Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/film%29:+natasha+romanoff'

Mar. 24th, 2024



Successfully filtered to MIST employees

Good evening,

Would it be possible to visit the armoury at the MIST building? I am unsure of the security arrangements here, or if an appointment is necessary, so I thought it would be prudent to check first rather than simply show up and possibly alarm everyone during this most trying time.

Yours faithfully,

Edmund Pevensie, Duke of L

Mar. 23rd, 2024




So like, how many people got a message from the Deep One this morning?

And maybe how did you get it? In your mind or some other way?

Can I get an update on the box situation?

And I highly recommend not going near the ocean right now.

If you've got questions, hit me up here.

If you want access to the only books we've been able to find about the sea god, hit me up here. But I'll let you know that none of them go into how to hurt or kill him but I know some people need to read that shit for themselves.




It doesn't sound like consent was given, so count me out, Deep One.

How much longer is it going to be before he makes good on his threat?

Mar. 21st, 2024




Based on what I'm reading, this is not a normal thing around here.

Do we have a working theory so far about people turning to stone? My theory suggests perhaps Medusa somehow or perhaps a basilisk.

Mar. 20th, 2024




What's being done to fix my brother?

eta: [PATIENTS (bcc to each of them)]
I'm sorry about the last minute message, but I'm going to have to cancel all appointments for the next few days, until my brother is okay. I'll let you know when I'm seeing patients again.

Mar. 19th, 2024






Early today | TBD

Are they winners? Are they sinners?
Read more... )

Mar. 16th, 2024




If anyone comes across a statue that looks suspiciously like a person turned to stone, can you let us know?

There's at least two statues of locals that look like they've been turned to stone. I'm trying to find out if there are any others but maybe the police can block off the areas and keep the statues safe until we know more?

MIST researchers, we should see what we can find out.

Anyone have experience with people turned to stone?

Mar. 12th, 2024




There's apparently a barrier in the ocean now. Not like the Ghost Line, but an actual barrier that keeps you from going toward the Ghost Line.

If this is the sea god coming to claim his prize (his prize being a living, breathing human being), then he's trying to box us in. I'm going under the assumption that Sabrina is his ultimate design, so he's going to show up at some point. If he's a sea god, we can expect water beings. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what that looks like here.

We need to scout the Ghost Line immediately. I'm calling the emergency staff in for this. We need everyone except Healers/Doctors. Whoever this is is not honing in on one person this time, they've gotten another roughly ten of us. That's way more than last time. I'm not waiting for him to try and pick others off.
I need volunteers to scout along the Ghost Line β€” minus the ocean part β€” for any other barriers. We need to know what our strategy should be. I'll be your point of contact for any information.

Healers/Medical, on call in case someone stumbles on something.
[If your character hasn't signed up, poke me in DM and I'll add them to the document here. Click tab MIST EMERGENCY RESPONDERS.]




The ocean's a no-go. There's like, a barrier or something way closer than the old fog line.

[Team 'Recon']

Thanks for showing. Sorry I was mad when you guys got there.

Mar. 11th, 2024





Mar. 8th, 2024




CURRENT MIST EMPLOYEES (Julia Wicker, Nancy Wheeler, Sabrina Spellman, Spock):
La'an's disappearance has left us with a big hole in security. I also need a point of contact for when we have incidents of fighting.

If anyone has any suggestions for either of those positions, I'm all ears.

Mar. 7th, 2024




I'm sure you've seen by now, but I need confirmation that Vecna is still in the bottle. And if he's not, we need to find him.

Mar. 5th, 2024




A few MIST updates.

I'm looking for a few positions. Some, I will be reaching out to people I feel have qualifications that I need. Some I will be asking for volunteers.

For example, Katniss Everdeen was in charge of our youth oriented programs. This included following up with the 20s and under group to get them guides whether they felt they needed them or not, the youth stipend program, and after school events. If you're interested in this position, I can either do two Co-Heads if you want part time, or I can do one Head, if you want full time.

If you're interested in hosting a party, I would like to suggest MIST as your location. I know it's not as grande as Carbunkle House, but I believe that since there is an immediately door to Pickman that can be locked with a few phrases, it's one of our safer places to have parties. Please see me for any parties or dinners that you'd like to host.

Dr. Theo Crain has taken over as the Mistakes Support Group that Jake Pentecost handled until his disappearance. For a fuller look at our current schedule, you can check that out here. If you're interested in creating a group, see me, and we'll figure a way to work it out.

And as always, if you're interested in being emergency personnel for MIST in the following positions, let me know: Search and Rescue, Fight, Magic, and Medical/Healing.

With Katniss's disappearance, we need to find you a new guide. Do you have someone you're interested in for that position? We have Liv Moore, Wanda Maximoff, Miguel O'Hara, Marc Spector, and Yelena Belova who are open to guides but do not have any under 20 year olds.
My records show that you do not currently have a guide. Is there one you have in your mind? We do have Liv Moore, Wanda Maximoff, Miguel O'Hara, Marc Spector, and Yelena Belova who are open to working with 20s and under if you'd prefer to be given one of those.
How's the puppy giving away going?

Feb. 28th, 2024




What do we think happens in March? I wasn't here, last year, but beware the ides of March and all.

