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Oct. 23rd, 2013


Fuck! I apologize for the language...but seriously? What the hell happened to Michigan?!

Oct. 21st, 2013


you gotta be shitting me.

Sep. 6th, 2013


Well that was quicker than expected. Not that I'll be complaining, but it looks like I've just re-entered the work force. Moderately daunting but wholly invigorating to say the least.

Guess that puts an end to sitting around this place like a spare part.

Aug. 24th, 2013


I don't know how but my photo album is here, it's got all of the pictures from when Sophia was little...

I think this might be the best present I could have been given here.

Aug. 7th, 2013




Aug. 6th, 2013


What in the hell Hello? Someone mind explaining just what exactly is going on around here?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered to Rick, Beth, Carol, and Glenn]

any of ya'll heard from michonne yet? some dude's walking around with her body. can't say i really wanna imagine how she's handling that.

and beth's gone form blondie to whatever the hell she is now.

[Filtered to Michonne]

hey, last samurai? you still handling yourself?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


I guess this could be worse. For one, I could be a guy. But, I'm still not liking this one bit. At least I found the person that has my body. Just wish I could have it back though.


Okay, somebody mind explaining to me what the hell is going on here? Kon, if this is your idea of a dirty trick, you're dead, got that?

Anyone out there got orange hair?




Okay, someone tell me how I woke up brunette and half a foot shorter.

Quickly, please.


Somebody else apparently has my body... This place is fuc Um. Blond, 5'4", seventeen years old. Anybody? Please don't be a pervert

Jul. 20th, 2013


Thanks for coming with me, again, Beth. Found a cool dog at the shelter, thought we had a connection. What's she go and do?

Bonds with Daryl instead. So much for man's best friend! Or is she trying to tell me something? Look at this.

Picture! )

Anyway, heard she wasn't taken care of at all. Dog's been through some rough times, didn't even have a name. So, say hi to Kimchi. Can call her Kim for short, I guess. Uhh.. Michonne, if she leaves any surprises, leave it to me, okay? Sorry about that in advance.

Jul. 14th, 2013


I guess I really have been here about a month now. It feels a lot longer than that, sometimes.

I should...probably look into getting a job. Most of what I'm good at involves something magical, so I'm not even sure...what kind of job I should look for here.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Still feels weird. Not having a roommate, I mean. Think I'm gonna get my own dog. I miss Bro. Makes me nervous when things are quiet. Guess I could leave a video game on if I.. had a console. Should probably crack and go buy some. Portal is calling my name. Just sits there looking at me.

Oh yeah. Got an appointment with an advisor at the university, maybe I'll uh. Go be smart again. Got some stereotypes I'm slacking off on!


Not only are the clothes stupid but the buying of them is too. I've met gypsies with more scruples than this place. Why do you pay this much for something that rips?

This headache is permanent, isn't it?

Jul. 9th, 2013


Just wanted to say thanks to eveyrone who helped and came to the barbeque the other day. It was real nice to get together to do something like that since, well, a really long time. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Lil D

Did you enjoy yourself? Sorry I didn't have much time to go ask you then. You looked to be pretty content with your friends.

Also heard you liked my ribs.

Jul. 8th, 2013


One more roommate gone.. Think I should just move out of the castle, not having much luck with them! Wouldn't be so bad living atop Seventh Heaven. Stayed there enough nights already...

Anyway! That Fourth of July get together was amazing. It was so nice to see fireworks again. Hadn't seen those since the Golden Saucer! What a nice way to celebrate! When's the next bash?! Could use the pick me up.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


I'm getting lists together of stuff for Thursday. The hardest one is music playlists; I've got a bunch of my favorites ready, but send me suggestions! Nothing sad, please.

[Private to TWD crew, plus Ickle Daryl and Ickle Rick]

Just letting you guys know.
Katniss is moving in with me. Her roommate got sent back and I offered.

Jul. 1st, 2013


Johanna is gone.

Jun. 29th, 2013


Well Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore... but it looks like someone got me a ticket to Disneyworld! I see a castle, anyway! Which way to the teacups? I guess I'll ask my BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE! And I even have money and a bus pass! This is like Christmas. I'm in Heavennnnnn! (Who do I have to screw to repay for this? Hopefully a hot babe!)

Jun. 25th, 2013


The topic of debate today at the daycare between the kids was whether or not action figures count as dolls.

I'm not even sure I know the answer to that one. They kind off are aren't they?

[Filtered to Daryl]

I'm curious is the 4th your favorite holiday too...still?

Lil D asked me to see if his friend could come for the 4th stuff we're planning. It was pretty cute the way he danced around it.

[Filtered to Padmé]

Did you know that little Ani and Lil D are friends?

Lil D is excited about July 4th. We're going to try and do a barbecue like we would back at home complete with fireworks.

I thought I'd ask if you and your's would like to come? Little Daryl was hoping his friend could come, so I thought I'd see if you all might like to?

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