Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+eddie+munson+%28au%29'

Mar. 17th, 2024





Hells. Is it just me, or is it getting awfully crowded?


Yes, hello. I do believe someone from the world that Shadowheart and I come from has arrived here in Dunwich. We've not met them yet but if you come across them, do send them my way? We have a bit of catching up to do, I'm sure.




There is way too much going on, and my brain is not comprehending it.

People were floating like Vecna, but then it was not like Vecna.
Then people were sleepwalking and writing messages in blood.
Now people are turning to stone?

Did I get that right? Or am I completely losing it?

Mar. 14th, 2024





bloody symbol on the statue

kinda of dazed

help please

Mar. 12th, 2024




So everything is okay now?

No more headaches, dreams, sleepwalking? It was just a fluke?

Mar. 7th, 2024




[Harley & Ivy]
Head's killing me. Heard that's going around. If I end up floating in the basement, don't let the hyenas eat me.

[John & Sylvie]
Anyone feeling like a helium balloon today?

[Eddie K]
Hey. You're not completely terrible at karaoke.

[Eddie M]
Not that it's any of my business but How's your friend doing?




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)




Hey, uh, guys?

Not to alarm anyone -- actually, that is wrong I am definitely trying to alarm someone because


Which is to say that I just found Addie and she's --

I mean she's floating in here just like -- well. Nothing's broken this time but

What's her favorite song?

Maybe a little help here??? Pagemaster!

Mar. 5th, 2024





I've got this awful headache, I'm going to be in my room. Could I ask that any loud noises in the house be put on... like, a hold, for a little bit? Just until I feel less...

Come check on me later and make sure I haven't accidentally birthed a Greek goddess? It's that kind of headache. Athena might be in there.


Nightmares about the ocean. Did you ever get the...

Thing? We talked about. A thing. To stop it?

Sorry, I can barely think straight with this headache.

Mar. 1st, 2024





Are we... karaoke people?

Feb. 26th, 2024



Around 3am.

She's gone.




I'm going to miss Katniss a lot.




[Back dated soon after this conversation with Astarion.]


So, I couldn't talk to that little tadpole, because someone else was also in Astarion's thought space. Seemed to be another elf, he was pretty put off and surprised I was poking around, and wouldn't tell me much.

But from what I managed to figure out, there is another presence in Dunwich now, protecting y'all somehow. I am not sure. The stranger sort of pushed me out of the telepathic link when I figured that bit.

Handsome, but rude and secretive as hell, and now I got a headache the size of Louisiana.

Feb. 25th, 2024




I had a patient come in with something very interesting in her head. You might even say it's a tadpole suspicious.
The previous version of you who was here was a neurosurgeon. Is that the same for you?
Guess who just got another MRI to do. I don't suppose you have any progress on the tricorder?

Feb. 23rd, 2024





Hells. Did you get that too?

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.

Feb. 11th, 2024




Which one of you has a death wish?

Please tell me that we're not doing something insipid for Valentine's Day. I'm much rather discuss the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
I need a guide. Neither of you are signed up for it. I don't actually need guiding, but I have to have a guide. Will one of you do it?

Feb. 10th, 2024




Soooo if one were to open a new third place/social space, what would you like to see? I know I've seen requests for karaoke and more dancing. Drag shows? Small concerts? Classes of some kind?

Feb. 8th, 2024




Okay, but what does all things serve the beam even mean? There were a bunch of flyers around campus today, promoting the church. Blah, blah, it's not about religion, it's about spirituality or whatever they say. But if it's not about religion, why do you have a church? Why are you trying to recruit? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE?

But seriously, any ideas on all things serve the beam? What beam? WHAT BEAM??





Saturday night, my room at Pickman. I'm throwing a surprise party for Gar's birthday.

The door will be unlocked, everything is going to be decorated and set up. Sneak in by 8pm and hide. I'll bring him at 8:15.

If I can be really bossy for a second, if anyone spoils the surprise I will pick you up and throw you into the Ghost Line.

Vegan foods only please, if you bring anything.

Feb. 5th, 2024




If you ran the Todash Tavern, what would you be interested in seeing there? Once a month karaoke? Weekly trivia nights?

Can you help me and Owen Sharma secure a business loan? We're looking to buy the Todash from the current owner.




