Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+haymitch+abernathy'

Jul. 5th, 2023




WHO Nell and Luke • WHERE Dunwich streets, sidewalks, someone's yard • WHEN Backdated to June 28
Of course Nell finds him. It's the twin thing. WARNINGS Discussion of drug use, rehab, death, suicide.
Are you alive or am I dead? Read more... )

Jun. 18th, 2023




I plan to be at the festival and church to find out what's going on in their minds. If you want to be linked to someone telepathically for the duration of the festival, let me know. I can do a quickie.



TW: mentions of addiction

Diavolo in Tonaca Nera. Try it.

I'm glad you're al I looked for y What did the hospital say?
I know this is me about to call the fucking kettle black considering, but are you going to be okay for tonight or do you need company?

Jun. 16th, 2023



Joint Net Post: Richie + Ani

Hey everyone!


You ever...

Hey, what day is it? I think the phone one of the locals just handed me is a dirty goddamned liar.
Anyway. Hi! I've got an Ani -- her phone is dead and charging here so -- one second on that.

You miss us? Great. Because I am starving, probably need to go to a hospital and have a VERY STRONGLY WORDED LETTER to write to HGTV. Or someone.

Jun. 14th, 2023




Please use this as the official "tip line" for information on Ani Flickerman and Richie Tozier.

If you were the last to see them, there whereabouts, anything at all, please drop a line here. You can do it anonymously as well, either by phone call, blocked text whatever, I don't know how these things work I'm sure it works, but please let us know.


I don't know this place as well as you guys. I'm heading to the outskirts but there's a lot of ground to cover. I've looked for missing people before, and it don't always end up great.

Do we want to have the rest of the group checking along the entirety of the ghost line to make sure they didn't go through for some reason?

Jun. 12th, 2023




And now she felt more alone than she had since getting here.
WHAT: Catching up, getting to know each other, something something?
WHERE: Dunwich main square
WHEN: Mid-morning, 12 June
WARNINGS: Hunting, general Hunger Games warnings
STATUS: Incomplete
Read more... )

Jun. 10th, 2023





[Haymitch, Ani, Maysilee, Achilles]
Going for a walk, then.

I don't know yet.



tw: panic attack

Another one from Panem is now gone. I liked Finnick, he was nice.

Five of us left now [...] Are we making any strides to stop people from leaving? I don't want to go back, I like it here [...] I don't want to have to keep mentoring children in-

Jun. 6th, 2023




Buffy made me laugh even more than she made me sweat and she had me sweating oceans on the regular. She made me very sore but so much better and I miss her already. When people I care about disappear, I always remind myself that it's possible they'll be back. It's more comforting than it is distressing, though maybe not by as much as I'd like. I know this is something quite a few of you have experienced for yourselves and I am both eager and not eager to join your ranks several times over by this point.

Mostly eager, like I said. It would be so bizarre for a woman who literally inhabited my body to look at me without a spark of recognition but it would also be a lot of fun to tell her all about it. I hope I get the chance.
HAYMITCH Today is our last day so please be sure you grab all of your stuff. If they fire us at our skip-the-last-three-days-of-school, they don't deserve us at our best. We're going to be veeeery busy, Mitchy.
SWEET RICHIE I was just thinking about how much I missed your honeyed words when I found something of great interest. I'm not saying I wished it into existence because I would have been wishing it into existence every five minutes or so for at about a week now if I had that power but I might as well have. You're amazing and you're going to want to hear this.
FINNICK Hey, babe! Would you mind taking my next Monday?

May. 29th, 2023




[Katniss, Finnick, Haymitch]


I'm Abigail.  I'm in the college library, looking at movies with music, because I like music. 

I found a couple musicals, called Mockingjay, parts I and 2. They have characters in them with your names and that look like you.  I didn't make the connection right away, I don't really know any of you.   I stopped watching when I did.  not really  If it helps, I doubt anyone else saw it before me.  You have to book a special room with a certain projector to watch reels. No one really bothers.

I can try to sneak the reels out of the library so you can do what you like with them.  

