Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'the+haunting+of+bly+manor:+owen+sharma'

Feb. 5th, 2024




I've seen wonders in my life, but I never thought to see the future, such as it is. So much information in the palm of your hand.

How do you cope?

Feb. 3rd, 2024




Todash friends and country people, according to our delivery man, the lobster tanks we received are just the tip of the iceberg. Our beloved owner remains unreachable, of course, so I've no way to stop the tonne of seafood coming our way.

Time for a seasonal, lobster-ified menu!

My apologies to those who don't care for seafood. I can do my best to disguise it, but I make no promises of success. And to those who fancy a change? Well, you're in luck. Lobster burgers (and lobster kebabs, and lobster and mash, and lobster and chips) are here for a (hopefully) limited time.

I recently came into some money that I think might improve my odds for making another bid for the tavern. But my chances of persuading the bank might be better with a business partner.

Do you know anyone who is interested, and who perhaps has the funds?

Feb. 2nd, 2024




Alright. Loser House impromptu gathering that we're not going to call a party because I said so and also it's chiller than all that TONIGHT.

Because we cannot let Groundhog's Day pass us by without watching the classic 1993 film Groundhog's Day starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.

BYOB and B me some B too, and be prepared for a 34 lbs bag of Lucky Charm Marshmallows to make an appearance.

Uhm. How's 10? You know what? Let's be bold and call it 10:15.

Feb. 1st, 2024




If they're selling those lobster hats at the festival this year I'll pay somebody to grab me one.

Also, anybody else interested to see if the entire place resets halfway through? That's when the first of us started popping up, after all.

Jan. 28th, 2024




I realize this is a little different than the standard, but the MIST clinic is officially going to be taking donations from people willing to donate blood to vampires. We have a special form for you to fill out because you should always be informed and consent to where your blood is going to.

If you would like to donate blood, please let me know if you want your blood donated only for the injured or the sick or for vampire consumption. You can do one or the other or both. Sign up here for donations.

Vampires: let me know what your needs are: how much blood you need and how often.

Jan. 16th, 2024




Do hope everyone's staying safe in this blasted fog. I nearly drove into a ditch on my way to work, so my day's off to a berry good start.

Fret not, Celery is unharmed.

Hello! I don't know how the Angel Fever... spinoff... issue has been treating you, but I hope it's better than it was. In case it's still touch and go, I may be able to give you some hope for the future: I've finally managed to get my own lingering, unpleasant side effect under control. It took me about three months, but I got there in the end! And if I can do it, anyone can.

Jan. 15th, 2024




All right all. I've been reading through everything.

Under a cut for tw for body part talk from gifts but open to everyone )

Jan. 10th, 2024




I have such a love/hate relationship with January. The fucking holidays are over, but January always seems to be half the year long.

Now that the holidays are over, I'd like for each of you to schedule a time to get a dress mold of you. When can you come by the Loser house?

Jan. 5th, 2024




Friday 10:14 AM
Owen Sharma ✦ Rose Tyler
Two Brits walk into a curio shop.
Low | ⚠ None

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Jan. 2nd, 2024




Sunday, 12.31 - evening
Mike Enslin & Owen Sharma
Plans change. Certain parties party privately.
Their home | Low | ⚠ None
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Dec. 17th, 2023





Dec. 15th, 2023




I'm not sure pink is my color, but to whoever got me this onesie: thank you? It's very kind?

I don't know if you remember but, during the blackout, we talked about maybe buying out our local overlord(s) and running Todash ourselves, so it's not quite so up in the air when things go wrong there.

Well, I've given it some thought... and I think I'd like to perhaps explore that option in earnest.

No clue how much it'll cost - I imagine it won't be cheap - and I know none of us here are swimming in cash. So I've made an appointment with the bank for next week to discuss options for a business loan. Assuming that's viable, maybe you and I can make an offer? If you're interested in going halves with me, that is.

Dec. 14th, 2023




Nothing says Christmas like ... age old Icelandic myths via rotten potatoes?

At least, that's what google tells me. Either that, or someone really hates me Renaissance Fair style. Either is valid, I guess?

I mean, fuck you to whoever sent this, because now my office smells weird, but...


Dec. 8th, 2023




I dislike this time of year. The fake cheer is even worse than usual.

Enid and I have been talking, and we think you should move into Enid's spare bedroom. You spend so much time here, and your art shed is out back.

Dec. 4th, 2023




For those of you who have experienced the local illness known as Angel Fever: did any of you endure anything peculiar afterwards as you were healing?

[ Wanda ]
I have a problem.

