Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+loki+laufeyson'

Jun. 26th, 2023





Jun. 23rd, 2023




Three characters break into the Church of the Beam to retrieve the time capsule they're sure is hidden within the bell tower. And it is, and they'll find it, somewhat easily. Too easily? Who can say? Are you spotted? What happens if you were spotted? Maybe nothing. Or maybe you don't want to know.
All Paths Follow The Beam )
Volunteer E Mobius • Volunteer F Loki • Volunteer G Constantine  • CODE

Jun. 20th, 2023




Some of you that went to Todash mentioned seeing a time capsule. I think I have an idea of where to locate it. Hang tight and give me a few days. I promise to share whatever I find.

I'm going to take a couple of magically inclined people and break into the church. In the next couple of days or so? Just letting you know in case it doesn't go to plan.

I'm going to need your help.

We haven't gotten to know each other well, but how does some breaking and entering sound as an ice breaker?

You holding up okay?

Jun. 18th, 2023





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Jun. 12th, 2023




Please read this post!

I know we've all been wondering big time about what the deal is with this Bad Moon Festival. I wondered so big time that my lovely assistant and I spent the last five days wading our way through the mess that is Dunwich's historical records. We found nothing relevant at the library or Carbunkle House, but you know what they say - you always find what you're looking for in the last place you look. In this case, that place was the Townhall.

We found a book about the festival. While it actually says veeeeeery little about the festival that you don't already know if you listened to the NPR interview with Preacher Buttery Voice, there are slightly more informative notes in the margins. I do mean slightly - they're vague, old, faded, and, in some cases, hardly legible at all. Some have even been completely erased or scribbled out. I barely followed and I think the only reason I did follow is because I wrote them myself. At a guess (and it is just a guess), I must have done it this way because I was worried someone else might understand. I don't know when I might have done it but it does appear to have been a long time ago, a longer time ago, and then maybe a couple other even longer times ago. It's hard to say.

As uncharacteristically vague as I made my instructions, it is my understanding that we (the mistakes) should gather at both the festival and Todash Tavern on the night of the Bad Moon Festival. At the tavern, we're supposed to play Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Clearwater Revival. It's a fun song, I checked it out, but other than the "Bad Moon" part, I have no insight as to why it must be that particular song or even what's supposed to happen after that. I know where we need to go and what we need to do and I ask that you please trust me. I don't remember making these notes but I recognize the way I was dancing around the bush and I know that it's very important we do what's suggested.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but I've already told you what precious little I know.

EDIT: In addition to this stunningly well-received account of my discovery, I'd like to present a very old picture of Haymitch that we found hanging on the wall of Todash Tavern to further support the idea that maybe we've been here before.

Jun. 9th, 2023



tw - blood and likely hospital talk

Best way to get blood out of a shirt? I tried simply letting it soak in water with some detergent, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Jun. 8th, 2023




I talked to Mobius.

He's on board with the plan to extract the pull from you.

Jun. 3rd, 2023




Miss me?

Well, of course, you did!

I see we have quite a few new faces here. I honestly don't recognize half of you I've done my best to catch up on the goings-ons of the last few months in a very brisk two hours since someone very rudely confiscated my phone a few weeks back and before then I was sort of under the influence of an evil entity so I didn't check my messages. No offense, but clearly we need to have some villain training here for a few of you because the inconsiderate method of forced time-out was considerably more temper tantrum and less incarceration. Which by no means belittles the fact that it was entirely unnecessary! I wasβ€”and have always been with a few minor exceptions that we will not elaborate uponβ€”in complete control of my actions and faculties the entire time! No harm. No foul. Definitely on my best behavior. For which my individual rights to public displays of worship were contemptuously violated by a poorly dressed paper-pusher and his second rate sorcerer sidekick.

I've got my eyes on both of you, by the way. Figuratively speaking, of course. For the time being that is. I mean watch your backs! And, you know, look both ways before crossing the street.

has my congregation asked about me???

All that aside, I see we got most of the A-Team back together. How delightful. Looking forward to those Friday night barbecues. I'll bring the hot sauce. Assuming someone lets me out of this bloody room. Not actually bloody, of course. Adjectives for emphasis. We're all fine here. Everyone's good. No one's hurt. Only a revitalizing desire for fresh air is wanted. The bathroom floor is pristine. Pinky swear. But a little lonely . . .

Yes. Very sad. ANYWAY!

Does somebody want to come up to room 106 and open the door, please? Pretty please. It's stuck from the outside. Thanks! ♥

Hey, girl, hey! Where are you???? I'm going stir crazy and I'm about five seconds from picking a fight with strangers on the internet. CALL ME!! Also, can you go to the store and pick up some more body wash? I took fifteen showers this morning because I WAS BORED.

And maybe some of those biscuits with the lemon center. And a bottle of rosΓ©. And ask the wizard with the ridiculous goatee to chill it. That would be lovely, thank you.

