Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'baldur%27s+gate+3:+astarion'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




I will say, the radio station has gone quite downhill since I started my sabbatical.


I've given thought to your suggestion about combining our talents for some sort of a crime dramatization.

I do believe we ought to do it. I don't know about you, but I could use something productive to occupy my time.


How are you doing?

May. 20th, 2024



Backdated to Friday, about 10 minutes after sunset

[Sheriff Hopper]

Hi, this is Michael. You had to get me back to Pickman this morning. Thank you, and I'm really sorry that even happened.


Hi. I dunno if I messed up or not. Does Sheriff Hopper know about people being vampires and stuff? I dunno who knows what.




As much as I hate to disappoint, I will be taking a sabbatical at the radio station. There is nothing to say, at the moment.

I have faith that you will find something else to listen to.

May. 9th, 2024





I am leaving some food for you, at your doorstep. Try not to let yourself have it all at once.

May. 7th, 2024




[OoC: backdated a couple of days to just after this chat with Tandy]


Can I ask you a favor?


Hey! How're you? I have questions for you!

May. 3rd, 2024



tw agoraphobia

I shall be returning this weekend to the airwaves, back from my little sabbatical. I do apologize for the absence from The Air, I simply couldn't bear to leave my room.

I think to ease back into it, I'll be regaling you all with more tales from the Sword Coast, as I remember them. And I'll fill in what I don't remember, not to worry.


Have you been all right?

May. 2nd, 2024




I wanted to text Sabrina and tell her my quest for my blue cookie monster coat has finally come to an end, and then I remembered she's no longer here.

Then I tried to take selfies and remembered that I'm a 75 year old vampire who only recently caught on to the fact that whatever makes Dunwich work, also grants me the ability to take selfies, and I've had no practice, I don't know my angles and I don't know how anyone manages to capture themselves in frame.

Then I just got confused by the concept of filters.

My brain's just not braining right today. You know how it is when you're gassy and it just won't release? My brain's going through that.

So just imagine a blue coat. Black skinny jeans. Fishnet tank. And Doc Martens. I think I look okay, but it's hard to say.

Apr. 23rd, 2024




Read more... )




Hi can i ask for some help please

Apr. 11th, 2024




Did anyone else get gifts? Because honestly, regifting is a bit gauche but I suppose I'll take whatever this thing is. I know it was Shadowheart's.

I'm much more interested in this large gemstone. It's gorgeous. And feels... familiar, somehow.

Apr. 1st, 2024




It does turn out that when one is dragged into a sewer by some creature and badly injured, one does miss things.

I woke and my child was gone again

This place can go straight to hell. One of the worse ones.

Mar. 21st, 2024




Is it common for belongings to simply appear in one's room?

Mar. 17th, 2024





Hells. Is it just me, or is it getting awfully crowded?


Yes, hello. I do believe someone from the world that Shadowheart and I come from has arrived here in Dunwich. We've not met them yet but if you come across them, do send them my way? We have a bit of catching up to do, I'm sure.

Mar. 13th, 2024




Did anyone happen to put a very ghastly looking book on my nightstand? It has a face on the cover, purple gems for eyes.

It doesn't seem to want to open.

I quite like it, actually. I approve.

Mar. 12th, 2024




Tonight on the radio I will be doing Open Lines, so please do call in to Night Bites if you need any advice.

If you would rather write a question, you may leave it privately here and I'll keep you anonymous as I read it. You have my word that no one shall know it was you.

It'll be fun. I do give the best advice.

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)

Feb. 26th, 2024




[Back dated soon after this conversation with Astarion.]


So, I couldn't talk to that little tadpole, because someone else was also in Astarion's thought space. Seemed to be another elf, he was pretty put off and surprised I was poking around, and wouldn't tell me much.

But from what I managed to figure out, there is another presence in Dunwich now, protecting y'all somehow. I am not sure. The stranger sort of pushed me out of the telepathic link when I figured that bit.

Handsome, but rude and secretive as hell, and now I got a headache the size of Louisiana.





Hello, there. A little birdie told me there might be someone from home, newly arrived. I've been the only one here from FaerΓ»n for so long.

Feb. 25th, 2024



BACKDATED: During his text to Eddie, the day of Shadowheart's arrival


I care about you very deeply.

To Sabrina (tw death) )

Feb. 23rd, 2024





Hells. Did you get that too?

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.

Feb. 20th, 2024




Hey cats. I'm Rhonda. I like coffee, the color black, and spoken word. Oh, and I am dead, really, very dead.

Digging the cosmic horror theme this place has going on.

Feb. 18th, 2024




This thing on? Right. Hey, I'm Dean. New arrival, yada yada yada. Got set up at Pickman. Got a brief rundown of what the hell this place is. Anyone care to elaborate on what the fuck is going on? A better description than the little Pickman flyer.

Oh and if you saw a man in a trenchcoat pop in and out of wherever you were early this morning, that's Cas. He says hello.

Feb. 13th, 2024




In honor of what I'm told is a very popular holiday, Night Bites tonight is going to feature another dramatic enactment of a book from my home. It's called "One Night in Nashkel". A classic, I assure you.

Perhaps it will be best not to have children in the room while listening.

Jan. 5th, 2024




[Filtered: Astarion]

I've been quiet since our initial meeting and since your...since Eddie returned. I don't want to impose. But I am still interested in what we discussed. I may have some questions for Eddie, if that's all right, now that he's here again. Is it still an option for me?

Jan. 2nd, 2024




I think I'll be declining the next invitation to any events, terribly sorry to anyone who missed seeing me in formal wear. It really is your loss.

More importantly, can anyone tell me what in the hells WPTF is and why there's something called Night Bites With Astarion that I'm expected to attend every weekend from midnight until four am?

Dec. 31st, 2023




WHO Astarion and Sabrina β€’ WHERE The park at the statue of the unknown travelerβ€’ WHEN December 28th, after Astarion finds the knife
Some scrying and back scar reading between friends WARNINGS Traumatic backstory and mentions of abuse
DO YOU THINK HE'S HERE? Read more... )

Dec. 28th, 2023




I thought the gifts were over.

What did everyone else get today, then?

Did anyone else find a cute little memento?

Dec. 18th, 2023




So last time we all went to prom we were attacked by ghosts.

...Are we all still going to this New Years party?





We got an invite to a ball-type thingy, you wanna go? It's black tie, which means extremely fancy and all that.


Please tell me you're going to that NYE thing? And where in the sam hill are we supposed to find gowns at?