Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'the+haunting+of+hill+house:+theo+crain'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




So, fun thought experiment: What stole the rabbits out of my first two snares? Wrong answers only.

[Dr. Crain]
So if you're still willing to have that talk or whatever? To see if sessions would be a good idea for me? I don't quite have a job here yet, is the thing. And I remember thinking America was weird about their health care.

So what do you do for a distraction fun around here?

May. 25th, 2024




A lot of people have come and gone in the past several weeks, and as a result, I just wanted to let those of you who might not be aware know that we have different groups that meet at MIST, as well as mental health services:

Support Group: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm
Addicts Anonymous: Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm

As the resident therapist, I'm Dr. Theo Crain. You can schedule a 50 minute session with me that can be weekly, bi-weekly, or however often you need, or you can stop by my office at Mist anytime the door is open if you'd just like to talk informally.

May. 16th, 2024




Hi, I'm Dan. I was here before, but I don't remember it, so sorry if you knew me back then.

Is the AA group still up and running or should I see if there's one that the locals attend?


May. 9th, 2024




Hi. I'm sorry about Luke.
He was my friend. A long time ago, Luke did a run for Nell because she used to run in the mornings here. I was thinking of doing a run for Luke and wondered if you wanted to join? My guide, Miguel will run too. And maybe my dog. Luke liked Brownie. We can wait until the fog clears before we pick a day and time.




I'd like to reach out to Wednesday, suggest she come stay with us for a bit. But I wanted to check with you first.

Hi there. I just saw the logs about your friends. And we haven't heard you play since Would you like to pop over for a bit?

I'm so sorry about your brother.




Fog's getting thicker. Is... do we know if there's a connection, or...?

[Theo Crain]
You don't strike me as the slumber party type.

Apr. 30th, 2024




[Text to Luke Crain]
I'm coming over.

Apr. 8th, 2024




Just a gentle reminder - if you need to talk to someone, you can make an appointment with me at MIST or come by. If my door's open, I'm available to talk.




Hey, uh, this might not be the best time but then again maybe it's exactly what someone out there needs right now.

Food truck is opening for the season! We'll be out starting this weekend. Soup and sandwiches but next Tuesday?

Next Tuesday is the first taco Tuesday. Inaugural tacos. Homemade salsa.

The chips are store bought for now but any tips are going toward a deep fryer for the truck so I can start making them.




I turned 42 in mortal years on Sunday. The first low-key birthday I've basically ever had. As a present to myself I set up a small home distillery at Hellkids House in attempt to make my own rum and whisky. We'll see how it goes. Rum is the priority.

Apr. 1st, 2024




Friends, foes, countrymen, fanged ones and question marks. Like who is Sum-Sum Question Mark?

Unimportant note 1- I'm going to have some trouble this month with a new phobia, which is uncalled for and I'm going to need one hell of a note for work and I'm going to need more atmospheric lighting in my apartment. Maybe some neon signs?

Unimportant note 2 - Last night I accidentally opened my phone camera and took a selfie. This has never worked for me before, and as someone who has not seen his visage since 1973 - I'm still cute I'm really glad I shaved before I was Embraced.

But I digress.

We lived. We lived through this battle. And I happen to think this needs celebrating, you know?

I think all of our battles need celebrating. Not with balls, because those get weird and we're all leery of those now, I know. I've not been here long, but I'm getting the serious implication that this place does not like it when we work together. And to that I say 'fuck you'.

So I'm going to be cooking up a feast. Actual chefs are welcome to join me because I haven't needed to cook anything since 1973 and I still burned water before that. Maybe you guys could tell me when Helen, Frances and Edna are pulling my leg and I don't need to froth egg whites with Sprite and a fish fork or boil ketchup to make frosting or whatever. We're going to have onion blossoms. Pie. Chicken. Meatloaf. And yeah, more specific diets where required.

And we're all going to sit down in a couple of days, and we're going to have a feast. We're going to eat, be merry, and be thankful we're still alive. We're going to play board games and old video games on a Sega System that I found in the trash. We're going to talk. We're going to snack. We're going to laugh. We're going to remember those who left us. And we're all going home with leftovers.

Do we have any birthdays coming up? Did we forget any? We can celebrate those too.

This is not an April Fool's joke, either. As a Malkavian, I've got the rest of the year for that.

Mar. 28th, 2024




Fun fact, talking to gods in person makes them even more insufferable.

Mar. 25th, 2024




When I was a kid I used to have these little soldier statues, those little army men, and I played with them all the time but I never thought I'd be taking after them like that.

Sorry for worrying anyone. I'm okay. Thanks for watching over me, it means a lot.


This is a bad time to ask, probably, what with the... Biblical amount of rain happening, but with Dan not here...

It's just, he used to run a group. Is anyone...

