Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'wednesday:+wednesday+addams'

May. 24th, 2024




Right, so- let me get this down.

- I got mugged by some sort of supernatural fog.
- I'm stuck in another coastal American town by forces I don't understand.
- Loads more people can see me here than should be able to.

I'm never hearing the end of this one.

On the tragically short list of positives, we all agree this wasn't something I did, yeah? Cause I was aiming for the record shop up the road, not whatever this is.


May. 22nd, 2024








Point of order: what on earth is going on in this town?

Yes, I've seen the materials. Yes, I've been given this telephone. Yes, I've found this Pickman House.

None of this is explained:
- why can everyone here see me?
- why am I not able to travel to any mirror outside of this town?
- is there a Cat King here and is this his doing?
- where is Charles?

May. 20th, 2024




As much as I hate to disappoint, I will be taking a sabbatical at the radio station. There is nothing to say, at the moment.

I have faith that you will find something else to listen to.

May. 9th, 2024




I would like a job.

I was an investigator back home. A detective all all things weird and strange. This town is weird and strange.




I'd like to reach out to Wednesday, suggest she come stay with us for a bit. But I wanted to check with you first.

Hi there. I just saw the logs about your friends. And we haven't heard you play since Would you like to pop over for a bit?

I'm so sorry about your brother.

May. 1st, 2024





Apr. 15th, 2024




Would anyone be interested in a telepathy/telekinetic/psychic club?  We could get together, and talk about visions we had.  Maybe we'll figure out if there's a special meaning behind them or just help deal with the shitty ones.  We could practice our skills too, so we're ready to battle whatever Dunwich throws at us.  Or just have fun making things move and explode.  Or we could just be telepathic pen-pals and not meet in person.  I'm very open to ideas on this.  If you're worried about me being too young for a club, I turned sixteen last week, so I have sixteen years of practice. I'm an expert

Apr. 11th, 2024




So, I'm not sure who would be the proper person to talk to or if anyone has related to this experience, but I received a letter this morning saying that someone had deeded me a residence.

Now, I haven't been there, yet, but this wasn't how I was planning on spending my day.

Apr. 7th, 2024



tw: religion, demonomania, demonic possession

Other than the Beam, are there any... priests? In town?

Catholic ones, maybe.

Apr. 2nd, 2024




He'll be back in a month. No one touch his room.

On second thought, let's get the dirty dishes out of there so that Calvin doesn't decide to throw them out the window when they grow mold and start walking.

Mar. 14th, 2024





bloody symbol on the statue

kinda of dazed

help please

Mar. 8th, 2024




In case anyone was wondering, I'm not going to recommend that.

You'd think I'd feel a little more rested after being out for a day.

Liv Moore

Hey, sorry for the timing and don't feel like you have to say yes because of the whole comatose floating in air stuck in a nightmare thing, but... I need a new guide after Katniss and Natasha had you on the list.

[Locked to the others who were floating yesterday, or at least the ones posted about on the network]

You're awake again too, right?

Do you remember anything?

Besides dark and cold and water?

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)

Mar. 5th, 2024





I've got this awful headache, I'm going to be in my room. Could I ask that any loud noises in the house be put on... like, a hold, for a little bit? Just until I feel less...

Come check on me later and make sure I haven't accidentally birthed a Greek goddess? It's that kind of headache. Athena might be in there.


Nightmares about the ocean. Did you ever get the...

Thing? We talked about. A thing. To stop it?

Sorry, I can barely think straight with this headache.

Mar. 1st, 2024





Are we... karaoke people?

Feb. 27th, 2024




Wednesday Addams
Rhonda blum
WHO Wednesday Addams and Rhonda Blum • WHERE Sixth Street • WHEN Today, early afternoon.
Two gloomy girls go get coffee. WARNINGS Currently none, save for two morbid girls who may or may not discuss death (they will). Will update if needed.
If you asked Rhonda, out of the two of them, she looked the most dead. Read more... )

Feb. 26th, 2024




I'm going to miss Katniss a lot.

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Geepers. Can't a girl catch a break between apocalypses? Ugh.

Hi. I'm Buffy. Put me down for cranky and confused, or something. This is way, way above my paygrade. Also, is this fancypants cell serious? Is this seriously the right year?! 'Cause. Get out.

