Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+dan+torrance+3'

Jun. 26th, 2024




How are y Is your sobri Enjoying the sunshine?
[Dan & Abra]
How are you two doing?

Jun. 24th, 2024




Okay, I need to know who has my fucking magic. I'm going to show you a spell. Learn how to do the tutting without the incantation or intent before you try it. You have to get it perfect. Then work in the incantation while you're performing the hand movements. Then intent the motherfucking shit out of it.

If should cause your hands to spark and flames to rise.

To put them out, clamp your hands together.

Then reply to this and tell me if it worked. Congratulations, you have mine or Quentin's magic, and it's fucking difficult as shit to do without years of study.

Jun. 21st, 2024




So. I think I might have someone's magic?

I didn't bring my water bottle with me, but it's here now and I'm not in Pickman. So, yeah. Magic?

Jun. 16th, 2024




It's far too quiet. I hate it

Jun. 14th, 2024




[Uncle Dan]
I'm going to that festival at the church.
It feels ominous and I feel like I should be there for whatever happens.
You feel it too, right?

[ooc: backdated to earlier in the day]

Jun. 10th, 2024




The Bad Moon Festival is this weekend. Last year, some weird things happened. Those of us who were at the Todash Tavern β€” someone was told to play Bad Moon Rising. We all went into a trance that gave us memories of being in the Todash Tavern in the 1990s. It wasn't our first hint that we may have been here before, but it was the largest group to experience it. At the end of that, there was a monster that came out of the red door when Alexis and the others came back.

We discovered a time capsule, but some had to break into the church to get it. Those who broke into the church ended up with some nasty curses for a while.

Those of you who went to the Church found that the stained glass moved and counted several full moons. There was also a little bit of an issue with one of the Mistakes, Eddie Munson, blacking out during the preacher's ceremony.

I can't stop you from going, but I would warn you against it.

My current Head of Security recommends that you close the Todash on that day.

Jun. 9th, 2024




So, these rooms are charming, aren't they? No wonder people seem so eager to find things to do in town.

Not to offend our gracious host, I'm sure. But a man* has standards.


It appears as though we're neighbors for the time being. Too bad you would never have the sugar I need to borrow.


I believe I still owe you an audition, beautiful.

Jun. 8th, 2024




I'm starting a club for anyone with mental abilities, telepathy, telekinetic, visions of the future, astral projection, etc. We'll meet at 6pm on Sundays at Mist. Natasha said it was okay :). It's really informal, for practicing our abilities, and talking about them.

We need a name. Mind Masters or Mind Shaper? I'm open to suggestions too.

Jun. 5th, 2024




I've decided that Sunday should be a beach dayΒ  in honour of Mike.Β  I'm going to ride my bike to the beach, loaded up with pannier bags full of salads, healthy sandwiches and bottled water.Β  And beach essentials too, sunscreen, insect repellent,Β  hat, blanket, ball or a frisbee.Β  Β Everyone is welcome to join me and bring what you want.Β  We could all use a relaxing day after losing so many people..Β  especially after a club opening.Β  which I might be brave and go to, losers?.Β  There still is a lobster-free beach, right?

May. 29th, 2024




Did you ever have a dream so real you were pretty sure it happened?


Hey, mon ami. Where are you? Are you okay

May. 22nd, 2024




My key works now. Just thought people should know.

Jan. 20th, 2023




Your new life starts here.


The thick, ghastly haze of the mist, once practically opaque to the naked eye, fades and opens up to a nostalgic homegrown New England town. A friendly gazebo, freshly painted white sits on a neatly mown lawn at the center of the town square. Vehicles stop at the redlight while locals cross the street, birds chirp in the trees, and a school bus stops to pick up a few children in oversized backpacks. Pedestrians walk by you without a second glance. Did they not see you suddenly appearing out of nowhere? How could they not have noticed that all encompassing fog? And why doesn’t your obviously otherworldly attire catch their attention? This appears to be a small, close knit community. And it’s clear you’re not from around these parts.

But these are simply the first of many mysteries you’re about to discover.

The further you investigate your new surroundings, the more ominous this seemingly quaint and colloquial town becomes. There’s something dark beneath its pleasant guise. You can’t shake the chill at the back of your neck and the sense that someoneβ€”or somethingβ€”is watching you. Then there’s the odd graffiti on the alleyway walls and the way the locals talk about certain locations. And while the mist is gone, there are places in town that make you reminisce about the mist. Places that feel supernaturally thin. Thin enough to let in whispers from the other side. Or maybe even screams.

And don’t worry if you hear laughter or the jingling chimes of carnival coming from the rain gutters in the street. That’s just your imagination. There’s nothing down there.

Nothing that floats.
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