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Jun. 20th, 2013


I'm back here again?

How appropriate is it to do '?!??!?!?!' is that allowed on these things? I feel it should be because Merlin's soggy bol beard! I had plans back home.

Jun. 10th, 2013


Though it will probably be in the papers probably by tomorrow and I'm probably not officially supposed to say anything yet, I thought a few of you might like to know that the "official" cause of the explosions has been determined to be the gas lines failing, which was caused by the power loss throughout the city. There are still people investigating why the power failed, but I can almost guarantee that they'll find it to be an unfortunate random accident.

Anybody who has come forward and said that they saw some green giant stomping around the city has pretty much been given a pat on the back and told that they were under mental duress and should probably get some rest.

Typical government stuff.

Good news is that we're done with all the Rescue & Recovery stuff on our end, so anybody who wants to volunteer for cleanup and hasn't been able to yet can now. Just call [Phone #] if you're interested and haven't been able to get through.

But if you're not part of the volunteer group, all those businesses are still shut down for the time being, so just avoid that area.

As for the power -- nobody really knows when it will be back. Hopefully soon. If I hear anything, I'll let you know, but at this rate, we'll probably know it's back when the lights suddenly come back on. But until then, try not to go anywhere at night for your own safety. People tend to lose their mind a little in the dark.

And if you see anything going down, call it in. We're doing the best we can, but we're all a little tired, a little stressed, a little pissed off, and can use all the help we can get.

Private to Ickle Faith )

Private to Nyota )

Private to Bo )

May. 21st, 2013


Cut for Grimm Spoilers! Only filtered against ickles. )

May. 14th, 2013


Filtered from Ickle Faith

I did it. I finally fucking did it. I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel this past weekend. These past three days were a fuckin' nightmare. And not for the reasons Buffy or any of you probably think.

I'm well aware many of you have already seen this show or read the comic books. Or, hell, even both. Just do me a favor? Don't mention either of these things to Mini-Me. She doesn't know yet, and I...I just want to be able to have the option to tell her myself. And please, while we're on the topic, don't talk to her about monsters. Like vampires or demons. Whoever mentioned those to her, seriously...stop. She texted me a bit ago wanting to know if there were any back home or if it was just this place. I lied. Obviously.

Also, any of you making any fucking comments to my face about this show, I will punch you. It's no use defending myself here. But at least I am givin' you a fair warnin'.

Uhura )

Buffy )

Duncan )

May. 9th, 2013


After hearing it, kinda - kinda had to look it up. Crazy, cool, all made of some weird awesome. The only highlight of having been actually half-spider was.. DUN DUN DUN - hearing this. Thanks crazy guy who liked being a spider for tipping me off.

So, Q&A: Superheroes fighting crime without a costume, is it...

A) Don't even bother reading that nonsense.
B) Strangely refreshing, but...
C) They can have superpowers without dressing like a special snowflake?
D) B & C.
E) Pete, you're a nerd. Why are you asking stupid questions?

Just curious. I'd go with B. I mean. C'mon. No costumes? Not really a thing. Even Bruce Willis had a cool trenchcoat in Unbreakable. Not that I know anything about that (lie). Just - just a guy enjoying a cool theme song. Y'know.. 'stead of being a productive member of society.

May. 7th, 2013


Anybody ready for summer? Well, except for finals of course, but you all know what I mean.

Filtered to Lily Evans

Hey, I know that I haven't really talked to you much except for when all of that animal stuff was going on. But, I was just wondering if you wanted to get together for coffee or lunch sometime?

Filtered to Booker

How are you liking this place so far?

Filtered to Nick

So judging my feeling okay? No food poisoning or anything?

May. 4th, 2013


Today has been one lazy and fun day! Staying inside with Alex and watching cartoons and ordering food. I have to say that it's turning into a good day and tonight ill be cooking a really great dinner. I'm thinking grilled chicken, asparagus, baked potatoes and for dessert apple pie with ice cream. If anyone wants to join in you are welcome to.

May. 3rd, 2013


Bored. Bored. Bored.

I swear, set aside the fancy shmancy castle and I'm not really any better off than I was back home. Well, aside from Uhura. At least someone here was willing to take me in. But I'm still little. Adults like the little ones. I have hope.

So...besides the seriously useless school, what do people do around here? I think I've wandered around aimlessly enough times until the corridors of this place start lookin' the same. And I hate doin' homework. I'm half-in' it anyway since it's not like they'll transfer back home. At least I'm not failin'.

But seriously, what do you guys do all day?

Apr. 30th, 2013


So, I've got a question for all of you out there who have been here for a while.

Jobs. Anyone know any places that might be hiring a good Private Investigator? Or maybe a bartender? Figure I ought to work while I'm here. It's harder to figure this all out than I realized. It's better than sitting around, plus a necessity.

Apr. 25th, 2013


Filtered from the older

I don't believe this crazy lady. What is she talking about? How can there be two of us one spot? She kidnaps me and treats me like I'm stupid.

I locked myself in the bathroom of this disgusting place. How can someone live in a place like this? Is this place even livable?

Can someone smarter and better explain to me what is going on here? Before the crazy lady manages to get me?


Filtered from the Ickle


Why me? Why a fucking child of me, goddammit?!

The hell am I supposed to do with a brat-sized version of me? I can't even take care of myself. Where am I going to get the money and food for her?

Anyone want a damn kid? She's free. Small, annoying, and totally yours if you want her. You could probably shove her into the closet all day or put her up on a shelf. She's small enough to fit.

This is such bullshit. I don't do kids.

Buffy )


Voice Post

Not right. This isn't right. W-we weren't planetside.


[A pause]

Mal? Where is everyone?

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Well, that was possibly the shortest length of time I've ever been put through the mill. What's it been, like, a week? Is this place goin' soft on me? Anyone else changed back yet?

Why do I get the feeling this place isn't done with me yet? Like...I'm getting a break before something bigger happens? Or smaller

Buffy )

Apr. 20th, 2013


Where the hell am I? And I don't want this Land of Make Believe crap.

Who are you? What are you? How did you get me here? I'm getting tired of this whole lets throw Bo into strange new places and situations without warning thing.

Apr. 19th, 2013


So I'm thinking about getting a baby-sitter for tomorrow night. Anyone want to have a girls night out and have some fun? I could definitely use one.


There are books about my son's life! Why are there books about his life?

I die. In three years I die. James and I, we

Apr. 18th, 2013



Keep it together, Banner

I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. I would appreciate some answers. The ominous note was not entirely helpful, and while I have excellent calming breathing techniques, I can't keep it going forever.

Apr. 15th, 2013


Don't panic. I've dealt with worse. I think. Maybe.

Alright. I'm mildly impressed. So, what is it? Some drug or poison-induced hallucination? Am I asleep, is this you controlling my dreams right now?

The kidnapped away to an elaborate fairytale-like castle bit is one thing, but the fishtail? Now, that's a nice touch.

But cut the crap.

I'm not interested in playing your games, so go ahead and show yourself so that we can settle this. Face-to-face.