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Sep. 11th, 2011


Does time go by the same here as it does back home? Because if so, my birthday is in three days. There will be a party, even if I have to throw it myself!


I wish we didn't have to go to school here. If we go home, I'll have to do it again. I am trying to work out a few shifts at the store after school for some money. I like it here. I'm happy to announce that I haven't seen the inside of a garbage can at all.

I wanted to thank everyone for stopping by the picnic last weekend. I liked meeting everyone and singing.

We found a great coffee shop on the way to school! Just thought I would throw that in.

Sep. 6th, 2011


I lost my phone for a few days, how easy it is to lose this small rectangle of muggle technology. Perhaps I'll put a homing charm on it so it won't happen again.

Have I mentioned that it's great to have my body back? This place is strange, I'll have to remember not to under estimate it, or these mysterious hosts of ours. Has anyone met them?

Sep. 4th, 2011


This is kind of specific to any of the artists in the castle. For awhile now, I've been wanting to find a place in town where Scorpius and I could display our work, but I'm still saving in order to afford something like that and besides I started thinking that Scor and I aren't the only artists in the castle and that led to me wondering when we can eventually buy some sort of gallery or find a place that would let us, would the rest of you like to display some of your work too? It might not be for awhile, but I wanted to mention it to see if there's any interest in the idea.

Sep. 3rd, 2011


Right now, I would love some magic or to have the ability that Dustfinger has. Not even a lot of magic. I'd settle for one spell and I'd be able to light my cigarettes without even thinking about it. Not that I can't light them now, because I can, but I think it would be so much easier if I just had to click my fingers or say something in Latin or whatever, and have my cigarette lit.

Also, I'm going outside for a smoke. It'll take a while, since I have the top speed of an arthritic slug right now, so I'd best get going.


So... does this mean the crazy-weirdo stuff is done?

[Sam Tyler]
Hey Ant Man, I never got your name. Did you disappear, dive under a rock to avoid the body switching?

Sep. 1st, 2011


I'm happy to be myself again. Elphaba, I hope I took good care of your body for you.


I can't believe it! I'm ME! I missed me! I can sing again! I feel great.

Thanks, Dr. Sweets!

I want to have that picnic this weekend. Ariadne, you have to come too. Serena, you too.

I have school. SCHOOL!?! Now what to wear.

Aug. 30th, 2011


To those who brewed the potion, thank you.

To those who stayed with me, helped me, River, Dean, Jo, Andy, Eames thank you.'

I have my thoughts again. I had forgotten what that was like.

Thank you for watching over me. If you wish I would like to see you now.

Sam )

Aug. 29th, 2011


Can this PLEASE end?

I feel all moody today. I just want to stay home.

I miss my job.

I miss my boyfriend.

I miss my boy parts.

Aug. 21st, 2011


Since I haven't shown up anywhere - has anyone seen me? Normally a blonde 28-year-old male with longer hair (that would've been pulled back,) healthier build, brown eyes. There likely would've been some callousing on my right fingers. I needed to shave, so a bit of scruff but nothing big.

My name is Benjy and I'd like to make sure everything is intact and arrange to have you call into my job on Monday, if at all possible, whomever you are. This entire situation has me appropriately nervous.

Aug. 20th, 2011


Care to fill me in here. I am not going to flip out. This seems to be going around. I am not bad off. Pretty good looking. Funny joke. I laughed. CHANGE US BACK!


OH MY GOD guys i am so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh hell yeah i got a hot bod i am so lucky omg i am still blonde yeah yeah yeah!


well i have one of those omg omg omg

Aug. 19th, 2011


gotmy phoen nack tank you daniel hlooooo pepl agan

is is diffct toty[e wf drugs alltje druds anda ha,d alllllllllll rapppdu[p i wsnt rtea

Aug. 15th, 2011


I don't think I want to have sex.

It was described to me in great detail and sounds complicated and uncomfortable. Pain was mentioned. More than once.

Sam, I don't want to hurt you. I love you. I know sex is what you expect, that it's a part of this kind of relationship, and Adam said to do it even if I didn't feel like it but I think I am afraid. I think I am very afraid of it even though I love you and he described it as best he could and I've seen if before though I could never watch till the end because it made me uncomfortable to do so and I think about it a lot but no matter how many times I re-read what Adam told me I can't stop being afraid.

I love you. Sam, I love you. I like touching you and holding your hand and kissing you but I don't know if I can do that. It was never required of me. The thought makes my ears hot. Does that happen to you? I told Michael I don't want to take up my post while you are alive, that I chose you, but I can even give you the most basic of things. I'm sorry. I want you to have that.

Dean, I love you. Not in the way I love Sam but I think I'm in love with your soul, the... essence of you that guided me through Hell. The only good thing in Hell. You'll always be my Dean even if you are annoying sometimes and pushy other times and you can sing better than you think. I am impressed how easy you are with things, evens sex. I want to be that easy with others but I don't think I ever will be. I don't know where to start.

I have wanted to be a Winchester for a long time. My brothers never accepted me, never loved me, as you do each other. No one ever made he feel as at home. Not even Gabriel who is mostly a jerk but he knows this.

And I broke the lamp in the bedroom while trying to change the light bulb.

Aug. 14th, 2011


I remember Vegas. All of it!

I don't know why my memory was not there, or maybe it was because the loss would have been too much. Justin left, and then I met someone else. We lived together and I build him a recording studio, and here, he doesn't know me, and I don't know what to do about that. The crazy part is that now, I am happy. Justin and I are together, better than ever.

I feel like I am cheating, even if I didn't. I feel like I want Kurt to remember all of it. It was a crazy roller coaster. I can't say I don't miss him. I do. I was lucky with the men in my life. They are completely different, but completely brilliant.

Al and Reg - viewable by all
Why didn't you tell me?

Justin - viewable by all
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what I am thinking right now, or saying.
I do love you.

Kurt - viewable by all
I want to see you. I know you don't remember any of this, but I want to see you. You aren't the same version of you and I know. I've been through this before and seen people come and go, different versions of the same person. We have a history. I don't want to scare you. This is why I know about you. I just can't get these memories out of my head now that they are back. I'm sorry but I am not.

Salazar, am I making sense?

Aug. 8th, 2011


How do we  Does this I think my daughter might have been sent home. Both versions of her.

Do we know what happe

Aug. 5th, 2011


Filtered Away from Scorpius and Malfoys

I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep. It's been two weeks or so since that fucking nightmare and it's still affecting me. Everytime I close my eyes now I see the explosion. The real one, not the one in the dream and I feel like I'm right back there again. I thought that telling Scorpius about my dream would help, but it hasn't. All any of this has done is make me even more scared about the possibility of losing him. I don't know what I'd do if he was sent back then brought back again and was different than the Scorpius I know.

Most of the time I don't really mind it here and I can overlook certain things, but recently I've begun to hate it because all I can think about is one of us getting sent back and I'm starting to have second thoughts on whether or not it's a good idea to and it terrifies me cause he's already been through that where we were before. I just don't know what to do. I'm trying to not let on to him that anything is wrong, cause I don't want him to worry, but I don't know how long I can keep it up.

Aug. 3rd, 2011


If anyone would like any art of some kind to brighten up their rooms, let me know. I work with all kinds of mediums and don't mind drawing from my own imagination, or based to specs.

Jul. 27th, 2011



Everyone seems to be talking about having nightmares, as if they are something out of the ordinary.  I can hardly remember a night without them, from long before I arrived here.  Maybe I'm the strange one, though.

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