Is it still...?



tw: loss of an uncle/parental figure, profanity

Mother fucking goddamn bullshit.

Mar. 21st, 2024




Based on what I'm reading, this is not a normal thing around here.

Do we have a working theory so far about people turning to stone? My theory suggests perhaps Medusa somehow or perhaps a basilisk.

Mar. 20th, 2024




What's being done to fix my brother?

eta: [PATIENTS (bcc to each of them)]
I'm sorry about the last minute message, but I'm going to have to cancel all appointments for the next few days, until my brother is okay. I'll let you know when I'm seeing patients again.




What do we do when one of ours is a statue...?

Come here, quick.

MARK'S PACK, including Isaac excluding Carter:
Luke is... a statue. I need someone here with Carter.

Mar. 12th, 2024




Tonight on the radio I will be doing Open Lines, so please do call in to Night Bites if you need any advice.

If you would rather write a question, you may leave it privately here and I'll keep you anonymous as I read it. You have my word that no one shall know it was you.

It'll be fun. I do give the best advice.

Mar. 7th, 2024



tw: addiction, death, vecna

11 months and two weeks.

Not again. The thing that killed my sister and made me feel it does not get to come back here when I'm not even allowed to get h and do this to anyone else. Please, someone, tell me we have this under control.

Mar. 6th, 2024




» Congradulations on the new title, Doctor
» You excited about it?



[TW: alcoholism]

I see you've taken over the support group Jake had lead.
My addicts group always follows it, if you want to combine efforts or hang out afterward?

Mar. 5th, 2024





Theo Crain & Riley Flynn

03.01 close to midnight | Up & Up nightclub | Low

a heartbeat, not far behind.
Read more... )

Feb. 21st, 2024




She isn't here, not... anymore, maybe she isn't anywhere, but I can't let the day pass without saying happy birthday, Nellie.

Private/strikeout, tw: addiction and relapse. )

Feb. 20th, 2024




Would you say it's psychotic behavior to have an entire wall as your personal bar and only fill it with whisky?

On a similar topic, tell me your go to drink. I need to expand the Hellkids Home Bar.

Feb. 10th, 2024




[Text to Rory Morningstar]
›› Got a question for you.




I found this little flyer stuck to the bottom of my shoe today for community cooking lessons. I haven't really seen any other flyers around so I'm hoping it's not some kind of targeted advertisement from a dissatisfied food truck customer.

Could be fun in the off-season, though. Learn a little more, expand the business beyond soup and sandwiches one day maybe.

Why not, right?

Theo and Carter
I know I'm just about at 11 months. Is it weird if I feel like it's bad luck to celebrate it? It's a little too close to a big milestone, it's like... tempting fate or something.

Feb. 5th, 2024





What's up Doc?

Since Theo's appointment calendar has started to fill out nicely, I thought I'd start doing posts like this each month to give your characters the chance to work out some of their issues if they wish, as well as keep track of when appointments are or if your character needs to reschedule or miss an appointment or make a new one. Appointments last 1 hour unless noted otherwise.

Please note that I am not a licensed therapist like Theo, and that I may not be able to come up with responses and answers that may work for your chars. If there's is a very triggery subject, I am more than willing to handwave the sessions, we do not have to rp it out. As always, please note any triggers in the subject line of your comment.

If there is something specific you'd like Theo to recommend to your character, let me know here or on her drop box, where comments are screened.

I am also willing to use this post for any non-therapy things that your character wants to do with Theo while she's at Mist. This can include (but is not limited to) group therapy Wednesday nights, smoke breaks, walk-ins, drop-bys, and general socialization or flirting.

Again, I am not a licensed therapist and anything said by Theo should not be used as a substitution for real, actual therapy IRL.

PLEASE NOTE: Theo is a touch-sensitive empath. During therapy, she does not wear her gloves. If you'd like her to pick something up from your chars when shaking hands or something similar, please let me know under the permissions comment below.

I love you all!!!

Feb. 3rd, 2024




Hey again, those I have met before and those I haven't. Rory Morningstar coming back for round two of this shit.

So far I've managed to

- Get my room in our house back, but found more people in it than I realized I would
- Avoided getting hexed
- Lost a glare-off with a cat
- Secured a position to annoy Daimon on a daily basis
- Got vaguely caught up on weird shit happening

I'm kind of glad I missed Halloween (but not someones birthday).

Jan. 30th, 2024




Usually, I save this kind of thing for sessions, but since not everyone is seeing me, consider this a judgement-free zone and feel free to talk to me here if you'd like.

It's been a rough few weeks. How are you doing?

Jan. 29th, 2024




MIST was hit hard the last few days.

La'an, I know you're new to the team, but you have experience with security. Up for the task of head of security?

We also need someone to take over Jake's support group. He was my firs Do you know anyone who might be interested?