes, even if I order from outside of the ghost line), I've decided to be generous because that's just what we do for each other. Let's assume for now that size is not an issue - not all of my clothes are necessarily in my size, many of them are sample sizes because they were gifts from designers, and I'm also pretty sure someone could magick things to fit whoever if we asked them to. If you need help getting something together, I have a lot to work with over here. You'll most likely be happier with my selection if you're a woman but I'm always for making ANYONE look pretty. My only condition is that you don't LOSE anything. I'm not so worried about damage because magic.


Mar. 29th, 2023




Do you have some construction skills or willing to learn? Working on the MIST building this week. Painting will be this weekend once we've gotten the bulk of construction done. I'd like to have the place up and running by Monday.

Any volunteers? And what would you be volunteering for?

Mar. 27th, 2023




[FILTER: 21+]
This Thursday I'm throwing a party at my place. The theme is disco. If you don't know what that is, look it up. You have the internet and no excuse. Anyone who shows up needs to get their Saturday Night Fever on or they'll be denied entry.

There will be an open bar. Probably more. If that's not your scene, no judgement here.

Anyone who enjoys throwing parties can meet me at my place tomorrow to help plan.

The address is [location] and the fun starts at 8:00 pm.




So, there aren't truency cops around here, right?

And does anyone know if you have to be 18 to get an account at the bank? I mean, they don't really seem to have labor laws around here like back home.

[Private to Steve]

Hey, man. I heard you were hurt. Hope you're okay.

Listen, when you're feeling better, I can bring you back the sweater and shoes and socks you leant me. I got a job, and they gave me a uniform and everything. I just need to wash everything and I'll bring them by, along with a pizza? (I'm working at the pizza place. They let me take home any unclaimed pies at the end of the night. It's crazy.)

Mar. 24th, 2023




    Alright she’s past the point where she’s making a lick of sense, so I’m taking Ani to the hospital. Tell anyone else you think would want or need to know, I can’t keep track of that woman’s friends.

    Check in.

Mar. 23rd, 2023




We've all had a hard couple of days and I thought it might be really helpful if we all put our heads together and added to my esteemed and not veeery recently updated Silver Linings List. Forgive me if I'm vaguely delirious, I'm a little sick but a girl still needs entertainment. 💋

The Silver Linings List )