Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'hannibal:+abigail+hobbs'

May. 26th, 2024




[Will (Graham)]

So this might seem a bit strange, hear me out.
That friend I told about, the one that was acting paranoid - he's doing better now. You remember how I told you he can turn into animals? He can turn into a dog and he likes to do stuff like play fetch in the park. I thought you might like to meet him and the three of us could hang out? He can't talk out loud as a dog. He can use telepathy. If you're not comfortable, that's okay. He can send me a message to me, and I can tell you what he's saying. He might become a friend to you here. He's not judgemental at all.

May. 23rd, 2024




Last year, I taught horseback riding lessons for the under 21s. With the summer coming up, I thought I should mention that I'll be doing this again this year. If you're interested, let me know. I will be testing to see if the animals like you before agreeing to teach you.

June 20th is the final day of school. Apparently, all those snow days when there were fog monsters extended you year.

May. 20th, 2024




I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what kind of job I can get here. I'm not very good at a lot of things here and you don't have power core generators or water filtration systems to maintain and that's what I trained for.

I'm not very strong.

And I don't know a lot of things.

I've been trying but I can't figure anything out.

May. 19th, 2024




Hey. How are you?
I know you have some things going on right now and things didn't go great the last time we talked.
I hope you don't mind me talking to you.
There's someone I know from home here.

May. 17th, 2024




Ice breaker time, cause I'm bored and there are a bunch of new people around.


Warm drink:

May. 15th, 2024




May 13th, evening  •  The Packhouse
⚠ reference to cannibalism in Abigail's past
STATUS Ongoing

I see family )

May. 13th, 2024




[Will (Graham)]
Would you like to join me and Kitty for dinner? I think it would be good for you to meet. She's like family, she takes care of me. You can see where we live too. You can see that I have a good life here. other than Rahne being gone.



tw: violence, serial killer

There's someone here I know from my world.

May. 8th, 2024



tw: grief, loss

I should have known this would happen. Love always hurts.




Do you have a job here? If so, why did you pick that one? If not, why don't you have a job?

If you're hiring, post here if you'd like. I'm nosy, what can I say? And maybe bored.

May. 7th, 2024




For Thursday, the 23rd, I'm going to do something a little different for Finer Things Club.   A cheese pairing night.   Because of RoxxCart's

I'm going to ask everyone that comes to bring something they'd like to see paired with the right cheese, such as wine, chocolate, nuts, fresh fruit, dried fruit, salami, prosciutto, coppa, pepperoni, jamón ibèrico, chorizo, baguettes, honey, truffles, crackers.  Whatever you like, and I can suggest what cheese would go best with it. It doesn't have to be fancy.  If we end up sharing recipes for grilled cheese and mac and cheese, that's okay too. 

I would like to be a bit party-like - if anyone wants to help me organize it, that would be appreciated.

Regular finer things club is still happening too.  Every Thursday.  It's a club for trying new foods and things that some of us didn't have the chance to try back home.  Everyone's welcome, even if things aren't new to you.

May. 5th, 2024




Well, I've been here for about a month, and while everyone's been really great in helping me settle in, I've been a little stuck for what I want to do while I'm here.

I know I should probably get a job, but aside from running the Hazbin Hotel back home, it's not like I have a lot of experience. I didn't exactly need a job, after all.

So, after looking things over, I enrolled to take classes at Derleth College! I don't exactly what I'm going to do for a degree, but I figured I could at least take some classes and see what works.




Roxxcart employee discount this month is for cheese. Oddly specific, I know, but Dunwich gonna Dunwich. Since I don't eat... is anyone interested? I don't want to flood MIST with cheddar if no one's into that.

EDIT: We're now out of Parmesan.

Thanks for the other night. I know people aren't exactly chomping at the bit to see Dirty Dancing on the big screen. I owe you one.

Hey. Just checking in. Hope you're doing okay.

How've you been? How's Luke?




I've been here almost a year, and I've made and lost more friends than I ever had before. So weird.

So we're all in agreement - if the town's throwing a prom, no one's going. Right?

[Michael Emerson]
Still alive over there?
[Clara Oswald]
So let's say I do want to do the GED thing. Where do I start?

May. 3rd, 2024




Suggestions on things to do to pass time?

I've probably been spending way too much of my day at The Coffee Green. I'm surprised that Ivy hasn't kicked me out.

Sorry for going radio silent on you for a while there. You doing okay?