Feb. 20th, 2024




Hey cats. I'm Rhonda. I like coffee, the color black, and spoken word. Oh, and I am dead, really, very dead.

Digging the cosmic horror theme this place has going on.

Feb. 13th, 2024




In honor of what I'm told is a very popular holiday, Night Bites tonight is going to feature another dramatic enactment of a book from my home. It's called "One Night in Nashkel". A classic, I assure you.

Perhaps it will be best not to have children in the room while listening.

Feb. 11th, 2024




Which one of you has a death wish?

Please tell me that we're not doing something insipid for Valentine's Day. I'm much rather discuss the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
I need a guide. Neither of you are signed up for it. I don't actually need guiding, but I have to have a guide. Will one of you do it?

Feb. 5th, 2024




So Ronnie told me someone was interested in reviving Corroded Coffin with us.

That got me thinking if I held tryouts would anyone want to audition for a metal band?

Ronnie's on drums. I play guitar and sing. Minimum we need a bass, but another guitar and vocals would be good. Not that we can play outside of Dunwich, but we're pretty much used to playing in the same small town for about five drunks in a dive bar on a good night?

Ability to dodge beer bottles a plus.

Must be comfortable practicing in a literal dungeon.

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 29th, 2024




somewhere there's probably a big monster body and head near each other that someone might wanna take care of. sorry i dont remember where. wednesday might know

thanks for getting me to mist wednesday

also is sword fighting still something that gets taught around here?

Jan. 23rd, 2024




So is there a way to find someone with their phone?

Ronnie called me yesterday but didn't answer when I picked up and I haven't caught her at Pickman so...

Jan. 18th, 2024




Ronnie Eckers & Wednesday Addams, mentions of Eddie Munson.
Thursday Evening | The Quaple House| To Be Determined

Ronnie came to hang out with Eddie for a while and on her way out stops by Wednesday's study, only to learn of a terrible vision involving the Catbus..
Possible disturbing visions, Wednesday being Wednesday.

Read more... )

Jan. 16th, 2024




Do hope everyone's staying safe in this blasted fog. I nearly drove into a ditch on my way to work, so my day's off to a berry good start.

Fret not, Celery is unharmed.

Hello! I don't know how the Angel Fever... spinoff... issue has been treating you, but I hope it's better than it was. In case it's still touch and go, I may be able to give you some hope for the future: I've finally managed to get my own lingering, unpleasant side effect under control. It took me about three months, but I got there in the end! And if I can do it, anyone can.

Jan. 15th, 2024




My name is La'an Noonien-Singh. I arrived here four days ago.

Approximately twenty-four hours ago I was tracking one of your monsters that came through the fog in an attempt to head it off from crossing the ghost line and threatening larger population centers. Only when the creature got to the boundary it was unable to cross.

I then decided to patrol the ghost line. Twice I witnessed creatures unable to cross the boundary.

Having read previous encounters of monsters regarding the ghost line, I have a working theory. Please tell me if this aligns with your experiences or if any of my facts are wrong.

ONE: monsters that enter Dunwich within the parameters the ghost line are unable to get out.

TWO: people that cross the ghost line and have an out-of-body experience have reported releasing a monster from their incorporeal form. monsters that enter this world outside the ghost line are able to cross its boundary at will.

THREE: monsters don't appear to pass out or have out of body experiences when they come in contact with the ghost line, regardless on which side of the force field they arrived on.

CONCLUSION: the force field, or ghost line as you call it, wasn't designed to trap us, it was designed to trap the creatures that come from the mist. Maybe creatures from the mist in particular have a certain frequency or quality that the ghost line is specifically tuned to.

That wouldn't explain why we're here or have been pulled in alongside the monsters.

I will let you know if I come across any other observations about the creatures that may be useful to our efforts.

Jan. 9th, 2024





hi everyone!!😊😊 it's wednesday's birthday this weekend!!!🎂🥳 the 13th to be precise!! me, eddie and xavier are going to host dinner and games at our place around 7pm saturday!!

any game suggestions would be GREAT!! i was thinking ghost in the graveyard in the actual graveyard for spookies, but um!! the fog has me a LITTLE concerned???? 🤔

anyway!! please come and celebrate dunwinch's favorite pigtailed menace!!! 🖤🖤🖤

[this post is blocked from wednesday, natch!]