I know about violence, brainwashing and dying too.




New list!


1. If you are invited to a party no one fesses up to planning, don't go.
2. If you win prom queen and no one voted, don't get on the stage.
3. If you're in a building that smells like it should look much crispier than it does, just leave.
4. Be wary of overly detailed statues. - Ezreal
5. Always carrie carry a weapon. - Ezreal
6. If you see a ghost of someone you know, don't assume it's really them. - Eddie K.
7. Stay away from hotel front desk guys with axes and their weirdo bellhop friends. - Eddie K.

Feel free to make suggestions. I'm just getting us started!




for the record

and i feel it needs to be said:


seriously, it wasn't me and i am really, really, really sorry this happened.

May. 26th, 2023



posted friday morning.

Howwwwwwwww the fuck is it almost June?

    You got any more of that hangover stuff?

    You still alive, kid?

    Thanks for the card.


    Anything happen I should giiiiiiive, let's sayyyy, more than two fucks about?

May. 22nd, 2023





Hey. You busy? I was wondering if you might come on a walk with me.


Talked to my therapist I think I'm gonna go ahead and go to prom. Figure it's as good a place as any to try to get used to crowds and being around people.

May. 21st, 2023




I found online a few very interesting and clever bird feeders that can hook up to your window. I think I can find something that fights the window in my apartment here at the Pickham House. One is almost house shaped, clear, so I can watch from my couch. Funny, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would actually have the time and freedom to just sit and birdwatch.

Filtered to Ani
Murphy asked me to go to prom with him.

Filtered to Haymitch
Want to hear a joke? Or read one, I should say.

Filtered to Sam
Remember when you mentioned the DVD? Someone found a trading card of myself and other victors here from home. I know it's not mine, I didn't even keep one from home, but it's here somehow. I don't think any of the other people from Panem would be callous enough to keep a collection of the trading cards either.

May. 11th, 2023




[Panem Folk]
Sound off- the rest of you still here?

May. 10th, 2023




Well, it seems that Benedict and I are moving into a new-to-us house soon. It's overwhelming, but exciting- and it's via estate, so there will be plenty to sort through; thankfully, we don't have much to bring over from Pickman.

[Friends, Werewolves, Found Family]
Do you mind a location change? Family dinner and housewarming party, at 76 Applewood Court.

Same time and place- May 20th, meal starts at 1:30, so feel free to start arriving around 11:00am? Weather permitting, we'll set up in the garden outside, and have the kitchen and dining room available for prep and indoor food storage. Otherwise, we should have plenty of space to clear inside and set up tables.

If any of you need alterations on any formalwear soon, please reach out to me as soon as possible. With prom coming up so quickly, I'd like to make sure that I have plenty of time to ensure that everything fits correctly so that you look and feel your best!

May. 8th, 2023




TO: Mickey Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Hottie Good Hair Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Sweet Richie Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Maysi Baby Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Five Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Klaus Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Ali Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Margo I am very, very much looking forward to giving you an assist with Eliot's party whenever that might be, but if you would be willing to help me out with this not-quite-infinite closet before then, I would SO appreciate it. I am drowning.
TO: Lux Hey, sweet thing! I am so sorry you received those nasty messages. They weren't from me and you weren't the only one who experienced something like that - poor Isabel got a bunch of awful stuff, too. I'm so sorry! I have never once had less than a sparkling opinion of you.

[ooc: with the exception of margo, ani is trying to determine if people are dopplegangers. feel free to wrong text or not!]

May. 5th, 2023



tw: alcoholism, withdrawal

    How is everyone etc etc

    Howwwwwww bad is it that I know~ how to fix this but h

    Sooooooooooo I really need a drink and your tolerance is I can't do this a

    Alriiiiiiiight so I've avoided this conversation for about as long as


    Alright, I need to have a ~serious conversation~ with Donner and I need to not lose m

    Areeee you still a cat?

    I really need a fucking drink.

