Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+klaus+hargreeves'

Sep. 18th, 2023




Not to alarm anyone, but Alexis is trapped in my dreams.




WHAT: Klaus and Alexis end up in the same dream
WHERE: ~Dreamland~
WHEN: Monday, September 18th
WARNINGS: Some mentions of monsters
STATUS: Completed

"Who knows how dreams work, Alexis?" Klaus answered, hugging her back. That worked. "Not me. I just exist. It's much easier that way, less to worry about." Read more... )

Sep. 5th, 2023





Guys guys guys!

My hyenas are here!! This place finally did something for me that doesn’t suck!

[ Private to Constantine ]
Hey um listen I know we've never really spoken but I have a question for you.

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 1st, 2023




I'll miss my daily tea with Adam. Hopefully, when he returns home, he'll let Crowley know I've been waiting for him. We have so much to talk about, my experiences here. Just this morning, I woke up hearing one of the songs he used to listen to, and it made me think of him.

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey. I'm Keith. I've been here for a couple of months but I haven't made one of these yet because I didn't really have much to say? I'm boring like that. Sorry.

But I'm looking for a job. I'm good at flying and driving things, but I'm good at repairing stuff with motors too. I'm good at fighting and stabbing too, but that feels a lot less marketable in the job market.

Hi. I heard you were a big part of the reason why I'm still around and alive. I just wanted to say thank you for that and if you need anything, let me know? I owe you a lot.




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.


Aug. 24th, 2023




If anyone at Pickman House heard a fire alarm go off in one of the rooms, my bad.

Exactly how any abilities do you have?

Anyone still dealing with anything weird after we broke into the Church? I couldn't smell anything after that, and I still can't smell anything now.

Aug. 18th, 2023




Look, I don't pretend to know everything that's going on most of the time. I don't do this weird spooky magic shit. All I know is there are some people that are still trapped, and their song ain't working, so maybe they don't see the exit like I did or are scared or something.

So I'm going to go back in and try to help them escape, and if I see one of those nurses or whatever, maybe I can fight them on the inside and help. I don't want to just sit around when maybe I can do something, yeah?

I'd say wish me luck but I'm Jamie Fucking Tartt. What do I need luck for?

(OOC: Jamie will not be replying to comments. He goes pretty quick after he stops listening to music. But please feel free to respond to one another's comments, even if it's to talk how bad this idea is or how dumb Jamie is.)

Aug. 12th, 2023




Has it been a weird week for everyone?

Something happened at the church.

Thank you.

You have wings!

I'd like to report a murder.

Aug. 11th, 2023



Breaking into the church


Aug. 6th, 2023




Dunwich public school teachers:

This is your reminder that in-service starts next week and will last for the week until we're ready to prepare our classrooms.

For Dunwich public students, the first day of classes is August 30th.

Aug. 4th, 2023




Natasha Romanoff's asked me to see anyone who is currently experiencing headaches to see if there's some sort of virus going around.

When you get a moment, come by Mist. I'll take a culture swab and see what's going on.




Show of hands: who here has a headache? Just tracking. Use this as a general wtf posting or whatever you will.

Aug. 2nd, 2023



TW: mentions of addiction and depression

I hate today. Hated yesterday too. But I hate it less than last week, and if only just barely, that's minimal progress.

Are you about ready to come up for air?
I need your help.

Jul. 17th, 2023




So as some of you have heard already, a local dunwich resident was murdered. I don’t want anyone to panic - there is no reason to believe at this time that anyone of us is in danger. I am going to tell you we are actively investigating this situation, and any additional investigating done by any MISTakes will wind up with you in the tank for obstruction.

I am not joking.

Again, there is no reason to panic, but please make sure you keep an eye on each other and if anyone has any information that may be relevant please let us know.

I gather you two knew the previous Loki that was here quite well. Would you mind answering some questions about his involvement with the Church?

Thank our DA here for getting us the warrants. I’m heading out to pick up Father Andrew and bring him in for the next twenty-four hours and I need you to go out and find us something we can use.

[OOC: PLEASE NOTE that Father Andrew is arrested early Monday morning and held for 24 hours. Almost immediately, there are churchgoers protesting outside the police station and they remain there for the full twenty-four hours.]

Jul. 13th, 2023





I beg your pardon?

Jul. 12th, 2023



TW - alcohol

I deserve a gold star. Don't ask me why. I just do. But I also don't want to take away from the sticker sheets that I use for my students.

