Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+mercy+rivers'

Aug. 9th, 2023




This week sucks. Like real bad.

Private to Matt
Are you good? Because headphones are a little -- I shouldn't even TEXT should I? Talk to text is gonna fuck something up.




[Telepathically broadcast to any Telepath and Luke- Moments after Nell died {4am~}]

No, Please, please,please, no. Luke. Please Help.

{TW: Alcoholism}



[Text to friends*]

Don't mean to alarm anyone, but my sniffles got bothersome enough to warrant a jaunt to the hospital. Probably out of an overabundance of caution they've decided to keep me overnight. Please, no one fret. I'm already feeling better.

Hope everyone's headaches are abating. Mike's been keeping me off the network so I'll sleep.

[*ooc: if you want your character to be included, they are.]

Aug. 8th, 2023




Well, let's make you a mixtape.

Where are you? You're not allowed to be alone from now on. Sorry, no privacy, it's a new twin law.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a public list of everyone's songs somewhere, just in case.

Aug. 5th, 2023




Friday August 4th/Evening  •  Eddie's apartment.
⚠ fear of germs, fear of carbon monoxide poisoning, worries over food, potential argument between romantic partners
RATING - Medium. Will update if needed.
STATUS Ongoing

We need to talk )




What the fuck is wrong with this place?




So ah - I know that headaches seem to be the thing going around these days. But .... anyone hearing anything unusual right now?

Aug. 4th, 2023




I don't even remember the last time I got a headache. And here was me saying to Owen and Mercy that I never get sick or anything :(

Are there any sorts of painkillers that work on us? [...] Or me, I suppose I should say.

Aug. 2nd, 2023



text to Mercy


We need to talk.
I don't want this to hurt you.
Nothing will really change. We'll still have two places, just a little further apart.

I want to make a special dinner for you. How's Friday? We can start off the weekend with it.
Or you can dump me and I'll have the weekend to compose myself.




Despite my best efforts, the sniffles aren't ceasing and the headache isn't dimming. My deepest apologies, Todash friends and countrymen, but I'll be absent from your ranks tonight. And possibly tomorrow, just to be safe. Can't be getting into a kitchen in this state.

Alison, your miracle tea is delicious. I'm not giving up hope that it is also miraculous.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Seems I'm moving up in the world. Or at least, in town. I was given a notice that I have (somehow) inherited a home in the city. Downtown on Main Street, apparently. I've yet to see it for myself but I do hope for something with a bigger kitchen. Apologies to anyone who will have my room at Pickman. You might never get the smell of pepperoni or truffles out of there.

[ Kate Pryde ]
I put those black market cocoa beans you got for me to good use. I have a box for you to taste test.

[ filtered to all of Lyra's friends & Tandy ]
If you don't know me, this is Lyra's father uncle. Her birthday is this Saturday. I'll be having a special dinner and you all are invited.

[ Lyra ]
I'm afraid I will no longer be your neighbor.

[ Alexis ]
Don't suppose you would know the sort of thing an eighteen year old girl would want for her birthday?




Something about a carnival just makes me say nope. I'm getting the distinct impression I'm not really missing anything? Correct me if I'm wrong though, please.

Sorry to message you out of the blue, but word has it we have a murderer in our midst, and as the owner of this delightful little town's private investigation agency, I feel it'd be remiss of me if I didn't ask if we could offer our services at all.

All of which is to say, we're multi-skilled and here if you need us, and we'd appreciate any information you're comfortable sharing with us.

The kid was cagey to the point of radio silence. I think you might have better luck with him, the two of you seem close.




A very long time ago.
Daimon and Mercy
“There’s probably an easier way to make friends than this, isn’t there?”
Pickman | Low | ⚠ N/A
Read more... )




Lux & Ezreal
Permitting is completed and we've gotten the barn cleaned out and all of the basic utilities set up. We'll still need to install nicer lighting and sinks and furniture and things to make it the home you really want, but we're one step closer?

Found Family
Standing family dinners, Saturday afternoons? Or would Sundays generally be better? No need to rsvp, just show up if you'd like to, bring a dish if you can, and if you can't, that's alright, too. We might as well make it a tradition!

Customers of Time & Again! I just wanted to let you know that I'm now taking custom clothing orders. If you have any specific clothing needs or just cannot find clothes that are comfortable for you, please reach out to me or one of my employees and we can discuss what you are looking for and how we can make it happen for you.

Additionally, I never want money to be an issue. If you are unable to afford what you would like to purchase, I am willing to accept barters in goods or services- please speak with me and we can work something out! Hours in the shop helping with hanging up stock or setting up a window display- I'm willing to work with you based on your talents and need.

And if you know of any seamstresses or anyone willing to learn, I will gladly hire additional help!

Jul. 26th, 2023




Good morning, Dunwich.