May. 1st, 2024




...what do I do about my job? Both of my boss's (Ha! bosses!) disappeared.

Apr. 29th, 2024




Got a talking rabbit from Quentin. He alive. Need help.

Think he in that Todash... Space... thing. Courtesy of Alexis.

Can someone please get him out? I don't know what to do

Apr. 26th, 2024



posted very early saturday morning


has anyone seen quentin?

Apr. 24th, 2024



tw human experimentation, starvation

Hello, sorry to bother everyone again. Does anyone have any advice for finding out everything you've ever believed is a lie and you were experimented on and starved for no good reason?

Is there a pamphlet?

There's should be a pamphlet. Or a book.

Is everyone else from a land of lies and bullshit? I don't know what's normal right now.

Apr. 23rd, 2024



(after the full moon) (tw: wild animal death)

So, I'm thinking, Thanksgiving dinner in April, what's everybody think? Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce?

We've got the turkey already, so...


You're such a cute wolf.

Was there a special occasion for the murder present?

Apr. 17th, 2024




If I want a car, how do I get it?

Apr. 15th, 2024




It's been a really long time but a lot of people are gone and a lot of people are new and Eddie's not here anymore, so I don't know if I'll even be able to run a table big enough for everyone but ...

Does anyone want to play D&D?

I was thinking we could do one shots, since I know having a long story arc is kind of hard with Dunwich ... being Dunwich. You could keep and level up your characters, they'd just go on shorter and self-contained adventures.




What events or classes do you attend at MIST?

I'm normally not one to reach out, but a distraction post is needed.

I don't know what else...random trivia? What's your favorite recipe with regular coffee?

[Filtered: Nancy]

I'm not okay. I don't...after last month, I've stayed away, locked in my head for much of the time. It wasn't good.

[Filtered: Steve Harrington]

I'd ask if you are okay, but I'm guessing probably no. I wouldn't be.

Do you drink coffee?

Apr. 14th, 2024



tw: fainting

Guess I can be honest about this too.

I've been fainting too.  It never lasts long for me, less than five minutes and usually less than a minute.  I've got people to be around me like Rahne and Steven.

I'm also using a service animal at times. He's an animal I met in the woods and I've trained.  He has very strong senses and can sense when I'm about to faint.   He alerts me by gently bumping me with his head or making a small noise.  That way I can sit down and not risk falling. He's a very good boy.  The locals see him as a dog.  If you happen to see me unconscious with an animal nearby, he's not going to hurt me or you.  He simply waits until I wake up and then lets me know when I'm okay enough to move again.

Apr. 10th, 2024




I've been fainting recently. It's okay. It never lasts long and I've been to the clinic. Will you come with me when I'm working in the park? Just as an added precaution. My park schedule is flexible; we can find times when you're free. I've made an animal friend in the park that you should meet too. He can tell when I'm about to faint.

Hi. Would you be alright with walking to and from my classes with me? I'm having a little problem with fainting and it would be good to have someone to get help if I need it.

Apr. 8th, 2024




I turned 42 in mortal years on Sunday. The first low-key birthday I've basically ever had. As a present to myself I set up a small home distillery at Hellkids House in attempt to make my own rum and whisky. We'll see how it goes. Rum is the priority.




Would anyone be interested in going house hunting with me at some point? It's an endeavor I don't believe myself to be equipped to tackle on my own.

Alternatively, for those who have moved away from Pickman, I'd be keen to hear how you decided on your Dunwich home.

[ Private to Beverly ]
I feel I owe you an apology.



tw: fainting

I need
Will you


Thank you again for healing me. Does healing have any side effects?

[Liv Moore]
I think I have a medical problem. Can I come to the clinic? Do I need an appointment?

What is up with Tobias?

Apr. 7th, 2024




I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.



TW: Paranoia Plot onset

I just.... saw.... something weird in the sky hunting this morning. I mean, while I was hunting the sky this morning, from the sky. Halfway through a perfect upside down-arc and the clouds were just like-....

And ever since then I just feel like, marked? And I can't figure out how, or why, but I trust my instincts. Something's wrong.

Anybody else feel like this?
[To all pre-established-friends (at least a week or two/alliances/coworkers/ect.)]

Are you all okay? Nobody's been asking you to any.... groups, right? I mean, not apart the MIST ones. unless... oh god, if they got here....

Hey, check in, okay? It's urgent.