Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'the+magicians:+quentin+coldwater'

Jan. 11th, 2024




Lyra meant a great deal to me. It hurts tremendously that she's gone.

Jan. 7th, 2024




If you've disappeared and come back to Pickman, or when you arrived at Pickman if a version of you was here before, can you please respond to this post? I'm trying to collect data and may have follow up questions.

For those of you who knew someone who disappeared: did their possessions disappear with them? All of it, or just what they brought with them from home? Again, just trying to get more data to find a pattern.

I moved back into the house. I searched high and low. No sign of the egg. But Margo's birthright lizard and axes are also gone, so I'm thinking it disappeared when I did and just didn't come back?




Filip & Quentin
01.14 10PM | Twilight Time Movie Theater | TBA

A movie date turns monstrous.
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Jan. 3rd, 2024




Hospitals are so boring.

You're like, totally alive right?

Dec. 19th, 2023



Magic Users (Also Eddie K, Pam D)

I hate to ask a favor, with nothing to give in return other than a promise to return a favor in kind. I need help.

When I was brought here the mist robbed me of two very important supernatural traits: the healing properties my blood has, and I'm assuming the narcotic properties as well. And I have a.. venom of sorts, instead of poisoning it keeps my bites from being painful, acts as an anticoagulant and usually holds any wounds I have open for a longer than they would stay open. I am unable to use either as I naturally would.

For those who didn't know I am a vampire. My name is Brynhild of Ingouf. I will answer any question you ask of me, and I will willingly sit through any test you wish to run. The only thing I will not do is step out into the sunlight.

Dec. 5th, 2023





I am thinking of moving back into Pickman, I thought I'd get used to the house being so empty, but it's like I can still hear them around here.

Would that be weird? I know everyone is all about moving out rather than moving in.

Dec. 4th, 2023




Iorek Byrnison is one of the most honorable and wonderful people I have ever met. I will miss him greatly.

Asriel, Iorek, that's everyone from my world gone again. Not to mention losing Emma, and Amalthea, and so many others...

Dunno, just. It's getting real sad.

Dec. 3rd, 2023




This place is depressing even with the sun back. I want to go home.

Dec. 1st, 2023




Right, so. This is awkward. I’m under the impression that I’ve been here before in some shape or form. My name is Stephen Strange. Some of you might know me, but I might not know you, and vice versa? Someone fill me in on what all I did here before, other than work at a yoga studio.

Nov. 25th, 2023




I'm thankful for the Dunwich mist and all the people it's taken from me this last (almost) year.



I'm going to go steal a boat and drink.

Nov. 24th, 2023



Filtered to Witches / Magic types

Well. Are we going to get our heads out of our asses and try to fix this shit or not?

Nov. 16th, 2023




With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T

Nov. 8th, 2023





I wanted to check in on you. Make sure you're doing okay, and if you'd still be up for walking me home? [...] Not gonna lie, kinda just like having the company.


Hey, I never got to thank you for taking care of that ghost problem at work. Do you drink coffee or anything?

Nov. 7th, 2023




Quentin & Filip
after this | Pickman | tbd

a light in the dark.

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Hey, I saw the network errors, and was like "I should probably check on Quentin." So this is me checking on you officially.

You wanna see my dragon? That's not a euphemism.

Nov. 5th, 2023




Are we taking bets on whether or not we forget this weekend yet?


How are you holding up with all of this? And in general?

Nov. 2nd, 2023



tw: assault, violence in post and comments


Oct. 24th, 2023




Can I get help making a running list on how to kill a god?

Oct. 12th, 2023




Quentin & Lyra
"do you want to see a magic trick?"
Pickman | G | ⚠ frustrations?
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Oct. 1st, 2023





Who: Witches, Magic Users, People with Powers
Margarita Drinkers, Sandwich Makers. Etc.
Where: Sidewinder Park, a very nice clearing
When: 9/30, Saturday night, 8pm
What: Magic. Talks. Show offs. Networking.
Coven considerations. Maybe drinking, maybe sandwiches.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, possibe TWs with backstories? Warn in subject headers.
Gordo didn't know what to expect. )

Sep. 29th, 2023




I suppose I should finally introduce myself since it's blatantly obvious my sister and myself will be unable to return home any time soon.

Hello, I'm Sally Owens. I arrived with my sister, Gillian, a little over a week ago.

Sep. 28th, 2023




Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sep. 25th, 2023



Posted late last night


I'm pretty sure I just saw Margo drive a car across the ghost line and she crashed it.


Sep. 24th, 2023




I've been here one week and one day. And I can safely say that I still very much hate Dunwich.

But I can also say that there are some very kind people here who are willing to take the time to make people feel comfortable, and even escort their sorry asses around town. Which -- you know. Thanks for that. If anyone still has offers of drinks and commiseration, I'm happy to indulge though I need a few days of recuperation in between. Sometimes the idea of drinking these days gives me a hangover, especially if I don't have time to whip up some kind of remedy.

Speaking of.

I've also noticed there's a lot of -- variety here. Of people. A lot of magic types and whatever else. So I'm going to go against every antisocial bone in my body and propose a meeting of minds. I'm sure everyone's tried thinking of ways to get home, but sometimes a little collaboration doesn't hurt. And if that fails, learning ways to combine our talents could be good, too.

And who doesn't like midnight margaritas?

You don't need to specifically be a witch or anything to get involved. Any kind of powers or whatever is fine, so long as you bring something to the table. I've got people to get back to, you know?

Anyway, let me know. If there's interest, I'll pick a day out of my very busy and full schedule for it.

I'm Gordo, by the way.

And typing with one hand is fucking hard so.
I'm done.

Thanks for the interest. I'm thinking Saturday night. 8pm til whenever the fuck. Hopefully no one works later than that?

Sep. 23rd, 2023




Does anyone know what bowling is and is there a bowling place here?

How do I get rid of these ghosts?

I have a question for you, about magic.

I've been seeing my
Marisa. Also, we should do a double date with Will and Gar.

Sep. 21st, 2023




Q, I'm gunna need you to do me a favor.

Sep. 20th, 2023




Quentin & Sookie
"He was in fact afraid of no ghost"
Todash tavern | pg | ⚠ ghosties and swearing?
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Sep. 18th, 2023



A Phonecall!

[Emergency phonecall to Quentin Coldwater!]

Around 11:00PM a certain self proclaimed magical handyman's phone would go off. The caller ID? TODASH TAVERN.


Trilling and buzzing incessantly in factory settings until and if he picked it up? And if he didn't? It started all over again.


Sep. 16th, 2023




Quentin Coldwater & Filip Nagata
09.09 evening | The magicians' home | Low

The boy with no reflection and the boy who mends.

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Sep. 12th, 2023




I don't know what's going on with everyone and their cousin getting messages from dead people and I don't care. Since I've been getting messages from someone still alive, I'd say my shit takes precedence.

Christopher Pike, you might remember him as the silver fox hottie and former sheriff before he disappeared, has found a way to make contact. He keeps texting me pictures, but they disappear after about two seconds. I'm assuming it's Ghost Line interference shit.

I haven't been able to figure it out with magic so I need one of you brainiacs to take a look at my phone, see if you can recover the files, and reverse engineer however the fuck he managed to get the messages through in the first place. He's from some perfect future world so I'm guessing some pretty advanced tech is involved.

We figure this out, maybe we figure out how to get messages home or get shit past the Ghost Line.

Who's with me?