Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+katniss+everdeen'

Feb. 13th, 2024




I'm going to wrestle a lobstrosity.

Just letting everybody know.

Feb. 11th, 2024





Feb. 10th, 2024




I, um. Found a lobstrocity crawling up into my yard from the creek today. It's dead now, but- anyone wanna come over for a lobstrocity meal?

And can anyone maybe help check my wards again? Or update 'em to keep out those lobstrocities too?

I haven't seen or heard from you since I got you over to Pickman. How are you doing? Settling in alright?

I'm sorry to be that person, but I was going through my records and noticed that Jake was your last Guide. Any thoughts on another?

Haven't seen you in a while. Everything good with you? Your friends?

Feb. 9th, 2024




Hey, so....I'm Jo. What the hell is going on here, how did I show up, and why did someone hand me this phone claiming that it's mine?




I'm just done with these lobsters.

I mean, attempted murder, sure, whatever. But the property damage? I'm pretty sure one of them chomped through my bike tire.


Jan. 29th, 2024




MIST was hit hard the last few days.

La'an, I know you're new to the team, but you have experience with security. Up for the task of head of security?

We also need someone to take over Jake's support group. He was my firs Do you know anyone who might be interested?

Jan. 19th, 2024




Today/Early morning
Katniss and David
"the fog had changed"
Dunwich ⚠ nada
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Jan. 8th, 2024




That feeling when the peace meeting you're trying to run dissolves into utter chaos because apparently both sides needed to come armed to the teeth to said peace meeting and be complete assholes about shit that went down three hundred years ago, only to get pulled through some weird ass mist that apparently you were the only one to see because no one answered when you were all "oh hey I know you all want to murder each other right now but anyone else see this mist coming from freaking nowhere???" Only to find yourself unceremoniously dumped into the middle of the woods and oh hey, don't let me forget to mention the creepy ass thing in the woods. Like it was kind of cute, I guess? But in that way of oh boy I've been fooled before by this kind of cuteness, that is only cute until the moment it decides to try to eat your face, cute.

Is this a Monday thing? I haven't really been anywhere that uses Monday as a date for a while but this feels like something that would be a thing when you say it's Monday with a deep sigh like the universe has just decided this is the day all the shit things happen on.

So.... Dunwich. You always this foggy?

Jan. 4th, 2024




Okay, since I am a newbie, and I like to be prepared, I am making a list of the DO'S and DON'TS of Dunwich.

First on the list?

1. Do not attend any parties or evens unless you know who sent the invite.

Please, feel free to add more.




I don't exactly know what day it is because I've spent most of the last few sleeping, but-

Does anybody else hear the roaring from the woods? It doesn't sound like our werewolves, and whatever it is, it's getting closer to civilization.

Any of our healer types able to make a house call? My head's still pounding.

Jan. 2nd, 2024




[Yennefer, Katniss]
I am Apology will not mend it, but I regret the hurt I caused you. If there is any way I can make up for it, I will.

I have need of you tomorrow at dawn. The usual spot.

Are you How are you feeling?

Dec. 28th, 2023




So we all got a lot of weird stuff, some of which we don't need or want. I figured maybe we could do some trading here on this post, yeah? Put your name and what you're willing to trade and see what you can get for it. Here's my list:
  • Bob Ross toaster
  • Clippy statue
  • A bear in an outhouse toilet paper holder.
  • A stuffed elephant with about a dozen eyes
Sound like something you'd want? It's yours. Just let me know you want it.

Dec. 19th, 2023




Are you going to this New Year's party thing? I can't decide and if I go I need help. Please? The only other nice dress I have right now is one I died in at the last formal thing.

Today I got a gator, but he isn't nearly as entertaining as Gator Loki. Quieter, too.

Don't forget, MIST holiday party on December 22nd! It doesn't look to be nearly as formal as the New Year's gala, so just show up comfortable and hungry.


Hey. Checking in. You doing okay? Gifts not too weird?

Dec. 11th, 2023




but first? coffee.
WHAT: Coffee, chatting, picking out catering?
WHERE: Out and About
WHEN: Mid-morning, 12 December
STATUS: Incomplete
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Dec. 5th, 2023




So with the recent disappearances, we've got some openings that I'd like to get filled. I believe Roy Kent's Run Club is still going, but I need someone to take the helm on it. Anyone in Run Club wanna play follow the leader?

