Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+eponine+thenardier'

Nov. 11th, 2023




I'm sorry to bother you at home
WHAT: Eponine seeks a safe spot
WHERE: The Bishop-Clairmont House
WHEN: Saturday, 11 November
STATUS: Complete
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Nov. 1st, 2023




Well. This is delightful. Hello again, Dunwich.




Is this..an eclipse? I didn't see that any were expected, and I can't seem to find out if this sort of darkness is happening all over the world or just in this town.

I am so, so sorry for my behavior yesterday- I hope that I didn't make you too terribly uncomfortable.

I..should thank you. For your help yesterday.

Oct. 15th, 2023



present day

Monday, 10.16 - early morning
Addie & Eponine
Grappling with lost time, esoteric reading material, and secrets.
Pagemaster | Low | ⚠ none
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Oct. 11th, 2023





So. A couple weeks ago I found this weird carving at the Historical Society, followed by this weird symbol. A couple of us have been looking for where else it might have popped up in Dunwich and we've found it on a book by a former resident in town but I swear I've seen it elsewhere and can't remember.

It's related to some...IDK if its an old god or what really, but its something that used to be worshipped in Dunwich a long time ago and comes from the ocean. I think. The book's kind of vague on that and the chapter about this particular thing is missing because of course it is. So I'm just finding little references to it here and there in the rest of them.

But if you see it anywhere can you let me know?*

Also anyone want to help me with a little necromancy?

Julia, Daimon, Rory, Mobius, Diana
The dreams got worse. I still can't see what exactly it looks like.

I saw my coworkers under the water. They'd been killed. And other people I've never seen before were there too.

Plus it showed me a crown. I am so over things trying to give me crowns.

And I'm hearing it talk to me outside of my dreams which seriously can't be good.

(ooc: *talk to me if you want your character to have seen it)

Oct. 7th, 2023




I'm so glad today is Saturday! I want to stay curled up in my blankets for as long as I can. Blanket Fort anybody?

Oct. 6th, 2023



90s Mary

Everyone keeps talking about thin veils and that I might be seen by more people- is that something worn by everyone during October?

[Eponine and Marc and Layla]
Theo wants to watch a movie called Hocus Pocus tonight, would anyone like to come watch it with us?



1997 - Eponine

Do we really have to go to school this many days of the week? I didn't need any of this junk at home! I can read and write and do my sums and these classes are BORING I'd rather be outside or in my room listening to music or something.

Sep. 29th, 2023




Bryn & Eponine
Post WTF | Walking Home | TBD

Bryn walks home from Todash, and runs into a friendly(?) face. If I had a heart(beat)..
Will add if needed.

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Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 26th, 2023




Catra didn't demand all the small talk that a lot of people of this world seemed to like.
WHAT: Eponine notices Catra's a little..off
WHERE: Todash Tavern
WHEN: Evening, 26 September
STATUS: Incomplete
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Sep. 20th, 2023




If you see a blue and black wolf that was there one minute and gone the next, don't worry, you're not going crazy. That's just Kosmo. He's friendly unless you're not friendly, then all bets are off.

Still think this place is insane and I would love to leave, but thanks for giving me my friend I guess.

[ooc; If anyone wants to say that Kosmo teleported through their apartment at Pickman while he was trying to find Keith today, feel free!]

Sep. 19th, 2023




Hell of a place you all got here. Gotta admit though, never thought being held somewhere against my will would come with the suggestion to introduce yourself on the internet. First time for everything, right?

I'm Nyx. Got here the other day.

Sep. 14th, 2023




Alison is still missing. It has been nearly two full days since she disappeared into the pocket dimension at Time and Again. I am beside myself with worry. There is truly no way to reach her, is there?

[ Addie, Eponine, & Richie ]
I’m starting to wonder if I should relocate to a new apartment.

Sep. 8th, 2023



[tw: bodily injury, blood]

[Magic users]
Are any healers available to heal a minor cut? It's on my hand. Seems shallow. Tried waiting it out but it refuses to close on its own.

Could you close up again today, please?

[Stephen Strange]
I've been trying to reach Luc. Since you talked him into leaving in the first place, I thought maybe

[A&C Salvage]
This may be a long shot but I recently wrapped my car around a tree. Locals have told me it's beyond repair. Could you take a look? If not, it's yours to scrap.

Sep. 4th, 2023




I tried the coffee shop that reopened this morning- Ivy, it looks wonderful in there, and I really enjoy the ambiance.

