Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta


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March 22nd, 2024




Is there anyone leading the research for returning our friends to their usual forms?




The creatures turning your friends to stone are called medussas or gorgons, depending on the world you hail from.1 Specifically the women with snakes for hair that curse you with a look, not the stone looking bull creatures that exhale petrifying breath.

The good news is there's a cure that works on any type of petrification. The bad news is making it. On my world it's an oil that can be created from yet another monster that turns people to stone: the basilisk. Lucky for us, the snakes on top of the medussa's head should be a suitable replacement.

Here's what I need:
  • Someone with a magical background to help me create the medussa oil from their snake hair. I can provide guidance but arcane magic is not my specialty.2

  • A few brave people willing to bring me the medussa bodies.3 Can't create snake oil without a few snakes.
Keep in mind, it takes a good amount of the oil to undo the curse. I suggest praying to the god of your choice that there's more than monster out there to provide us with snake oil.4

Should your friends actually get restored, you can thank Theo.5 She's the one that discovered what was turning people to stone. I suggest killing these creatures before they create more statues. Preferably without getting turned to stone yourself. Have fun with that.

1Yeah, D&D is dumb sometimes. I hate that they're called medussas instead of gorgons. >.>

2The part of the arcane helper will be played by Stella via the plot sign up. If you want your magic character to get lightly roasted and turned down by Shadowheart, feel free to try and volunteer them.

3That being said, hunting the medussas gorgons is open to all the fighty/hero types! I'm going to create a mini OOC sign up in the comments. There are only three gorgons, so maybe make a group effort for each one and decide how you're going to get close to the monsters without getting turned to stone yourself. Whether you RP it out ICly or just use the OOC space below to plot out how it goes down is up to you! Either is fine! ♥

4Spoiler Alert: three gorgons are not enough to make eight cures. Why? Because I asked Dawn and Jess if I could be a huge asshole and they said yes. There's enough to make six cures. Sure, it'll be two of the NPCs that misses out, but hopefully it's fun for characters to agonize over. Or is that just me?

5Crystal was the last of the three plot sign ups, so giving them this part of the plot was how their character was involved.




Happy Birthday Will.

Time to be a bad influence but how about you skip classes today?

Karaoke tonight at The Up & Up to celebrate Will's birthday. I've reserved a space and everything will be set up! Can't wait to see you all there!




I have successfully rebooted and re-calibrated myself, and have regained control of my facilities. But I must thank you for helping my daughter search for me. I appreciate your help.
O absent presence, Q is not here;
False flattering hope, that with so fair a face
Bare me in hand, that in this orphan place
Q, I say Q, should appear.
What say’st thou now? Where is that breezy cheer?
[UNDER 20s]
For the duration of this crisis, I have taken the liberty to organize food deliveries to your current domiciles. I will caution you however, that the chocolate ice cream is intended for the freezer. I do apologize for the added hassle, but chocolate milkshakes lose their consistency after a while.

But should you have need of either me or Erwin, please make contact at any time of day. I have no need to hallucinate vividly at night.
OOC NOTE - Original sonnet by Sir Philip Sidney, altered for Q-y needs.




she waited for Nikolai to emerge
WHAT: A reunion
WHERE: Nikolai’s house
WHEN: this morning
WARNINGS: discussions of possession
STATUS: Complete
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Monday, 03.18 - night
Meggan & Riley
The 'friend' date.
Dark Score Lake | Low | ⚠ A dead body
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[tw: mention of a dead body]

[Dunwich PD]
A friend and I went swimming in Dark Score lake last night, and found a body. Looked like it'd been there for some time. Seemed like a local. Also seemed like something we should report.

(backdated to Tuesday 03.19, 4AM)




March 21, 2024
Loki & Strange
"Did you get lost?"
Loki's | ⚠ WARNINGS: TBA
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