Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'stephen+king:+stan+uris'

Jan. 15th, 2024




I saw a monster creature that kind of looked like a giant E.T. on my way home from work. I had my Escalade so I just got the hell out of there. Thank fuck I had it. None of us should be on foot these days! I've got plenty of room in the Escalade if anyone needs a ride to work and works a similar 9 to 5 weekday schedule. No one should get eaten like they're fucking Reese's pieces.

Jan. 12th, 2024




bev & Stan
The Losers House β€’ Today
just another day Read more... )

Jan. 4th, 2024




I'm going to be canceling my classes this week and switch the schedule around so that there's open floor space if people want to use it for other things.

I'm sorry to inform you that I'll be canceling pilates for the rest of the week. If you would still like to use the space, you're more than welcome to, I can make sure to have the door unlocked for you.

How'd everything last for you the other night? Did it all work out?
And I've been attempting something, not sure if it'll work but I can drop it off for you to try.

Dec. 21st, 2023




Ben and Stan

Backdated - 12.13 . Loser Residence . TBD

Stan wanted to get rid of those two little figurines, and as promised, Ben was true to his word.

Dec. 20th, 2023




Anyone else get a hand ornament thing?

Dec. 19th, 2023



tw: mental health, self-medicating

Does anyone know about Dunwich dietary supplements and botanicals?Β  Are things like St. John's wort, kava, passion flower pills, valerian, lavender oil pills, lemon balm capsules the same here as they would be anywhere else?Β  Β The dispensary is open, right?Β Β 

I shouldn't have let my placebos get low

In other news, the little dog toy I got is cute.Β  And that's the only reason I wanna carry it around with me.

Does yoga help with bad moods and shit like that?

Dec. 14th, 2023




Earlier this month I've taken on the job of Maintenance around Pickman so if anyone needs anything repaired you can message me directly and I can take care of it.

Hey Rich, if putting a box of Andes Mints at my door was some sort of joke, it completely missed the mark.




Anyone else get wee Eldritch babies?

They're not quite off the realm of cute, but for how ugly they are.

Dec. 7th, 2023




Sending blessings of Hanukkah for health, happiness, peace and prosperity.

Time to light that first candle.

Dec. 5th, 2023




I just love decorating for Winter. There's something therapeutic about putting garlands together and listening to a fire roar. What I can't wait for is the snow. I love snow.

[Stan Uris]
So I talked with the new Strange in town. He's definitely not the Stephen Strange that we knew. His name didn't reappear back on the deed either, so I think it's safe to say that we won't have any hiccups in what we want to do to improve, Namaste. How do you feel about the name Mind and Motion?

I'm curious. How many pups do you still have with you that you're trying to find homes for?

Nov. 16th, 2023




With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T




I know some of you have not experienced power outages before and we're still stuck with this hell mess.

Here's some shit you need to know.

There can be a surge when the power comes back on that can damage electronics.Β  To keep your shit things safe, turn them off, unplug them if you can and turn your heat down to minimum.Β  Turn off most of your lights - leave one on so you know when the power comes back on.
Leave your freezer and fridge plugged in.Β  Don't open your freezer or your fridge unless you absolutely have to.Β  When you open them, decide what you want before you open the door, grab it quickly and shut the fridge door quickly.
Eat your perishable food first.Β  Throw out anything that's spoiled.Β  If there's any question, throw it out. Don't take fucking risks with food poisoning.
Be careful with candles and for fuck's safe don't leave them burning while you're asleep.
Don't go out unless you have to.Β  Usually that's because the traffic lights are out, here we have the vampire threat too.
Make sure there are batteries in your carbon monoxide alarms.Β  You should do that anyway.

First aid kits and emergency preparedness kits are a very good fucking idea!Β  If you don't have them, I have extra.Β  I'll give them out, but you have to find a safe way to get here.Β  Β Or get someone who can deliver them to you safely.

When the power comes back on, turn your stuff back on slowly, one at a time.Β  Β Reset all your clocks and restock your emergency kits.

If the power's still off tonight, will any of you sleep in my room? You can take the bed, I can take the floor. It's not like there's any dirt or dust in my room I could breathe in. Or we could all just camp out in the living room. I hate this
Added later: Tobias might stop by. As a bat, it's how he can find his way in the dark. He wants to know if you're okay with his telepathy.

Nov. 14th, 2023




For fucks sake.

Okay Richie, you win. You were right. Looks like my money didn't last.

I need to find something to do. I'm going crazy here.

Nov. 11th, 2023




Well I had scheduled an appointment with a lawyer to go over some things. What I wasn't expecting was for Stephen to disappear. And the weird thing? Yeah, his signature? It's no longer on the Deed. Like it disappeared with him.

It seems I've been a bit preoccupied lately and haven't reached out to you. Sorry about that.

You have a minute?

Nov. 5th, 2023




I've just found my grimoire!

Best. Day. Ever.

[Group Message to Stan Uris and Stephen Strange]
Hey guys.

I just found something that could potentially change our lives.

Nov. 3rd, 2023




Yesterday, I mentioned to Andy, one of my co-workers tellers, that it was my birthday. Today, he brought in a cake that his wife made and we shared it with everyone at the bank. There were no candles because they get me - blowing out candles on a cake is gross. I got a lot of happy belated day wishes and a few little gifts.

