Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+percy+de+rolo'

May. 27th, 2023



Prom Night!


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May. 22nd, 2023




I have found the best memoir.
Absolutely great epic stories about this adventurer and his groupies. It's called 'Taryon Darrington and his Vox Machina.'
Anyone ever heard of this guy?

May. 19th, 2023





Who is it to that I'm speaking to in this device? A lady just gave it to me. But I see messages inside. Secrets?

I could disassemble it and figure it out that way but hello magical device people where are you? I think I'm lost. I've never seen Zaun like this and theres definitely never been any green stuff. Or beaches.

( ooc: ⚠ trigger warning for death threats)

May. 13th, 2023




The lobstrocities on the beach have been dealt with. All the beaches are open for business!

Except for Dark Score Lake. They're still there.




These cellphones are super interesting. I've taken apart two. They would be better with magic but what you all have done without it. Super unique.
Arriving here was so worth not getting that Tear of the Goddess. And there's tacos here. That I can get at any time.
I love this community network thing too.

May. 10th, 2023



[One Small Network Post, One Large Misunderstanding.]

[OOC Background: Due to the appearance of disturbing snails which lead to Boorman's well meaning but entirely incorrect post about the snails potentially being transformed people, in combination with Carver being a very specific kind of vampire that makes him appear no different than a corpse during the day while he sleeps, while most people still being unaware that Carver is a vampire, a routine wellness check by Boorman to check on said vampire leads to an ambulance appearing at Pickman and Carver's undead self being removed in a thankfully light tight body bag. As a result, Mobius has sent the following network post below.]

I am so sorry to make this post. One of our newer residents, Carver, was found deceased in his room this afternoon after a wellness check. We are working with our friends at the morgue and the Sheriff's Department to get to the bottom of what happened.

When I have more answers, I promise they will be provided. For those of you who got to know him during his short time here, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

ETA [LATER AFTER SUNDOWN]: I have an important update. It appears to be a misunderstanding. No, I will not go into the details. Please do not bother Carver with them, as he is entitled to his privacy.

The snails had nothing to do with this. It was, very thankfully, one large misunderstanding.




Anyone get turned into a snail recently?

I caught one. Sort of looks like Carver? You know? Pink hair, leather jacket?

I tried texting him but didn't get a response. Anyone else seen or heard from him?

...Or know what to feed cursed snails?


Don't suppose anyone could turn him back?





They're disgusting and weird and they're chasing people and they were NOT around yesterday.

May. 9th, 2023





Those invitations make things a lot more official than they were yesterday. I stuck the invitation on the fridge (thanks to the complimentary magnet that I got from Tower of Pizza). If that won't make my apartment feel like home, I don't know what will aside from Doug. Don't think about Doug. Don't think abo!

I guess that means I get to spend some of my sweet little salary at Time and Again. Go visit the cat and Enjolras. Did you know that I never even went to prom? I had mono and obviously spent those few weeks in bed watching The Disney Channel and begging my mom to bring me more pudding.

This is all exciting. OH! AND! Pickman residents get 10% off of each purchase at Perkatory which goes directly back to Mobius to help cover housing costs. Surprise! Also, you get 5% off with proof of recent purchase from Pagemaster! And yes, I highlight the receipts, so you can use each one once.


I guess we're not going to chaperone after all, Eadwulf. Maybe you'd just like to go to prom with me?

May. 1st, 2023




So, what is it we've figured about those folk who swapped bodies or powers?

Everyone get that outta their systems or there still some hangers on?




First, thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our training session last month. The survival classes have been added official to MIST, every Saturday. From 1 to 4pm. You don't need to stay the full time.

The classes are divided into two sections. I'd love an assistant to teach more survival skills. I have some names in mind, but I'd like to ask, first, especially as we've had new people come.
Tracking and hunting, starting fires, living in the wilderness...who knows what we'll need in this place. Anything can come in handy.