May. 4th, 2023




Posted after this

[Friends of Alison {minus Alison}]
Just so you guys know, Alison hurt her hands earlier today when she dropped a mirror, so if you see bandages on her hands, that's why.

Though, that's not the main reason for this network. I was actually planning on proposing to her in the near future, maybe sometime this month. So, I may need all the help planning this out since I want to surprise her with a nice proposal.

Anything I can do for you? Maybe I can get us take-out tonight?

May. 3rd, 2023




[Filtered to Maysilee, Ani, Haymitch]
Would you rather have dinner at mine, or have me bring you three care packages to yours?

I saw about Peeta. I'm so very sorry to hear about that- I can't imagine what he must be going back to. That's what the above is for, by the way. No getting out of it, I insist.

[Filtered to Lux]
Did I see you're back to yourself? I have something for you I found at the shop and now you'll be able to wear it properly!

[Found Family- includes those at Lux's FF Dinner]
How do we feel about planning another family meal soon? I think after the last few weeks we could probably use a little community.

Apr. 28th, 2023




NOT A DATE - five hargreeves

TBD | ⚠ Drinking, likely, with the lads

Not A DateRead more... )




I keep expecting to wake up and find myself [...] not me. It hasn't happened yet, but it seems like everyone around me is [...] different.

Apr. 25th, 2023




My Life As Buffy Summers: Day 3
a. e. flickerman

This morning, I got a papercut. It's already gone!

If I didn't see it for myself, I'd believe it a con.

I don't like being a blonde better, but it's a fun change of pace.

You know what else is really fun? Doing makeup on a different face!

If by accident you forget you're very strong and you break a door,

is it wrong to blame a wild, aggressive, and very hairy boar?

Later on today, I'll have the honor of learning from Giles,

I'm going to do awesome and earn soooo many smiles!

Apr. 24th, 2023




First, I want to thank everyone who came to celebrate my birthday with me this past Friday. A big thanks to Ani for putting everything together, I am having a great time listening to all the music recommendations! I didn't realize how many different styles existed, it's a little overwhelming but fun.

Speaking of overwhel

On another note, Run Club will be taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30am. All levels are welcome, though I will say I will probably be absent for the time being. I'm pretty sure this body will

Oh, and if you haven't guessed, this is Maysilee.




[Filtered to Friends & Found Family]

I broke my phone this weekend and only just got it back up and running- what happened? Are you all okay? Who's- do you need anything? Clothes, meals, a safe space, anything I can help with?

As far as I can tell, I'm still me in my own body, so if there's anything I can do for any of you, please- just let me know.




I never knew one person could be covered in so much fur that wasn't a werewolf.

Are we certain that Steve isn't a werewolf?

I know I said if things didn't change back today that you could tell him, but if he hasn't figured it out yet maybe we don't have to? Robin ran screaming from me when she saw what I really was and Steve? Steve hates anything dead, undead, doesn't matter.

And maybe they weren't really my friends before everything happened, but if they freak out, no way they're letting Dustin anywhere near me. Which...

So I guess what I'm trying to say is please?

Apr. 23rd, 2023




Not to alarm anyone, but in the world that Margo, Quentin, Julia, and I come from? Once you tell other people that you've been body swapped, the spell becomes permanent. So you may want to exercise caution and not tell anyone else you've been Freaky Fridayed.

I don't know if the same magic is at work here, but if it is, you'll have to track down whoever made the potion that caused this and have them fix it.

Good luck?

Oh, for those of you concerned by Margo's previous warning, I am indeed Eliot, but decidedly not possessed by a monster. Minor miscommunication.




Whaaaaat the actual fuck?

    Anyyyy chance you're in my body?




If I'M Buffy, who the FUCK is me? Is BUFFY me? I'm freaking out and I see I'm not the only one freaking out but right now I'm more concerned with my own freaking out what the fuck is happening does anyone know? If you have my body please check the fuck in

I'm also in A LOT of pain. How much of this is "I'm in the wrong body" pain and how much of it is "Buffy got in a fight yesterday"? Is anyone else in PHYSICAL PAIN? Is this dying?