Feb. 27th, 2024




I saw that you offer a class for defensive fighting. I know I'm a bit of a novice, but could I schedule a time with you? I don't wish to embarrass myself in front of others.

I'm asking Natasha if she'll train me in some fighting.


I do apologize, what with being new here and I am still trying to figure out this device. Though I do hope that these error messages are not a frequent thing.

Or at least, nothing tragic has happened -- to them -- upon the time these occurred

Feb. 26th, 2024




I'm going to miss Katniss a lot.

Feb. 16th, 2024




Okay thrill-seekers of Dunwich, I'm looking at you Jordan Li. πŸ‘€

Give me the most exhilarating thing that you've done or would like to do here.

Feb. 11th, 2024





Feb. 9th, 2024




Hey, so....I'm Jo. What the hell is going on here, how did I show up, and why did someone hand me this phone claiming that it's mine?

Feb. 8th, 2024




Has anyone heard anything about a Valentine's Day party? Is anyone interested? If so, I'd be more than happy to host one. My house is large enough to accommodate, but I can see if there's space somewhere at MIST, if that is preferable.

Feb. 6th, 2024




Upon superficial perusal of the network, I am overjoyed at being proven right once again!β€”That humanity is, at its core, a trite, unsurprising, and mundane species with very little capacity for nuance and innovation. Why, look at how you've all sequestered yourselves in the humdrum of monotonous living, foolishly trying to feed your starving souls by chewing on stodgy remnants of bromidic interactions and abstruse small talk. How tedious! How commonplace! How drab!

How perfectly t y p i c a l .

You'd think after billions of years I'd finally be accustomed to this! But no! I still hold out hope that your primitive bipedal species will one day break the cycle. Alas, today is clearly not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

That being said, those of you who attended my soiree have made it onto my NICE LIST. And those of you who declined my generous invitation, well, perhaps after a small demonstration of my charity your manners will show some improvement. Until then, try not to let my presence gnaw at you.

It will, of course.

And because I assume most of you lack the clarity of perception, allow me to introduce myself.


And despite the fact that Jean-Luc isn't here, I have decided to stick around, as they say, and continue the Trial of Humanity. Best of luck to all of you. I'd say the jury is out, but it's very clearly in.

On a related noteβ€”who was going to tell me that young Spock has abs?!

Feb. 4th, 2024




[Stranger Crew + Friends]

Sup, fam.

Dinner this Friday. Yes, I'm cooking. And taking requests.

Nancy, you can bring your new friend. Or whatever. I'm not here to judge.

Robin, you too - only not so much friends there, from what I understand.

Hop...I've got the drinks covered.

Steve, kiddo, I'm here for the ama if you want my advice. It's been so damn hard not to speak up.

Will, you can bring your not so friend too. But keep the pda to a minimum around the food.

Yelena, Natasha, this includes you two. Sorry. Stuck with us now.

Feb. 1st, 2024




Oh, look. Another mysterious invite to a party that's in the same location that tried killing people almost exactly a month ago.

Please don't make me think less of you all, this is fucking tiring.





Jan. 30th, 2024




Miss Romanoff,

In light of recent events with the ghost line and mist monsters, I have determined that I can be of most use to the community by working full-time at MIST. While my Starfleet experience has trained me in numerous areas, I believe my work in the sciences will be the most beneficial to ensuring both the future safety of the Mistakes and furthering to advance our understanding of why and how we are here. If you require references I can ask Lieutenant Noonien-Singh to vouch for my abilities.

On a related note, I have determined a method for adding a β€˜location finder’ to the ghost line map. If a user has the finder turned on then we will be able to track them in the event of an emergency. It would, of course, be voluntary. Each individual user would have to activate the function on their phones. Logically, it would only be accurate if they have their phone on their person. If you approve of this function I will add it to the application programming.

Now that the mist has cleared up, I plan to test transmitters and receivers around the edge of the ghost line with the hope that they will be able to track the changes in the perimeter and automatically update the adjusted geographical perimeter into the app.

I have asked Miss Romanoff to consider me for a full-time position at MIST so I can better help everyone here. is that a Would you find that satisfactory? If you do not wish to work closely together, I can request a position in another department.

I am glad the plan against The Collector was successful and that you are safe and well.

How are you faring after your captivity?

I wanted to check in and make sure you were not in need of more … emotional embraces.




[Sabrina, Spock, Julia, Natasha]
I'm going to take today to react and rage, and then please- if there is anything I can research or help with, I'm at your disposal. I need something to focus on.

Fog seems to be clearing, so I think I'm going to go out to Sidewinder, try to run off some of this energy. If you hear anything..explosive, it's probably just me.

Drinks later, maybe?

Jan. 29th, 2024




MIST was hit hard the last few days.

La'an, I know you're new to the team, but you have experience with security. Up for the task of head of security?

We also need someone to take over Jake's support group. He was my firs Do you know anyone who might be interested?




Is it safe to go out again, now?

Jan. 28th, 2024




I realize this is a little different than the standard, but the MIST clinic is officially going to be taking donations from people willing to donate blood to vampires. We have a special form for you to fill out because you should always be informed and consent to where your blood is going to.

If you would like to donate blood, please let me know if you want your blood donated only for the injured or the sick or for vampire consumption. You can do one or the other or both. Sign up here for donations.

Vampires: let me know what your needs are: how much blood you need and how often.