For hand to hand combat, I'll be leading those courses. Don't worry if you have no practice in it or if you are an expert. It's for everyone to join to keep up skills. If you attend Natasha's course in the morning, you are welcome to join this one to practice your techniques. If enough people join, I can ask for another assistant, if someone is interested.

Let me know if you'll be attending.




Okay so! I (with some help) had a truly fantastic idea. We're going to be throwing a singles event! This will include a fashion show, karaoke, speed dating etc etc.

It's a free event, for charity. I'm not sure what to put the proceeds to yet though, any ideas? Any like, worthy causes here?

Send me a DM if you want to help out :)

[Filter to Natasha and Mobius]

The donations are going to go to Pickman and MIST. Is there anything on particular either place needs so I can add it to the donations list?

We've got the basics covered - clothing, personal necessities, money if anyone is able, food. Anything outside of the typical boxes you can think of? We're also thinking people can donate time and/or skills to help with like maintenance items or whatever.




So, uh. Forgot to mention I start work today.

So if you're at Derleth and see me wandering around with the toolbelt and working on..things, don't worry. Just doin' my job. Little bit of everything- maintenance and grounds.

There's also the chance for reduced tuition in the fall, so that's pretty cool. I don't know what I'd start taking classes for, but there's a whole bunch of standard basics to start with so I figure I'd start there and figure out what I like after that.

Apr. 19th, 2023




I'm so glad that I was holding my phone when I got stuck like this, but it's so annoying having to have someone come plug my phone in for me.

So, uh, I realize it's the middle of the night, but can someone come plug my phone in for me?

Apr. 18th, 2023




Tell me your favorite songs from this universe. Tell me what songs from this universe you think I'd like. Tell me what songs from this universe remind you of me.

Theme: Dress Inspired By Your Favorite Song From This Universe!
DISCLAIMER: You may be lazy about your participation in the inspired dress portion of this theme. You may also be an absolute bore about it and not even do a bare minimum on the dress portion as long as you're prepared to lose a few points with me. The song portion is NOT optional. This is my decree, not Maysi's. You may pick ONLY ONE SONG.

As far as gifts go, Maysi has asked me to stress that they are not required. I'd like to add that you could consider your favorite song a gift because Maysi wants musical recommendations (hence the theme). But again, YOU MAY ONLY PICK ONE SONG because I want to make sure we very carefully consider our choices.

[ooc: pretend there's a time/day/place in this space lol I just wanted to get the theme out there but I need to sort the other stuff out with chele] Get song hunting, friends!
MARGO Hey! How did stuff turn out with your friend?
FIVE Remember when we used to see each other outside of lunchtime? 😿 Miss that.
JUNIA Hey! So, good news on the therapy front. I have a name and I have a number and I have the nerve to call and make an appointment on your behalf if you'd like me to do that. Let me know!




[Filtered to Adults]

Hey, do we have any sorta program for the teenagers here? Like. Guardianships and extra help for them?

One of ours got signed up for school and didn't know about it until this weekend before she started yesterday and she didn't know what to expect or what was needed. I got her sorted out with supplies and clothes, and set up a grocery delivery to her apartment, but what about the others? Not everyone's grown up fending for themselves and knows how to do all that kinda stuff.

And will the schools ask for guardian numbers or something? I told her she could put down mine, but let her put whoever she felt comfortable with.

Apr. 14th, 2023




How was your week, my dear Dunwichers? Doing anything cool this Friday? Got anything fun going on this weekend? Have you had any exciting new experiences you'd like to share? What would you be doing tonight if you'd never been mistnapped?

My most recent exciting new experience is that I went invisible on purpose after not even twenty minutes of sitting there and thinking about it. I still have no fucking idea what I'm doing but I think I'm almost doing it right. Came out of it in about a half hour which is a record for me, and I'm pretty sure that I got so, so, so close a few times before I actually got there.
MAYSILEE DONNER + FRIENDS OF MAYSILEE DONNER OOC: ANYONE WHO CONSIDERS MAYSILEE A FRIEND IS INCLUDED IN THIS FILTER BECAUSE MAYSILEE WOULDN'T FORGET TO INVITE HER PEEPS <3 On the twenty-first of April, our beloved Maysilee Donner turns twenty-six years old. 😻 I've known Maysi for a long time but this is the first time I've ever had the opportunity to celebrate her birthday with her and I am seizing the shit out of it. Don't try to stop me, Maysi, it can't be done. You may, however, describe the kind of party that would make you the very happiest.

