Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta


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February 5th, 2024





General rule of thumb, Richie is a lying liar who lies about getting to own an eagle when you turn twenty-one.

Is it even a rule that you can't purchase beer before twenty-one?

Does anyone want to spar with me?

I think I've found a new phase of this emotion-stealing-shadow recovery and it's anger. I've never been so grumpy.

I think I'm a bad person now.





What's up Doc?

Since Theo's appointment calendar has started to fill out nicely, I thought I'd start doing posts like this each month to give your characters the chance to work out some of their issues if they wish, as well as keep track of when appointments are or if your character needs to reschedule or miss an appointment or make a new one. Appointments last 1 hour unless noted otherwise.

Please note that I am not a licensed therapist like Theo, and that I may not be able to come up with responses and answers that may work for your chars. If there's is a very triggery subject, I am more than willing to handwave the sessions, we do not have to rp it out. As always, please note any triggers in the subject line of your comment.

If there is something specific you'd like Theo to recommend to your character, let me know here or on her drop box, where comments are screened.

I am also willing to use this post for any non-therapy things that your character wants to do with Theo while she's at Mist. This can include (but is not limited to) group therapy Wednesday nights, smoke breaks, walk-ins, drop-bys, and general socialization or flirting.

Again, I am not a licensed therapist and anything said by Theo should not be used as a substitution for real, actual therapy IRL.

PLEASE NOTE: Theo is a touch-sensitive empath. During therapy, she does not wear her gloves. If you'd like her to pick something up from your chars when shaking hands or something similar, please let me know under the permissions comment below.

I love you all!!!




In the interest of future safety, I have installed an extra program to the Ghost Line Map application. This program will allow you to link your device to a small group of 'friends' or guardians, giving them the ability to track your location in the event of an emergency. If you install this function, it will also add a button to your home screen so you can activate and deactivate the alert and tracking without logging in.

Note: Pressing the button will automatically send out an alert to the people you've added to your device. Try not to push it by accident.

To install this function:
1) Go to the settings of your Ghost Line application.
2) Click on the Alert/Tracking option.
3) Add your emergency contacts.
4) Click 'Update'.

I have added premade groups such as MIST Security and Dunwich PD for those of you who do not know who to list as your emergency contact. Likewise, use of this function is not obligatory.

If you have any questions or concerns, ask them below.

Dr. Moore,

I have recently taken over the office and projects previously initiated by Mr. Stark. I understand that he was in the process of building you an MRI machine. I have researched the medical technology of this world and determined it possible to complete the work he started. If there are any other specifications you would like me to add that may not have been in his initial diagrams, please let me know. Otherwise I will update you on my progress as necessary.





Things they don't tell you when you decide to run your own bookshop: the accounting will make you drink, customers will ask for books without remembering title or author, and if you don't do something about the locked cabinet of magic at the back, sometimes books will just appear in there. Randomly. Out of the ether.

Or maybe some bookish fairy godmother decided I needed extra stock.

Fellow business owners, please reassure me that it's not just me?

I don't know if it's still relevant for your thing, but there's a couple of titles in here by that author you were looking for. Forgotten Tales of Dunwich and Folktales from the Agawam.




So Ronnie told me someone was interested in reviving Corroded Coffin with us.

That got me thinking if I held tryouts would anyone want to audition for a metal band?

Ronnie's on drums. I play guitar and sing. Minimum we need a bass, but another guitar and vocals would be good. Not that we can play outside of Dunwich, but we're pretty much used to playing in the same small town for about five drunks in a dive bar on a good night?

Ability to dodge beer bottles a plus.

Must be comfortable practicing in a literal dungeon.




I'm gainfully employed again, so there's that. I'd make a bigger deal out of it if it wasn't exactly what I've mostly done since the late 1960s, so I'm happy to let this one slip past.

But just as a hypothetical, what would happen if you hit the ghost line at full speed? Does anyone know?




WHAT: Ezreal & Lux spar
WHERE: Out in the woods behind their home.
WHEN: Monday evening, February 5th
WARNINGS: TBD - Light violence.
STATUS: In Progress

Rules! No gauntlet, no staff. I left the staff at home. If Kas runs around too close, we stop to move him, and ummm. Yell PORO! if you need to stop. Anything else? Read more... )




I've seen wonders in my life, but I never thought to see the future, such as it is. So much information in the palm of your hand.

How do you cope?



backdated to during her conversation with Lux

Lux, Ezreal and I are going to do some really cool cooking tonight. We'll wrap meat in clay, cook it and then smash the clay with a hammer. You'll join us, right?




If you ran the Todash Tavern, what would you be interested in seeing there? Once a month karaoke? Weekly trivia nights?

Can you help me and Owen Sharma secure a business loan? We're looking to buy the Todash from the current owner.