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Sep. 17th, 2013


Why are middle aged businessmen so boring? I mean, under all the sordid shit they try to hide, just boring?

And when did child abuse become a entertainment franchise? I mean, really, how can that stuff be legal? They're like performing monkeys. If monkeys were forced into frilly shit, painted up and give really big hair.

I really wish I'd tailed the floozy in the skirt instead.

Sep. 13th, 2013


I don't suppose anyone might know of a good place to find a sturdy, moderately-sized workbench? Just looking for something that will fit comfortably in one of the castle bedrooms.

Finding one seems like it will be the easy part. Toting it back should be interesting.

Aug. 31st, 2013


Apparently, some people just don't suit hats. Apparently, I am one of them.

I don't think I've ever felt this ungainly since I was thirteen.

Private to Gretel

You could've picked a better time. Stalking someone undetected is not easy when you practically glow in the dark.

You suck so bad.

Aug. 27th, 2013



What the fuck did you put in the toothpaste.

Aug. 25th, 2013


Assuming we keep to the same rooms for the entire duration of our stay, does anyone complain if we change anything? The color palette is louder than Normandy's FTL drive.

Aug. 23rd, 2013


So, I woke up to this today.

Picture cut for length )

Darcy, did you do this?


How in the name of fuck do you get this fucking sparkly shit off? Is there a trick to it? A fucking curse? What the hell masochist made this stuff?

Bitch, you're so for it.

Aug. 21st, 2013


Good to know fuckery is a form of humor that's survived the centuries.

Thank you to whomever it was in the office that left the pressurized can of Diet Coke in the cold box. The bees absolutely loved me on the tran back to the castle.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Private to Wade )

Private to Remus )


WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FU So I get this is happening to a lot of people, the "waking up with a new face" thing. Kind of not helping with the minor meltdown over here, because I'm a teenage girl. I feel like a dirty old man just existing in this body, damn it! Has anyone seen where my body went? Tall, devilishly handsome, brown hair and five o'clock shadow, you can't miss it.

Cosima, best and cleverest roommate in the world... I'm gonna need some serious help over here.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Not only are the clothes stupid but the buying of them is too. I've met gypsies with more scruples than this place. Why do you pay this much for something that rips?

This headache is permanent, isn't it?

Jul. 10th, 2013


Private to Booker DeWitt )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Why did they change the flavor of the green Skittle from lime to green apple? I am incredibly disappointed right now. I'm still gonna eat the whole damn pack, just not as happily as I would usually. Then I'll get a sugar high and bounce off the walls of my room before I experience the inevitable sugar crash.

So, what's keeping you awake at night?

Jun. 29th, 2013


Well Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore... but it looks like someone got me a ticket to Disneyworld! I see a castle, anyway! Which way to the teacups? I guess I'll ask my BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE! And I even have money and a bus pass! This is like Christmas. I'm in Heavennnnnn! (Who do I have to screw to repay for this? Hopefully a hot babe!)

Jun. 22nd, 2013


Wake up.
Wander around looking for Hansel
Avoid the city.
Avoid the 'internet'.
Scour the library.
Find nothing. Again.
Sit in an empty room.

Routine feels too familiar. I've come to the conclusion I'm sure isn't new to many; we are prisoners.

I don't want to do this anymore

Jun. 14th, 2013


With the amount of female skin I've seen walking around this behemoth of a city, my attire should not be such an apparent distraction, nor is it an invitation. It's a bodice, not the Holy Fucking Grail.

Jun. 9th, 2013


hansel where thhell are youu

ythis hting, thiss plce, this situaation is puree fuckery

[note* Gretel was anhialated when she posted this, then passed out. Her responses will be sober, but cranky and hungover. Be warned.]