I was really sorry to see Mr. Sharpe was taken away- he was so very kind to me the few times we spoke.

I think I'm up for my morning hikes again. Do you want to plan to train together later this week?

Are you- how are you feeling? Could I bring you coffee tomorrow morning when I come in to work?

Sep. 2nd, 2023




Those of you who went into the trance and started floating, could you check in with me on how you're doing? Any headaches? Phantom pains? Other issues going on? Physical, not mental. Unfortunately, I'm not a therapist or psychologist. This month

Aug. 14th, 2023




Eadwulf, Enjolras, Thomas
I'm sorry if my..disappearance worried you. I'm awake and staying with Monsieur Clairmont and his wife in their home for now- she has magicked a player with music so it plays my song and it seems to help keep me grounded and from falling back into the trance, and I have headphones to help as well.
But- are you well? Did I miss- well, it seems as though I missed a lot, but still...

Thank you again for your help these last several days. I'm certain this isn't quite what you signed up for when agreeing to be my guardian, but it's- I appreciate it very much. You and your wife are very kind to take me in.

I cannot thank you enough for your help, nor can I apologize enough for causing you such distress. I promise that I'll make it up to you later. Are you- have you been well otherwise?

Has anyone been able to help Addie yet? I've only just found out that she was affected as well, and I think- I'm pretty sure that I know what song might help her.

Aug. 11th, 2023




Music doesn't help my desire to not sleep or exist in Dunwich anymore




I want to scan the people that are floating, and some of the people with headaches as well. It's completely non-invasive, I don't need to touch anyone or get samples or anything like that. Lyla scans them and the area around them, that's all.

I want to scan them to see if there's any trace of something that's Vecna and not them, and then it'll be something else to help locate him/Eddie. Energy signatures, some weird trace element or compound, something that shows up this link he's established that can be disrupted by songs. Then again, there may be nothing there, I don't know.

The people floating can't give consent, though, and I've had to deal with entirely too much red tape before now, so I guess I'm asking for consent from their Next of Kin to do these scans.

[Edit] Monsieur Clairmont, do I have your permission to visit Ms. Eponine Thenardier at your home?

Aug. 8th, 2023




I've had this headache for a few days now, but it wasn't like this before.
WHAT: Sparring goes terribly wrong
WHERE: Outdoors, Sidewinder State Park
WHEN: Morning, 8th August
WARNINGS: Nightmares- assault, fighting, talk of fae awfulness (if you notice there's something else I forgot to note please let me know!)
STATUS: Complete
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Aug. 3rd, 2023




I suppose we have that in common, you and I.
WHAT: Tea and a chat
WHERE: Pagemaster
WHEN: Midday, July 30th
WARNINGS: Minor talk of death (non-graphic)
STATUS: Complete
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Aug. 1st, 2023



Beach Day!


(Click the image for more!)

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Addie LaRue & Eponine Thenardier
08.01 morning | Pagemaster | Low

Restocking shelves goes faster with some tunes.

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Jul. 31st, 2023



(tw drug mention)

hey janet?

how come the beach here smells like cold lobsters and where are all of the boats and dance clubs and cocaine sharks?

Jul. 29th, 2023




There was nothing to be nervous about.
WHAT: Eponine brings books and snacks and tries to make a friend
WHERE: Chrissy's Apartment, Pickman House
WHEN: Backdated early/mid July?
WARNINGS: Some talk of their shitty families
STATUS: Complete
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Jul. 26th, 2023




Does anyone know if the Sindewinder Park is known to be haunted? I haven't seen many true ghosts, just conjured ones, but the sounds were very similar.

[Magic folk who have agreed to help her]

I would love to try and see if I am able to return to my true form, even if it is only sometimes. I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

[Lyra and Tandy]
Do you know where I can get more of the food with cheese and bread?

[Sarah Williams]
I...I have a gift to thank you for your kindness. I made it and put it on your doorknob. I would love if we could take a walk, perhaps spend time together? This may sound strange but I am used to being around friends and being alone in my room has been...difficult.

Jul. 19th, 2023




WHERE Pagemaster• WHEN Today
Jude comes to buy a book and ends up making a friend. WARNINGS nah
She smiled. It was a bit awkward. Read more... )

Jul. 16th, 2023





matthew & eponine
14 july, MIST building
catching up & checking in

mention of the horror house/visions

Jul. 13th, 2023




Eadwulf Grieve & Eponine Thenardier
07.13 sunrise | Sidewinder | Low

Eponine meets a strange creature at the lake. Eadwulf is also there.

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