And this one requires far more skill and knowledge and certifications. For our Search and Rescue group, we had weekly first aid training — for certifications to be out in the field on SARS missions. To do this, you'll need to take an instructor course with the Red Cross. The certification lasts for two years, then you get re-certified. If anyone is interested in this training, MIST will pay for the classes and certifications needed.

Also, I was thinking of hosting a little holiday part here at MIST. I thought December 22nd might be a good date. Anyone interested in attending? Could make it a potluck if you want.

Dec. 4th, 2023




Iorek Byrnison is one of the most honorable and wonderful people I have ever met. I will miss him greatly.

Asriel, Iorek, that's everyone from my world gone again. Not to mention losing Emma, and Amalthea, and so many others...

Dunno, just. It's getting real sad.

Nov. 29th, 2023




I know everyone's going to be talking about the sun and people have already mentioned it but is anyone doing anything special today? Outside? I know it's cold but I think I'll probably have a few hours of daylight after work and I don't want it to go to waste.

And I already feel like I'm ready to jump out of my skin

Nov. 16th, 2023




For obvious reasons, the Salon will be closed until power is restored. Styling by candlelight seems perilous for all involved.

I saw her again

Your candles were very timely. I don't suppose you have more?

I've been giving some thought to what we discussed. Per the terms I was given I can't alter the decor, but there is that mostly empty room at the front. If we move the massage table out of the way, we could turn it into your domain?

I apologize again. The body that definitely wasn't there because it can't be power cut startled me. I don't normally lose my head like that and spoil a perfectly good rendezvous react so rudely. I hope you'll let me make it up to you.

There is talk of a bonfire. Come make sure I don't accidentally step in it?

Nov. 13th, 2023




Group message to Sylvie & Xavier

>> Hey, Sylvie.
>> I was wondering if you might be able to help my friend Xavier with his nightmares?
>> At least temporarily- I don't know if this darkness is making it worse.
>> Mine's still holding up okay.

Nov. 11th, 2023




The Roxxcart is out of those energy drinks, you know, the off-brand Redbull. Anybody know where else to get them? Preferably by the case.

Hey. It's okay if you're busy or have too many clients already. I know a place like this is bound to have a lot of people who need you.

But if you had any availability...?




This is new, is weather like this normal for this region?

Nov. 10th, 2023




I've been hoping for a sunny day to make this announcement but as those seem in short supply lately, I'll just go ahead and do it now. The Sable Salon is open! Now, with exquisite sauna access on our totally not creepy subterranean level.

Whether it's hair, makeup, styling advice, or outright makeovers, the Salon is your discreet and efficient one-stop shop for exclusive, bespoke cosmetic services in all of Dunwich.

Don't hesitate to get in touch.

Nov. 6th, 2023




I've had the fire pit going most of the time that I'm home if anybody wants a spot to hang out. And I can buddy up if any of you would like company walking around in this.

I've been a terrible friend. How are you holding up? Do you need anything? Wanna hang out sometime soon?

Doing alright in this eternal night thing? I've never seen anything like this except in the Games.

Nov. 1st, 2023




This bloody alligator. I didn't think to check the pen after this weekend, because I figured the bugger was still gone.


He's there.

I guess I found him or he came back on his own. Can Frost gi Asgardians have a heart attack? Or is that just a Midgardian thing?

Oct. 31st, 2023




Would anyone have a decent supply of marigolds?

Oct. 23rd, 2023



Present Day.

I don't have any idea what happened, but when I went out to feed Loki, his cage was open. He's not in there. He can't have gone that far, right? What if he's

I'm going out to look for him. Could someone, maybe look up records of an alligator being picked up by animal control?




Anybody want to tell me what in the fuckiest of fucks is going on?

Did some reality-bending supe pull a St. Elsewhere? I heard Mesmer was dead but if it's him I'm putting his former child star head through a wall, that little shit. I always hated his show.

I have to get back to school so if someone can just point me in the direction of whatever's causing this, I'll take care of it.

Oct. 16th, 2023




I've got a job at a cafe, now, I guess. I don't remember applying but maybe I did it on one of these lost weekends.

I'm a barista now. Baristo? Anyway, I'm making drinks. Non-alcoholic. It'll be fun? It'll be fun. And good to have something official going on.

Oct. 13th, 2023




It's my birthday today and I'm not entirely sure what I should do for it.

Oct. 11th, 2023




Wednesday, 10.11 - morning
Cinna & Katniss
Edge of town | Low | ⚠ TBA
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