Jun. 2nd, 2023



backdated log

Mobius & Loki
One Week Prior to Prom | Loki's Room | SFW

Kidnapping your friend is basically like an intervention, right? Mobius hopes that some time helps Loki clear his head from the Church of the Beam's evil influence. Loki is less than appreciative.
⚠ Brainwashed Loki.

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May. 18th, 2023





May 17th | Dusk β€’ The Church of the Beam
⚠ Implied Brainwashing, Kidnapping
STATUS [Complete]

All things serve the Beam. )

May. 11th, 2023




Mobius & Loki
Backdated | The Church of the Beam | SFW

Loki agrees to help Mobius with his botched hairstyle. Both want very badly to be on the same team with regards to the mysterious Church of the Beam. Loki's plan fails, but Mobius may be quietly devising a scheme of his own.
⚠ Creepy church.

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Apr. 27th, 2023




On the one hand, Sylvie and I are back to our old selves.

On the other, after I helped her shave my mustache I might have tried my hand at magic to make her feel more like herself. In hindsight this might not have been a good idea.

I don't have a problem with the color so much as the length? I think I've broken about every implement in my bathroom and the office that could conceivably be used to cut hair. (My apologies to the front desk, I promise I'll pick up a couple new pairs of scissors later.)

A little help from the magic community? Loki?

Apr. 23rd, 2023




I could use a little help this morning.

Anyone else not feeling themselves?

This is Mobius in case that wasn't clear.

Are you yourselves? Are you me? I mean, I am me, Mobius, I just mean I don't look like me. Is this a magic thing? Can we un-magic this?

Apr. 18th, 2023




Exciting news, everyone. I've been working on a few things behind the scenes since I landed the job as manager of the Pickman House and you are now looking at its new official owner! This doesn't change anything, except provide a little more security for us and those of us living here now that everything is in house.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

I started going through old boxes at Pickman House for files and records. I found a tempad. Actually, if I was a betting man, I would say it was my tempad. It's a device we use to travel to alternate timelines, among other things. The thing is out of juice, though. Any ideas on how we power this up without knocking out the power grid for the East Coast?

Any other geniuses we should add to this discussion? Magic isn't going to work on it, unfortunately, or I'd have a few more people on my list I'd be asking for help.

Given the disappearances, I think it'd be a good idea to set up a sort of line of succession for Pickman House. If you're on this list it's because I trust you. Don't make me regret this, L Some of you may be more comfortable with running the house and looking after new arrivals than others. This is just to gauge your interest and/or willingness should I disappear like the others.

There's a couple of ways we can set this up, I'll research the details, for now I just need to know if I have your permission to move forward on this. Also if there's anyone else you think I should consider for this, let me know.

Apr. 15th, 2023





I meant to say something to you earlier, but every time we’re in each other’s company things seem to go wrong. Well, maybe not things. Maybe just me. It’s like I have a fog in my head. Like I’m walking through a wall of clouds. Every now and again the mist parts and I’m more clearheaded. But those moments seem so fleeting. They’re gone before I get the opportunity to explain myself. Or to tell you what’s going on.

Everything is clear right now. But by the time I find you it may not be. So, I’ll tell you now.

I wanted to respond differently when youβ€”you know. I was scared, but not because of anything you did. It’s because of this place. This church. There’s something dark in it. Darker than almost anything I’ve ever experienced. And you know all the permutations of my experiences. It sinks its claws in you. I don’t think it’s just in the church. It’s everywhere. But when it has me, I can’t let go. And I want to let go. For you.

You were right in the beginning. It was a bad idea. But Iβ€”

I’m getting off track.

What I want to say is … Yes. I feel the same. I always have, I think. But you know me. You know Lokis. It’s hard not to play the game of mischief and deceit. Particularly with our own emotions. Because we’re weak and fearful of rejection. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t care. I’m sorry if I hurt you. That’s the last thing I wanted. But the things I want feel so distant now. So unattainable.

But this emptiness in my heart is unbearable. As is my shame in walking away from you when you shared your feelings with me. You trusted me and I responded by slamming the door. Except it wasn’t me entirely. Only partly. Regardless, you have my most sincere apology. And my solemn promise that whatever you feel, I feel in equal measure.

For all time.


Apr. 10th, 2023




Loki, Vecna, and You!
April 8, Evening | The Church of the Beam | SFW

Eddie has no idea why he hides out in a church to avoid going home to Pickman after work. Good thing the Church of the Beam has been expecting him. Well, not Eddie, precisely; The Dan-Tete, the little savior, the one that will open the doorway. Loki is very helpful.
⚠ Body horror, ear-teeth stuff, mentions of blood.

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Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 3rd, 2023




[Filtered to magic users]
What has been discovered about this "Ghost Line"? Have any of you encountered similar in your own worlds?