My workout music has become increasingly stale. I'd love some recommendations from you, the people. The fellow listeners. The beings with ears.

Thanks in advance. Also, it's humid today. Don't forget to drink lots of water, especially if you're going back to Creepy-Ass-Joyland.

Hey, Lyra. I haven't talked to you in a while. What's new?

Little miss, I think we should go get dinner this week.

Hey. I miss talking to you. Can we be friends again?




Does anyone know if the Sindewinder Park is known to be haunted? I haven't seen many true ghosts, just conjured ones, but the sounds were very similar.

[Magic folk who have agreed to help her]

I would love to try and see if I am able to return to my true form, even if it is only sometimes. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

[Lyra and Tandy]
Do you know where I can get more of the food with cheese and bread?

[Sarah Williams]
I...I have a gift to thank you for your kindness. I made it and put it on your doorknob. I would love if we could take a walk, perhaps spend time together? This may sound strange but I am used to being around friends and being alone in my room has been...difficult.

Jul. 24th, 2023




June 27, evening.
"Knock knock"
Read more... )

Jul. 22nd, 2023




So like.

Has anyone here had random visions? Or you know.

Heard anyone calling their name randomly?

Jul. 18th, 2023




Tuesday - Evening
"Are you cheating on me with the Tunnel of Love, Eddie Kaspbrak?"
Read more... )




Are the figures in the wax museum supposed to be the Beatles or the Rutles?  Either way they need work.

There was a statue that sort of looks like me in there too.  It was dressed for a sock hop.  That is not what I would wear to a Beatles concert! If I had been around during the Beatles time.

There were no statues of 'Round Here.  Maybe that's good.  They didn't mess them up.




Oh look, it's another

OOC/IC Plot Post : Tolkien Triple Feature Extravaganza!


Information under cut! )




Has anyone else received items from home?

I've received letters from the High King. I'm not sure if that means he's here or not.

I don't think he is. Cardan couldn't help but make his presence known if he was but I'm not sure.

Jul. 17th, 2023





I really wish this place would stop fucking with my family.

I don't know what to do.

Jul. 14th, 2023




Ani was happy with her new universe, new Ani life.   Fuck that mist for giving it to her and then taking it away without any goddamn warning.  Fuck the mist if it takes anyone else away that wants to be here too.

We're still doing date night, right? 

I'm finally making an appointment for allergy testing. Ani encouraged me to Who's coming with me? All of you is the best answer. Is next Wednesday okay?

Jul. 13th, 2023





I beg your pardon?

Jul. 12th, 2023




Whoa, apparently, Town Hall is all abuzz with a murder in town. A woman who worked at the Langolier Bank, I think? They just said the bank, and that seems to be the main one. I don't think I knew her.

Anyone else hearing about this?

Jul. 11th, 2023



Network Post-Howard Stark

I have to hand it to Mr. in Boots, that was by far the best film I've ever seen. Move over Casablanca, get out of the way Wizard of Oz, heave-ho Gone With the Wind. Extraordinary! I think I'll make seeing these movie screenings more, especially since Dr. Strange has so kindly arranged them. Thanks for looking out.

What films do I absolutely need to see that came out after 1946? What are your favorites? Anyone ever see Kid Colt??

Peggy Carter
So, Pegs. Seems you left a couple details out when we talked. About me having a son? And a wife? Did you know? About both of them?

Tandy Bowen

Let's work on seeing if we can direct the light to help you fly. Out in a field near the forest will be a safe spot for that and we don't need to worry about anyone seeing while we figure out a good regular experiment location. Let me know if you thought of more things to test.

Steven Strange

I believe you are the man to ask about multiverses. Am I right?

Jul. 9th, 2023




What does network user not found Loki mean?




No, Dunwich, your eyes do not deceive you. Tracked N' Solved is no more, and the agency now goes by the name of Mistery Inc.. Anyone who gets it gets a coo Yours truly has found himself officially owning the place, and I figured new owner so why not new name?

It's business as usual other than that, though, so you know where we are if you need anything investigating.

Were you the one who asked about a job?

Okay, kid, time to get down to brass tacks. I'm getting the distinct impression a lot of people who aren't prone to worry are worried about this critter of yours, the one you accidentally summoned. I need to track it, and normally I'd use something of the target to do said tracking, but I'm thinking in this case something of yours might be the ticket. Hair is the easiest, and decidedly less messy than blood.

[...] I know you did this with the best intentions, Dustin, but if this thing is as potentially dangerous as everyone seems to think or believe, then knowing where it is and having the means to pinpoint its location can't be a bad thing, right?

Jul. 8th, 2023




Have you gone back?

We should figure out who's in which campaign. And I have a pitch for you.

If your world is in a different time or really not like Dunwich, did you change how you dress when you got here or do you still wear the same kind of thing you wore back home as much as you can?