So Ronnie told me someone was interested in reviving Corroded Coffin with us.

That got me thinking if I held tryouts would anyone want to audition for a metal band?

Ronnie's on drums. I play guitar and sing. Minimum we need a bass, but another guitar and vocals would be good. Not that we can play outside of Dunwich, but we're pretty much used to playing in the same small town for about five drunks in a dive bar on a good night?

Ability to dodge beer bottles a plus.

Must be comfortable practicing in a literal dungeon.

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 29th, 2024




Now that I'm steadier on my feet, let me apologize for my behavior a few days ago.

I wasn't very coherent. And I'll try not to repeat it.

You're crazy. But thank you again for your help. And the blood.

If I can ever do anything to repay the favor, please let me know.

Please read me out.

I apologize if any of you have felt the ramifications of my behavior a couple of days ago. I was fighting Frenzy, and I may have conflated my intentions. I also very much would like to be able to promise that say it won't happen again, because I am usually better than this. This town really caught me off guard.

Jan. 26th, 2024




I'm aware I don't know a ton of you guys yet, but I'm in a little bit of a tight spot at the moment.

I need the kind of sustenance that your average wargh-blargh-I-am-Dracula-actually-we-actually-kind-of-dislike-Dracula-and-Bram-Stoker-in-my-world-because-they're-a-little-you-know? Dramatic

And I am not in town. I played Timmy in Oliver Twist in school once.

Imagine that scene.

Jan. 23rd, 2024




So is there a way to find someone with their phone?

Ronnie called me yesterday but didn't answer when I picked up and I haven't caught her at Pickman so...

Jan. 19th, 2024




Anyone know the best way to get permanent marker off your face?

Your time is coming. Vengeance will be mine.

OOC Reference Image! )

Jan. 16th, 2024




I have finished mapping the new perimeter of the ghost line and updated the coordinates into the application created by the previous Spock. You should all have access to the new boundaries. If your app does not appear to be showing the updated borders, I suggest turning your device off and then back on.

On an unrelated note, could someone explain the β€˜Angel Fever’ to me? I have seen mention of it, but did not wish to intrude on the conversations of those personally affected. Thank you.

I hope you don’t mind, but I have taken the liberty of repairing your vehicle using surplus parts obtained from a local junkyard. I reinforced the panel on the passenger door where the lobstrosity ripped a hole in it. As an extra precaution I did the same to the driver’s side as well. The metal struck me as egregiously thin for a craft that may see battle. Likewise I updated some of the rusted areas of your suspension and replaced the brake pads no doubt worn by your reckless driving. I had other ideas for improvement, particularly if you intend to use this vehicle for future monster hunting or mounting rescues. If you’re interested we can discuss how to go about applying them.

Please let me know if the updated map is up to your standards and specifications. If there is anything else you would like for me to work on, I can be available at your earliest convenience.

Lieutenant Noonien-Singh’s recent observations have given me an idea. I would like to see if I can get close enough to one of the mist monsters in order to scan its biosigns and potential frequencies with my tricorder. This data may help reveal a correlation to the ghost line force field. Would you care to assist me?

Jan. 13th, 2024




Yeah, you know what? I'm not a huge fan of the whole "creepy noises in the fog" thing. Been there, done that, choose to pass.

Can we talk?

Jan. 12th, 2024




Okay, yeah, I'd like to report something immediately.

So you know that weird statue of The Unknown Traveler? Spock and I definitely heard some rather freakish sounds out in the mist today, and whatever it was seemed pretty damn close.

There were also footprints of the non-humanoid variety.

Eddie M.

So, I know monster is a contentious word around here, but it definitely sounded something close to that title.

Jan. 9th, 2024




Attention all booklovers! Pagemaster is suffering a sentient fuzzball invasion and will be closed until further notice. Or until Clint Barton figures something out.

If you put in any orders, don't hold your breath. These things eat books now.

ETA: If you love books and/or have a spare afternoon, come help us hunt and gather the multiplying fuzzballs (for purposes of humane relocation via Ghost Line) and earn my undying gratitude in the process!

ETA 2: And maybe a coupon!

ETA 3, a few hours later: Has anyone seen Kate? Brunette, gorgeous eyes, phases through buildings? I seem to have misplaced her...