Dec. 2nd, 2023




I'll be the first to admit the timing isn't perfect, but I thought I should introduce myself sooner rather than later. As I understand it there was another version of me here not too long ago, so we might need to compare notes - but I am Mobius, perhaps we can start over.

Nov. 25th, 2023




I've been practicing karate in my spare time because it's what I can do for now. Tai chi too, though no formal training there.

Have to do something to stay sane around here.

[Stranger Crew]

Hanging in there?

Nov. 17th, 2023




So, over the past couple of days, I've noticed Alison has been rather fatigued. Though today, there's been dizziness, a splitting headache and a low-grade fever. I know it's most likely Angel Fever.

With that in mind, I need to take her to the hospital and see if they can help out any with this. Although with Dunwich being in perpetual darkness, I may have to ask if anyone would be more than willing to provide a ride, if they feel so obliged.

Nov. 15th, 2023




Don't mean to alarm anyone, but we seem to have lost power at Todash? I can cook by candlelight just fine and the grills run on gas. But our tills do not. Neither do our fridges.

Can we get someone to come take a look at things? The local electrician seems slow to stir themself.

Nov. 14th, 2023




I'm depressed! The lack of sun doesn't really matter to me because I'm a zombie. I don't need sun. Also, I lived in Seattle my whole life so whatever.


Who wants to go dancing?

Nov. 9th, 2023




November 9th, 2023
Mike Enslin & Owen Sharma
"the street lamps struggled to maintain in the unnatural darkness."
Outside Todash | Low | ⚠ anxiety, tbd
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Nov. 6th, 2023



tw: upside down kidnapping, death

Anniversaries can be hard. That's what the doctor told me on the first one. I mean, he was telling my mom, but I heard him.

November 6, 1983 was the day I was pulled into the Upside Down. It's not just this day that's hard. The whole week that I was down there, running for my life, being hunted down by monsters. It was dark and freezing. And the whole time I was reaching out for my mom.

I'm sad she isn't here but I have some really wonderful people who are. Like Hopper, who gave me CPR and brought me back to life. And like Gar, my boyfriend, who's here for me no matter what. And all my friends and everyone I know.

Sometimes I used to feel like I should've stayed in the Upside Down. But I'm glad I got out so I could make it here.

Nov. 1st, 2023




Moving into our new house in the black of the afternoon night(??) was not on my Dunwich Bingo Card for --uh. Ever.

But you know what? I'm not even surprised. Color me unsurprised. And not only because I don't have a bingo card.

Hey, should we make BINGO CARDS?

Anyway. It's been a fuckin' wild few weeks here, my guys, so if you need to find me, I'm going to be in racking up my brand new electricity bill, unloading boxes and eating pizza somewhere on my living room floor.

Oct. 31st, 2023




It's been two weeks and I still feel off-balance every time I see the date and realise my birthday has been and gone. Like standing on the edge of a short drop just about to jump down and never quite doing it, only to realise you're already at the bottom. I think it will be easier in November, when I don't look at a calendar and immediately start trying to make the mathematics work.

Oct. 18th, 2023




Bit of an odd question: does anyone know how to get some spontaneously sprouted wings to… unsprout?

Don't be alarmed, but I broke the gutter outside your window. I'm getting it fixed first thing tomorrow.

So I think there's possibly a chance my bout of Angel Fever wasn't as uneventful as I'd hoped.




Wednesday, 10.18 - morning
Owen Sharma & Jude Duarte
Putting up Halloween decorations (nearly) leads to disaster (and discovery of new abilities).
36 Maple Street | Low | ⚠ Falling from a ladder
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Oct. 11th, 2023




In lieu of these trying and difficult times, he's a little something to lift both moods and spirits.

It's National Sausage Pizza Day!

So cheer up, because now you've got the reminder and opportunity to get loads of sausage in your mouth.

Private to Hot Boyfriend Mark
Everyone's getting real wild about you this week.
I'm not gonna pile on.

Oct. 10th, 2023



Present Day

With all the shit that happened last month, is anyone else freaking out concerned that possession ghosts might have something to do with us missing memories?Β 

Do you like apples and pork?Β  I found a fuckton of apples in my place yesterday and a few recipes using apples.Β  There's one for pork tenderloin that looks like it would be good.
low sodium, healthy carb.Β  Do vampires care about that shit? Β  Β 
I figured it'd be good to share it. Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?Β  That is, if you eat.
Probably should have asked that first.Β  Or just asked Richie or Bev. Fuck.

Oct. 6th, 2023




Friday, 10.06.1997 - Evening
Owen Sharma & Mike Enslin
Owen makes a move.
Le Baron Rouge | Low | ⚠ none
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Oct. 1st, 2023




I do love the change of seasons.

By the way, when did Halloween become so ghastly?