Apr. 13th, 2023




Percy & Vax
So late night it's early | a random Dunwich street | PG-ish

Vax arrives in typically dramatic fashion. It's luck (or fate) that Percy is the one there to greet him.
Since it's them? Probably guns and talk of death.

Read more... )

Apr. 11th, 2023




Ah, Scheisse. Not again.

Spent two hours dealing with giant ants and now I'm not even getting paid.

Apr. 10th, 2023




Just a quick reminder, this week is THAT week for me. If I'm acting weird, it's not me, it's the 🧠.

Apr. 9th, 2023




Here's a list of things y'all told me were real yesterday:

🧛 Vampires - proof to be seen soon, thanks to the Doorman
🪄 Witches - don’t need a coven
🪄 Wizards - don’t live in towers?
🧙🏻‍♀️ Mages - not wizards or witches but not that different?
🦞 Giant Lobster Creatures - definitely a first, absolutely exist.
📣 Other Realities - no way to prove it
🌳 A Giant Evil Maze - missed it
👻 Ghosts
🧟‍♀️ Zombies - but not the terrifying kind?
⚡️ Norse Gods
🐈 Talking Cats!!!!!!

🔮 So basically everything I've tried to prove is real over the last however many years. I’m sorry for being skeptical. Someone told me that everything I needed to see is right in front of me.

I wish I had some cool thing to share, but all I am is human.

I’m Mercy.

This place is the creepiest dream come true.

Things you aren't showing me?
📣 Proof.

Not sure if this is working, but I had to get Coby to the hospital. He's in a bad way, and I've been sitting in a chair in his room all day. We're in Wing B, Room 7. Can you please bring some food and a change of clothes for him? Thanks.

Apr. 7th, 2023



After the notices went out.

He's back with his family.

That's a good chunk of my suppo

That was the largest group to disappear.

Did anyone see what happened?




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Apr. 5th, 2023




The people of Dunwich have finally decided to give me work to do

I don't like it

Haymitch, Ani
I'm at the middle school, too





Last night I went to that damn bar and listened to some sad sap ramble on about her failed relationship, and I just sat there because—I don’t know, what else is there to fucking do—and I just told her to dump his ass? Then she gave me $20, and someone who worked there told me to get behind the bar and start making a margarita.

It’s been a long shift that I didn’t want. I don’t know what I’m doing Can you snort ground coffee beans? I know what the answer is but I’m hoping someone tells me the opposite.

Apr. 4th, 2023




Oh man, the light on Needful Things is on. There's someone inside and things are starting to pop up in the windows. Some of the things are really weird, but super interesting. I'm pretty sure I saw a full-sized Jurassic Park velociraptor in there. Really wish I had a bigger place because I WANT IT.




So uh - this isn't my first time down here, but I guess maybe things have changed since the last time I was here?




I don't think I will ever understand this place.

I went to Sidewinder Park, and ended up with a job.

Apr. 3rd, 2023




It seems that I have a week to learn how to use these newer computers and more on these telephones.

Would anybody be able to help this old woman learn some new tricks?

Apr. 2nd, 2023




So. Pickman House.

I’m assuming room and board is free because the building is crawling with ghosts, nebulous spirits, and a fuck ton of shady otherworldly hell that has no business being in the walls possessed. Are we choosing to live there because of the spooky shit or in spite of it?

I sense I’m not alone here. I’m Dan.

[*If you believe your character’s abilities qualify as the shining in their own universe you can have them respond. Uncertain? Here’s a list of Stephen King characters with a version of the shining.]