I'm also not that enigmatic.

Do you want the good news or do you want the bad news?

Jul. 8th, 2023




Tomorrow afternoon, I wish to share with everybody a treat! Not one that you eat, but something you feast with your eyes!

A while ago, one of those disks came to me. It was my story! What happened to me just before I was brought to Dunwich. Yes, there are many parts that are embarrassing, but the cool parts outweigh the embarrassing ones. And I am happy to say, I am very cool.

That is why I will be showing it to anybody who wants to come, tomorrow, 3:00pm</strike NOW AT 4:00 pm ! at MIST on that big screen there. Bring your own snacks.

Jul. 6th, 2023




How many here take the job that suddenly slides into your lap?

I'm apparently supposed to head into the Historical Society building on Monday as their new assistant. Is my boss going to turn out to be a gorgon?

Jul. 5th, 2023




So long Pickman. I've found my modest little home with a stable and a pool. Klaus, Ani — dinner at my place soon. The rest of you... maybe if you grow on me like lichen.

You're all invited, of course.

Jul. 2nd, 2023





Dungeons & Dragons? Who's in?

This is the most normal I've felt since I've gotten here. I kinda owe it to you.

Jun. 27th, 2023




Heyyyyyy everybody.

My name's Stella! I'm not quite sure how long I'll be here as I can't find my grimoire at the moment but this is rather a quaint town.

Anyone know of a place a girl can get a drink?

Jun. 25th, 2023




Klaus & Ava
Backdated to last week | Klaus's apartment

Klaus invites Ava over for waffles.

Read more... )





Hello. My name’s Leon Kennedy and from what I’ve been told, most people here are like me; from somewhere else. I don’t know how I got here or why I was chosen, and I don’t think I’ll find the answers any time soon, but… I’m here now, and I gotta make do.

Deputy Hopper says there’s a chance people from where I’m from could show up here too, so it’s probably a long shot but here goes:

I’m from Raccoon City. If there’s anyone here that’s heard of it, or of the Umbrella Corporation, or even of a girl named Claire Redfield or an FBI agent named Ada, I’d really like to talk to you. If I can’t get back there then I’d at least like to know what happened. The year was 1998, if that helps.

I’m staying at the Pickman house. I’ve actually been here for a few days already, but I’ve been laying low, trying to get used to all this… I think I’m getting a handle on it so I figured I’d post and get to know some of you.

The way I see it, we’re all in this together, right?




"Alcohol seemed like a great idea. Alcohol in the form of milkshakes even better."
Read more... )




That is the last time I mistake mist for an out of control fog machine at a rager.

This is quite the hellscape the town has going for itself. I'd be down for it if it was a weekend trip during Halloween or something. Small towns make me itch.

Currently seeking suggestions on things to do on your first day of arrival while processing the idea monster lobsters.

Jun. 24th, 2023




So outta curiosity...

Anyone else wondering what the hell? Finding anything weird? I found a few photos from the 90s where I look 16 or 17...

Yeah. This shit's weird.

(OOC: feel free to use this post as a catch-all if you want with IC reactions to the recently discovered photographs.)

Jun. 22nd, 2023




I have to say I am really loving the vibes of this place.

Creepy cult churches? ✓
Apparent monster attacks? ✓
Old school movie theater? ✓ (Please tell me it plays horror movies)
Creepy clown amusement park? ✓
Businesses with 'no trespassing' signs? ✓

It reminds me a lot of the town I grew up in. Needs more jack-o-lanterns on every corner. Hopefully there's a lack of accesses to wherever this places version of Hell is located.

Where's the best place in town to get a milkshake and fries?

Jun. 21st, 2023




Does anyone happen to know anything about ghosts? Specifically how to get rid of them?

[ *ooc note: the thing in enj's closet is not a ghost, so any suggestions may or may not work. but he will sure try them! ]

[ Alison ]
I know you have a lot going on in your life right now and you are terribly busy, but can you please tell Jimmy that I won't be able to make it to work tomorrow? I'm feeling exceptionally under the weather.

[ Richie ]
I'm going to politely request that you not visit me for a few days. Not only am I trying to get rid of this ghost in my apartment, but I'm also not feeling well. I'd feel exceptionally guilty if you became ill because of me.

[ Addie ]
I hate to sound dramatic, but I think I've gone mad.