Craig Toomey even offered to cut the cake.This was my piece.
Photo )

It's just the last three letters of the Happy Birthday Eddie that was on the cake.
Or he's not over being demoted.

((ooc: the cake would be on a clean plate with a clean fork))

Oct. 21st, 2023




UNDER 20s:
This kind of shit happened in my world, and it took us to stop It. This creepy fuck who decided that kids were more delicious or something. The adults didn't even notice it, didn't do anything to stop it. Over and over again, more missing kids posters put over the previous ones, and everyone forgot about looking for the one who just disappeared the week before.

Fuck the adults. I say we go out and find them ourselves.

Oct. 18th, 2023




Bit of an odd question: does anyone know how to get some spontaneously sprouted wings to… unsprout?

Don't be alarmed, but I broke the gutter outside your window. I'm getting it fixed first thing tomorrow.

So I think there's possibly a chance my bout of Angel Fever wasn't as uneventful as I'd hoped.

Oct. 11th, 2023




Looks like this is where I introduce myself.

God, I need a drink.

Sorry, guess I should introduce myself. My name's Ben.

Oct. 7th, 2023




Every time the weekend rolls around here and I've gotta do homework for the next Monday, I'm like... what the fucking DICK is this about?? It was summer vacation where I was and I feel robbed! SWINDLED. EXTORTION IS HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK.


Guys!! Is Eddie playing a show tonight? EDDIE. Are you playing a show tonight??

We gotta fuckin get in to see it.

Oct. 4th, 2023




I need a little more chill in the air, but who wants to go to the apple orchard? Fuck pumpkin patches. I'll leave those to Linus.

So if everything goes well, we should be closing on the house soon.

That is fucking crazy.

Sep. 30th, 2023




I'm moving out of Pickman. The owner of the building of Namaste Yoga Bank gave me a key to a studio apartment above saying that the space is mine and to make sure not to make a lot of noise.

That means I need to go shopping for some things. I'm rather excited.

Stan Uris and Stephen Strange
Looks like I'll be available whenever you guys need me.

I'll have my own place now. How serendipitous.

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 21st, 2023




Sept 21, 2023
LOSERS: Free for all threads
It's a club, you can't join.
The house! | Low?? | ⚠ Richie says shit, you have been blanket warned
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Sep. 20th, 2023




Stella & Stan
Wednesday Morning | Namaste Yoga Bank | TBD

The instrumental music itself was a lure that teased Stella, as Stan started his morning yoga class. The line that had been tossed up to her, was now bitten.
⚠ None.

Read more... )

Sep. 19th, 2023




Sorry I missed run club again.Β  I might not make it on Thursday either.Β  I feel like shit.

Are there any strange illnesses going around, other than angel fever?Β  Β Anything that might cause sleep disturbances, like sleep driving sleepwalking?Β  On a related note, what safety tips are out there for sleepwalkers?Β  My place is clutter free.Β  There are no tripping hazards, or sharp/fragile objects around.Β  Β  I'm gonna double and triple check that my door's locked before I go to sleep too.Β  I feel like I should be doing more.

I woke up in a chair in the hospital waiting room this morning.Β  I don't remember going there. Maybe my subconscious knew to go there because I was hurt

Sep. 18th, 2023




I think we're coming close to finding a house that's perfect for every Loser. I can feel it. In my BONES. Either that, or it's just the weariness setting in. House hunting is a bitch and a half and someone just needs to pick an en suite they really love, already, okay.

Hot Boyfriend: Enjolras
How's the, you know? Apartment thing? Because I still have room in my heart and bed for further utensiling.

Hot Boyfriend: Mark
You good? Because -- uh. I feel like I saw some awkward. A little awkward going down. I'm not here to like, you know. Annoy people until they tell me their feelings, I'm mostly just here to annoy, but. You know I gotchu. Whatever you need. am I jealous??

Not Hot Boyfriend: Eddie Munson
Hey. Great work with the thing you were doing today. Organizing? Whatever. Quick question. How's that whole vampire thing work?

Sep. 10th, 2023





[Stephen Strange and Stan Uris]
Hello gentlemen. My name is Stella, and I have been told I am going to be the new receptionist at Namaste Yoga Bank, so I figured I'd go ahead and get the introductions out of the way. I hope we'll be able to work well together, and if there's anything I can do to help please just let me know.



tw: hypochondria, ghost

Sorry if anyone heard me yell.Β  I had a little startle and 'what the fuck' was my natural response.Β  Β Everything's fucked fine now. Or I need an MRI, CT scan, PET scan, blood tests, neurological exam, psych evaluation, physical exam because I'm losing my fucking mind.

[Losers and Dan]
My dead dad talked to me. Not I thought I heard something or got a voicemail. We had a conversation. He could be real, right? Dan, you said you see ghosts, and Richie, you used the word haunted.

Sep. 9th, 2023




Owen Sharma & Stan Uris
09.09 morning | Supernova Music | Low

Inopportune hallucinations.
⚠ Ghostly things, referrences to The Haunting of Bly Manor

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