Mar. 30th, 2023





Mar. 27th, 2023




[FILTER: 21+]
This Thursday I'm throwing a party at my place. The theme is disco. If you don't know what that is, look it up. You have the internet and no excuse. Anyone who shows up needs to get their Saturday Night Fever on or they'll be denied entry.

There will be an open bar. Probably more. If that's not your scene, no judgement here.

Anyone who enjoys throwing parties can meet me at my place tomorrow to help plan.

The address is [location] and the fun starts at 8:00 pm.

Mar. 25th, 2023




March 20th through the 26th —
"You could never know what it's like. Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice. And there's a cold, lonely light that shines from you"
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Mar. 22nd, 2023




I need everyone to check in here. I don't care if you just write here, I want to know everyone is still alive. If someone needs to do it for you, that's fine too.

So rollcall.
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If you're wondering, support group is still on at 5:30 at the church. If you're injured and could use a ride, let me know. I'll work something out.

Anyone able to make sure we're all accounted for?





Did we win?

Mar. 14th, 2023




Support group. It's still happening. I had it worked out with the school to use a room there, everything was good and I was going to announce it and then yesterday they told me we were no longer welcome, no explanation given. Working out details so that we have a place to go that you can walk to from Pickman.

UPDATE: Loki has generously allowed us to use his church, so we'll have a room there, Wednesdays at 5:30. Starting next week.

Working out the details is generous. Cassian has a scrap yard office we could use, but it's a hike. Any chance we can use the church?

Hey, you ever meet the cat?

Are we on for tomorrow? I know you've been busy so I thought I'd check in.

Mar. 13th, 2023




Okay, I have a potentially bad idea. Hear me out. We've got a lot of people coming in from some pretty intense worlds in really rough shape. The locals don't really seem to notice anything different with us so what if I made an appointment with a local therapist and told them something wildly crazy? Like, I used to work for a secret agency that existed outside of time for millennia to manage the sacred timeline, my best friend is Loki the Trickster God but there are two of them from parallel timelines?

You know, like that kind of thing? Something that sounds obviously insane to someone not in our situation. See if a local therapist can engage without unintended consequences for someone seeking help. And also telling you this so if they try to send me somewhere you could maybe help stop them somehow. What do you think?

Mar. 11th, 2023



🎈 Backdated Log! 🎈

Loki & Mobius
In That First Week | Church of the Beam | SFW

Mobius decides to check out Loki's new gig as the town preacher. Loki is having the time of his life. Naturally there are concerns. The two have a heart to heart about trust.
⚠ Fantasy church religion.

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Mar. 9th, 2023




Don't be alarmed, and don't kill him!

I lost There's an alligator Loki lost in the hedge maze. He's not poisonous, but he does bite. You'll know it's him by the gold horns he wears. If you find him, can you please keep an eye on him until I get there?

Mar. 6th, 2023




A moment of your attention, if you will!

Some of you may be surprised by my rather delayed introductionβ€”don't lie, I know you've enjoyed the foreboding anticipation of my inevitable presence here on the networkβ€”but I was waylaid by a very intriguing proposal submitted to me by the good people of this fine town and, to be honest, I kind of forgot about the rest of you.

But I digress!

For those of you who are unaware, I am Loki. God of Mischief! Prince of Asgard! Former King of Asgard! Rightful King of Jotunheim! Your savior! And now your resident beacon of goodwill and religious emissary.

Basically I'm the new town preacher. They even gave me a lovely collar. I've modified it slightly. Gold always looked better around my neck. I'm sure the rest of you would agree. The black is also very slimming. Still trying to incorporate green into the look. Maybe I'll get a sash or something. I'm open to suggestions.

Anyway! Services are sporadic. Day, night, Sunday, Wednesday, Taco Tuesday. Whenever I'm in the mood to give an inspiring speech about literally whatever I want because the people here don't seem to notice the difference between a sermon on spinach-artichoke dip or the Sacred Timeline. It's a lot of fun! I promise. You should come. Totally not a cult. Don't let anyone tell you it's cult. Nope. Not at all. Not even close. Purely nondenominational fun. Maybe a little chaos. Just a smidgeon. Someone always brings cookies. Sometimes they're frosted! I tried one. Didn't die. No indigestion. Totally not under the influence of whatever could have been in the communion Kool-Aid. But I am a god, so, you know. There's that.

Right! So now that we're all on the same page! I'm off to tend to my wayward flock. This is going to be great. Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong.

Wink, wink.

Mar. 3rd, 2023




One minute I was in my car, singing along to the static on the radio, about to pull in to the Arby's for a post-show snack and perhaps a sight of Carlos the scientist and his perfect hair before I returned home. Except I turned into the parking lot and all of a sudden my car was gone and I was on the ground here?

I've been informed that this is a town called Dunwich. So..hello, Dunwich. I'm Cecil, and it's a pleasure to meet you.

Now. Is there an Arby's here?