Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+010+30+days+of+night'

Nov. 30th, 2023




[backdated to right after the sun comes up!]

Someone finally remembered to pay the electric bill, huh? Way to go.




Has anyone else seen the shift on the phone's map?

I went down to the border and it fee

Nov. 29th, 2023




Gonna sleep for days now, I reckon. Once Layla's done sunbathing in bloody December



posted in the morning after the sun came up

Tomorrow's finer things club is going to be a special one. Venison for the food, served in different ways. And for the new thing, I'm going to talk about all the fun activities that can be done in the state park in the winter. And about simple things, like how to dress for the outdoors when it's cold out, so you can fully enjoy being outside.

Kitty and Rahne
Can I make a special dinner for you tonight? Do you like venison?

Would you like to spend time in the park with me? You could hunt with me or join me on a long romantic hike with a picnic lunch in a pretty spot. Or both!



backdated to when the sun came up

Where are you? Are you okay? Do you need help? What the fuck's happening with you?




I know everyone's going to be talking about the sun and people have already mentioned it but is anyone doing anything special today? Outside? I know it's cold but I think I'll probably have a few hours of daylight after work and I don't want it to go to waste.

And I already feel like I'm ready to jump out of my skin




i was starting to think we'd have to sacrifice someone to bring the sun back, glad to be wrong


yeah, don't tell me if you did




Time and Again will be closed today so we can all enjoy the sunshine that's returned.

If you need me, I'll be in a sunbeam at home, simply soaking it all in.

Nov. 28th, 2023




If anyone still would like protection outside, my offer still stands. And if anyone is curious about, um, me being half Ghoul, I'm here to answer those questions.


And I know you said we don't have to, but thank you for, um, supplying me with food. Honestly. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for you here. I'd probably figure it out, but it'd be a lot harder to do.


Still doing okay? Your friends?

Nov. 27th, 2023




While I've spent months at a time without sunlight, there is something increasingly disconcerting about being outside without it no matter the time of day. I don't know how most of you have managed this for weeks on end.



TW: Drunk post

i know that thwis ihs a fzalse warmth theat i fqeel but it iiltsl feels more real than anythintg my mimnd cna dredge up. now all di need is msomeone to kpeep rme feeling ethis warmth tthat wouldn't rmake mke feel lieke i would have to flee as soon as uthe deed was done. not rocanem pter se. qjust

Nov. 26th, 2023




What's the first thing you're going to do if when the sun comes back? I plan to take a whole day off for the beach.




We're going to attempt to reverse what we did at the Ghost Line to see if if helps with our current situations.

I'm trusting you both not to speak of it to anyone.




Sunday, November 26th
Zemo & Bucky
"A mystery in room 119."
Dunwich Hospital | PG-13ish? | ⚠ Angel fever stuff.
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Nov. 25th, 2023




I'm thankful for the Dunwich mist and all the people it's taken from me this last (almost) year.



I'm going to go steal a boat and drink.




I've been practicing karate in my spare time because it's what I can do for now. Tai chi too, though no formal training there.

Have to do something to stay sane around here.

[Stranger Crew]

Hanging in there?

Nov. 24th, 2023



Filtered to Witches / Magic types

Well. Are we going to get our heads out of our asses and try to fix this shit or not?




Now that the eating holiday and subsequent napping phase is over for the time being, I'd like to make note that I have reworked the scheduling for Pickman. I've swapped around days on and off for fairness, as well as the hours worked per week.

If anyone is still looking for a job, I have some openings. I'm also happy to take On Call Volunteers -- which will now have a slightly higher wage per hour, seeing as showing up to anything on your day off is an absolute inconvenience and I am fully aware of it.




The worst part about being stuck here — beside the obvious lack of sunlight and the lack of other mutants — is the fact that I am stuck here during the biggest shopping day of the year.




I dreamt I was on the beach, and the sun was shining.

That's it. That's the dream. Best damn dream I've had in a long time.

Nov. 23rd, 2023



Thanksgiving morning

Sorry for not mentioning this earlier. There's no Finer Things club today due to me wanting to go to the Thanksgiving dinner. Hope to see everyone there. Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov. 22nd, 2023



Thanksgiving Day - Around 4pm or so

Did you think you'd be fine not doing Thanksgiving with people and then realize that you're actually a little bummed you're not hanging out? I've got low key stuff at Mist going on. Putting up decorations and the tree. Hot cocoa. Food and drinks you won't have to clean up after. A couple of movies going on the TV.

Come on over.



A Dunwich Thanksgiving



The power's returned, but the daylight is still missing. Everyone has been invited to a Thanksgiving potluck at the Carbunkle House. It's in the same room that Alison and Benedict's reception was held in back in July, but is set up for a full holiday spread- there are flower arrangements and autumn decor, and a long table for you to place what you've brought. There's also music and dancing for later!

Arrivals & Hangouts
The Meal & Post-Meal
Questions, Comments, Etc.

[OOC Note: posting a day early because, yanno, the holiday!]




(posted on Wednesday but I won't be online)

Don't think I'll be at the Thanksgiving thing. I'm sure Christmas will be better, but this was always the big family one for us and I don't really feel up to the reminder that I've only made it to two since the boys were born, and they don't even remember the first one.

I was planning to make some seafood cornbread dressing anyway and I'm going to have way too much so if anyone wants to swing by and grab some to take over please do. I'll probably just be getting some work done.

Nov. 20th, 2023




carter & mark

20 november . bennett-crain house . TBD

So far, so good, he thought.




I'm being discharged from the hospital this afternoon, and was told to go home and rest. Which may be for the best, as I'm still feeling sluggish.

But is there still interest in a Thanksgiving meal? I've reached out to the Carbunkle House, and the space is ours if we're willing to handle most of the food. I need to let them know tomorrow morning about the mains- turkey and a vegan roast? If we can have everyone bring a dish or some kind of drink to share, it might be nice to gather together for a meal?

I understand that the origins of the holiday may be controversial, but the spirit of being together and finding things to be grateful for surely can't offend too many, can it?




We didn't have modern technology where I'm originally from and we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving either.  We had both in Storybrooke though! I must admit I've become very used to them and maybe didn't appreciate them as I should have. 

We had big gatherings that were open to all those in town at my Granny's diner with her holiday recipes.    I hope we will be able to get together with each other here in Dunwich.   Is there still a chance for a Thanksgiving potluck?

I used to also make a list of what I was thankful for.  Losing power here and getting it back helped me with that this year.  It's a long list - Good people that come together in literal dark times, fresh food, hot food, cold ice cream, lights being on, heat, hot showers and being able to charge devices.  I hope I'll be able to add having the sun back to that list soon.

You're at the top of the list.




he was welcome as long as was needed
WHAT: A chat and the power returns
WHERE: The Bishop Clairmont House
WHEN: BACKDATED, 17 November (? whenever the power came back)
WARNINGS: TBD - vampires, blood (non-graphic), related?
STATUS: Incomplete
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Nov. 19th, 2023




Hey, stranger. How are you doing?




she couldn't remember coming here
WHAT: Alison's fever breaks
WHERE: Dunwich Hospital
WHEN: Sunday, 19 November
STATUS: complete
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