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Dec. 26th, 2013


Right, these ornament things. We're just supposed to trust that they do what the mysterious note says? Fat chance of that, Godric only knows what they could've slipped in there and I'm not keen on spending Boxing Day in the infirmary with boils or purple skin or the like. Terribly easy to slip something nasty into a bit of chocolate, I ought to know that.

Still, if they do work... might be nice to see James Remus don't kid yourself, mate, it'd be James an old friend again. Anybody had luck with it yet?

Dec. 24th, 2013


So I’m not entirely sure I like being manhandled by a bunch of strangers while being under some sort of hypnotic spell that makes me compliant. No, scratch that – I’m damn bloody sure I don’t like it. Is that anyway to treat someone who just arrived in another world? It’s just rude, that’s what it is. I’d say as if I need a shower now but I feel as if I’d been sick they’d have put me into some sort of decontamination chamber if it was necessary. Still, it might help.

Right, so, they filled me in on what was going on around here. Another planet, which by the way has a rubbish name with an equally ridiculous-sounding land – country? I feel as though I’ve stepped into a storybook. They also said we can’t pop home until this place lets us. Guess that means I should introduce myself to my fellow misplaced travellers.

Hullo, my name is Al Potter. Looks like I’m your newest arrival here.

Nov. 13th, 2013


I was only kidding when I said that the Halloween ball could have benefited from the presence of some ghosts. This is taking things entirely too far.

Sep. 9th, 2013


I am afraid that Remus Lupin has left as well. He is no longer in his rooms.

Aug. 31st, 2013


Well? Isn't anyone going to say something?

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Christmas in August? Not too bad at all.

The Map turned up in my room today. Doesn't exactly work here, but nice to have all the same.

How's living with your brother and his Mini Me?

Aug. 21st, 2013


Right, I still don't believe the lot of this, but I am willing to suspend my disbelief if some kind soul can tell me where I can get a bottle of Ogden's. That would be a far better "welcome" gift than this impossibly complicated piece of rubbish Muggle technology.

Jul. 15th, 2012


James and Sirius, this isn't funny anymore! I don't know what you two have done, but it's not funny! SEND ME BACK RIGHT NOW! Yes, it's a clever prank and yes, I've finally figured out how to work this thing you left here for me to talk to you guys with. Who are all those other people showing up on it?

Anyways, I'm sick of it and I've got classwork to do! Why didn't you test it out on someone else besides me? You normally use Peter, or go and pick on Snape.

[Added in about 20 minutes later]
Guys, honestly... I've got a lot of potions work to do and you know I'm rubbish at it. Where did you two send me? There's people in the halls I've never seen before and I KNOW I'm not at Hogwarts. FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY OR I'M TELLING PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL!

[Added an hour later]

[Added 2 hours later]
If you found out about my secret, I'm sorry! I can explain everything. Just bring me back. Please???

Jul. 14th, 2012


So. Just how much trouble might I be in? On a sliding scale? A LARGE sliding scale. From 1-1000? 1000 being the worst, 1 being who the bloody hell is this annoying twat. Just how much trouble am I in? This cannot be good.


I am so

Brilliant and just looking out the window

Yeah. This is going to end well. Can see that right now.


james potter says im in gryffindor, not slytherin.

is that true?

i mean mothers gonna be sooooo mad if thats true but james potter seems really really cool even though hes really really old now.

and im kinda tired about all the pureblood stuff anyway im not a horse or dog you know?


What?! 2012! No no no, I had a very anticipated and important date, Land of Make Believe.

It's official. You hate me.

Also, this phone is ridiculously old.

Sev? Daniel? Juno? Tell me you're here with me and I'm not all on my lonesies.


uh...this thing is wierd did mugles make it?

where am i?

this don't look like home

reg? mum?

Jul. 3rd, 2012


[Filtered to Adults]


Just a little survey sort of thingy. For the sake of discussion, let's say there's someone you went to school with who you've never gotten along with because he's a greasy git obsessed with the dark arts. And, hypothetically, that person turns out to be someone who is...yeah, just about as dirty rotten evil as it is possible to be. In fact, he's a member of's say "organization" that cold-bloodedly murdered your best mate and his wife, and tried to murder their infant son. Oh. And, just for fun, let's add in that this organization framed you for their betrayal and the murder of a bunch of innocent people, and sent you to a horrible prison full of soul-sucking demons.

Okay. So the question is, after the above has happened, would it be reasonable to expect you to be bright and chummy with this schoolmate? Or would a little bit of vitriol and righteous hatred indignation be appropriate?

Just wondering, you know, is all.

Jul. 2nd, 2012


Filtered to anyone who knows magic, HP or otherwise )

Jun. 29th, 2012


Let no'one say I am not a 'taking in on the chin'-type person.

Who's going to help me get a job?

Jun. 26th, 2012


I'm interested in finding the biggest and average deviation between people's time at home and the calendar here (June 2012). For example, I was brought from 2007, so there's a four year, six month and twelve day five year aberration.

Any other data people can offer would be much appreciated.

Filtered to Johnny Storm )

Jun. 24th, 2012


So would anyone be willing to show me around here? I've not been out that far yet.

Jun. 23rd, 2012


Since he's finally settling in, I figure I should show off my new, fuzzy roommate for those who haven't seen us in passing.

Two Pictures )

Jun. 18th, 2012


So...Just a public service announcement since apparently people have misunderstood a good deal of what I've said since I arrived.

I never said, nor have I ever intended to hurt children. Seriously, what kind of monster do you think I am? I might not like them. True. I might hate who they grow up to become. But I'm not going to hurt a bloody child, okay? Bloody hell.

[Private to Hermione]

I really am truly sorry for how my words came across to you. I'm utterly ashamed of myself, even though how they sounded and what I meant were two different things. I've heard nothing but good things about your talents, and I'm quite sure that it's true that you're the brightest witch of your age. I hope you can forgive me.

[Private to Regulus]

Why didn't you tell me Kreacher was here? And if you don't answer this, I'm going to find your room and hunt you down. Your choice.

Jun. 17th, 2012


With school being let out for the summer, if any of the children are interested in additional magical studies (or tutoring in general), I would be more than willing to lend my assistance.

The same goes for adults who would like to compare notes.

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