Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+sabrina+spellman'

Apr. 11th, 2024




Did anyone else get gifts? Because honestly, regifting is a bit gauche but I suppose I'll take whatever this thing is. I know it was Shadowheart's.

I'm much more interested in this large gemstone. It's gorgeous. And feels... familiar, somehow.




He said this message goes to everybody. I see the other messages from other people, so I guess mine will go under theirs?






Sabrina & Nikolai
WHAT: a chance to relax
WHERE: the woods
WHEN: today
WARNINGS: talk of sacrifice and the sea god
STATUS: Complete

We'll find our path here together.
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Apr. 9th, 2024




So this is Earth, huh? It's...not what I expected.

Okay, so I didn't really know what I was expecting. I've never been to Earth before.

Anyway, hello, Dunwich! I'm Charlie Morningstar!

Apr. 8th, 2024




I turned 42 in mortal years on Sunday. The first low-key birthday I've basically ever had. As a present to myself I set up a small home distillery at Hellkids House in attempt to make my own rum and whisky. We'll see how it goes. Rum is the priority.

Apr. 5th, 2024





A Royal Affair

Nikolai Lantsov, King of Ravka has opened his house and yard for a get together! It's Saturday, and he and Sabrina are playing hosts to anyone and everyone who wishes to come for some food or lawn games- mostly as a chance for Nikolai to get to know some more people, but partially a chance to thank everyone who helped with the Sea God shenanigans. Clio, Nikolai's Golden Eagle familiar and Chaos, Sabrina's Hellhound can both be found running around- they're generally friendly, but both are still young and may not quite know what is too much for some guests.

There's grilling, yard games, and paper crowns for everyone to wear. Bring food if you'd like, drinks of all kinds are available, and Nikolai starts a bonfire late afternoon for s'mores and general cozy vibes.

OOC: This is forward dated for Saturday, April 6th. Everybody's welcome- Nikolai and Sabrina would have spread it by word of mouth around Pickman and with their friends.

Hangouts, games, food
Questions, Comments, Etc.

Apr. 3rd, 2024




Wait a second, do we have enough here now to form a club of royals? Kings, Queens, nobility- shall we start gathering?! Let us know! Tell us about your realm!

Or if not royalty, leaders in your community?

I'll start. I'm Nikolai Lantsov, King of Ravka. I've also been known as the Bastard King, the Demon King, and Sturmhond, back in my privateering days. Ravka is a young country, and from what I can find, most like early-industrial Russia in this world. Magic exists there, practiced by Grisha- one of my most talented and trusted is also here, but I, unfortunately, have no powers of that type.

Or just tell me something about yourself- I haven't really met as many people as I very much should have by now.

Apr. 1st, 2024




Alright there? That should be the last of that sea god, right? I missed the end of things- ended up hit by something and blacked out before waking up enough to get home.

Wanda, Sylvie
Thank you. I appreciate you being there on Friday.

Magic Users
Is there any other interest in healing classes? Sylvie's asked for some- I have a few spells, and more potions, salves, and tinctures that I can share. I'm willing to host gatherings to share other knowledge, as well.




It does turn out that when one is dragged into a sewer by some creature and badly injured, one does miss things.

I woke and my child was gone again

This place can go straight to hell. One of the worse ones.

Mar. 31st, 2024




Thank you to everyone who helped yesterday. The Deep One is locked away and is being kept under multiple wards so the box cannot be opened by anyone. There's an order of people who it'll go to if I disappear.

Is everyone accounted for now?

How are our injured? I'm available for healing still if anyone wants to go that route still.

Mar. 29th, 2024




Does there come a point when giving this thing what it wants becomes the better option? Or do we simply allow ourselves to be overrun?

Mar. 26th, 2024



tw: naked monster (RUSALKA ), sexual humour in comments

tw: encounter with naked monster (rusalka) )

Mar. 23rd, 2024




So like, how many people got a message from the Deep One this morning?

And maybe how did you get it? In your mind or some other way?

Can I get an update on the box situation?

And I highly recommend not going near the ocean right now.

If you've got questions, hit me up here.

If you want access to the only books we've been able to find about the sea god, hit me up here. But I'll let you know that none of them go into how to hurt or kill him but I know some people need to read that shit for themselves.

Mar. 22nd, 2024




she waited for Nikolai to emerge
WHAT: A reunion
WHERE: Nikolai’s house
WHEN: this morning
WARNINGS: discussions of possession
STATUS: Complete
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Mar. 20th, 2024




March 20
Sabrina & Rory
"She looked up, finding Rory standing there"
Nikolai's place| ⚠ possession, sea gods, tbd
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Mar. 17th, 2024





I don't remember which of y

Did you ever get that box finished?

What if I needed to actually kill a god. How do I do it?






Today| ⚠ possession, personality change, questionable consent
she knew that voice
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Backdated to March 15
Sabrina & Percy
Dreams| ⚠ sea gods
Read more... )

Mar. 16th, 2024




If anyone comes across a statue that looks suspiciously like a person turned to stone, can you let us know?

There's at least two statues of locals that look like they've been turned to stone. I'm trying to find out if there are any others but maybe the police can block off the areas and keep the statues safe until we know more?

MIST researchers, we should see what we can find out.

Anyone have experience with people turned to stone?

Mar. 8th, 2024




Natasha thinks what happened to people yesterday might have to do with the stupid sea.

And wants me to get security.

Maybe I should just go to the ocea

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)

Mar. 5th, 2024




What was everyone's first job? Not here I mean in general.

Are you mad at me?

Are you okay?

Mar. 4th, 2024




nikolai & sabrina
a moment of calm before the chaos
nikolai's house • afternoon, 3 march
⚠ tbd




It's later, big brother.

Mar. 1st, 2024




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Feb. 28th, 2024




A friend has said repeatedly that I should not be afraid to ask for help if I need it, so
I'm asking... How do you convince your heart to not love someone anymore? I've tried logic and tequila and neither have been successful. Time is proving to not be my friend either.

Feb. 27th, 2024




I think we should have bought a bigger house with all the people we're having over.

Feb. 26th, 2024




[Back dated soon after this conversation with Astarion.]


So, I couldn't talk to that little tadpole, because someone else was also in Astarion's thought space. Seemed to be another elf, he was pretty put off and surprised I was poking around, and wouldn't tell me much.

But from what I managed to figure out, there is another presence in Dunwich now, protecting y'all somehow. I am not sure. The stranger sort of pushed me out of the telepathic link when I figured that bit.

Handsome, but rude and secretive as hell, and now I got a headache the size of Louisiana.

Feb. 25th, 2024



BACKDATED: During his text to Eddie, the day of Shadowheart's arrival


I care about you very deeply.

To Sabrina (tw death) )

Feb. 21st, 2024




I've been sitting on this when I probably shouldn't have been but well, for one, I was in denial and then...I guess it was mostly denial and wanting it all to just go away on its own. But its not. I think its actually worse.

But I need some help coming up with ways to trap and contain a god.

Back home I used Pandora's box to do that but I don't have that here, so. That's a no go.

And like to add to the problem, the last time we kind of dealt with him here he made half of us go crazy so we probably need to account for that too.

And he might have a partner now. Or a rival. Not quite sure about their relationship just yet.

But yeah, suggestions?