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Oct. 10th, 2013


How do you prefer to celebrate Halloween? It isn't a festival we generally observe in Soul Society, though I suppose there are some of us who do get into the spirit. The young ones, mostly.

Sep. 29th, 2013


Why did I think writing would be a good major again? Geez... I guess I should be grateful, between Dee, homework, and interning, I don't have time to dwell on how much this place has sucked lately.

Not even going down the road of why everything is like walking through a Disney movie right now either. This is definitely a first...

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Run out of things to say that are good. Uh.

Classes are... keeping me distracted? Really glad I have a dog and a good roommate?

They say it's good to say a positive thing everyday, right? Yeah. There you go.

Sep. 11th, 2013


This... is maybe a dumb question, I think. But could someone tell me what Halloween is? The vacant shopping center down the block from my work is a "Halloween Superstore" now and I don't really get it.

Sep. 1st, 2013


It was suggested that my friend from home needs a name of his own.

Cut for image. )

He certainly seems very comfortable here. I suppose a name would make it far easier to talk to him, even if he won't be answerring me except to let me know that he's still hungry.

Aug. 27th, 2013


I am in need of some help. I am needing to have an income, but these times are strange to me and I am uncertain how to go about having a job. Given I am also not human, having a job outside of the castle is out of question. Is there anyone that may be able to help me figure something out? Datak would undoubtedly dislike this, but he is not here and I need to survive

Aug. 24th, 2013


I don't know how but my photo album is here, it's got all of the pictures from when Sophia was little...

I think this might be the best present I could have been given here.

Aug. 16th, 2013


I must have gone mad. Really! Imagine that. Me? Mad. Perhaps I already was! Must have been to end up in a place like this. Is that dragon real or is it an LED screen? Not a spoiler, I wager, what with this being the year 2013. Have those already, don't you? But no, no. Already know the answer to that myself, so no need to answer that. Skipping right to the point, because you lot voice your thoughts so clearly on this device and I am so very clever, I understand the basics and whatnots and rules.

So, skip all that above and read only this: Hello! The Doctor is in.

..and is that a dog I hear?

Jul. 20th, 2013


Allana...? Mr. & Mrs. Solo? Kon? Dawn? this another Seal thing? I'm really tired of the Seal things back to back like this...I just need a little break, I'm not asking for a lot... This room looks kind of like Eric's castle Where'd this phone come from? It's way weirder nicer than mine.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Would anybody want to come with me to the beach this weekend? I tried going to the castle pool today, but I don't really like it. It's a nice pool, I mean. But the chemicals in the water, and it's so confined... I just, I need the openness of the ocean. And it could be more fun with company.

Jul. 1st, 2013


Johanna is gone.

Jun. 21st, 2013


Anybody interested to a day at the lake? I'm taking Alex with me, I think that a little time off from my job right now is what I need. All that paperwork is starting to stress me out. I figure a little fishing, a picnic, and lots of fun. Just let me know!

May. 25th, 2013


O captain, my captain is gone.

This is turning out to be a fucking perfect week.

And yes, world. I've read a poem. Don't act so surprised.

May. 22nd, 2013


I never really knew life could be so... normal. I think I'm bored. That's not exactly a thing you could say back home.

Does anybody want to come fishing? Or, I don't know what else there is to do for fun?

[Filtered to Gale, Katniss, & Johanna]

Just wanted to see everybody's... all right? As all right as we can be, at least.

May. 9th, 2013


I am recruiting for a pirate crew. So far, it consists of myself and Elizabeth Swann. And possibly Annie Cresta though I haven't asked her yet.


[Filtered to Annie Cresta]

Do you want to join my pirate crew?

Apr. 21st, 2013


This doesn't look like District Thirteen. They said we were going to Thirteen, that they were rescuing us and they'd take me to... This room is too Capitol. The rescue didn't work, did it? It didn't work and we've been moved so the rebels won't find us. I don't understand.

...At least I can't hear the screaming from here unless it's mine.

Feb. 8th, 2013


okay, so like. this is seriously weird 'cause i have a super nice but totally can't communicate japanese roommate yet somehow california isn't on any map

but i should really be in school right now

does anyone know exactly what the heck is going on here cuz id really like to know!!! whoever brought me here cant expect me to sit in my room and watch samurai movies forever even if theyre funny and helping me learn some japanese!!

besides i have cheer practice okay? i just want to go back to my normal life, no more weird stuffy guys in suits and no more weird castles with room service that's the bomb. i want the weirdest thing around to be the kids with greasy hair and too much eyeliner in my bio class, got it?? enuff already!!

Feb. 6th, 2013


You know, its kind of fun here. Weird, but fun.

Does anyone want to come into the city and look at the shops and stuff?

Feb. 4th, 2013


Seems like there's quite a bit of castle shenanigans going on. And these damn tribble things are annoying as hell.


Okay. So... Hi.

I erm I'm not really... totally sure what's going on, but this really isn't District four, is it? There's no... well, it's not. And there was a man and a baby And I can't find my way back to anywhere I recognise. So could someone help me, please?

Thank you.

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