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Dec. 30th, 2011


Filtered from the Children

So, now that Christmas has passed and all gifts labeled 'To Regulus' made it to the proper recipient - me - I think it's safe to official state, because apparently I'm a clone, I'm no longer to be referred to as 'Regulus' but as Rothschild.

That's all.

Dec. 28th, 2011


hot chocolate? check

marshmallow vodka? check

a happy tabby? check

u know what would make me feel happier?


Was this important?

I answered the questions )

Also, Jo, Dean, Keleios, I would like you to meet someone.

Dec. 26th, 2011


i never had no chrissmas before or presants

daryl said to say thanks too you guys so thanks for my toys and stuf and COOKYS. fleur that red matariel is JUSST like daryls so i can be jusst like him! hes not so bad

Dec. 27th, 2011


Why did I kiss one of fake Angel's friends? That's what I would like to know. Mistletoe, I know.

Still. Wherever I bloody well go, I keep falling into the same traps. And it's bloody well not funny anymore

And don't turn this bloke into anything supernatural either or i will

Bugger all this. I'm glad I don't live at the castle. And I'm not sharing my place either.

Dec. 26th, 2011


never had a christmas befo

thanks for the sword, booze, shirt and book. weren't needed. don't see why there got to be gifts anyh


This is ridiculous

I have a cat and a monkey that are hell-bent on driving each other insane. Quite honestly, I think I'll be sectioned before either of them at this rate. Does anyone have a solution that won't end with me facing animal cruelty charges?

Dec. 23rd, 2011


This is fucking fun, innit? Good idea, Penny.

the fucking answers. )


filtered from kids

last one of these i'm ever doing. worst time suck i ever heard of next to golf.

cut for length )

Dec. 5th, 2011


Very filtered away from the children

I have a couple of suggestions.

Should we consider all moving down into the dining room to sleep? It would be easier to heat one large room instead of lots of smaller rooms, and we would know where everyone is. On the downside, it would mean that if the wards are breached, we're all in one place.

I don't like this suggestion at all )

[OoC: Discussion of methods of death, potential discussion of mass-suicides for safety in comments]

Dec. 3rd, 2011


Filtered away from the children

hes dead to

arthur he ws shot and now hes dead and my arthur is dead

Dec. 1st, 2011


Filtered against children

[Filtered against children]

The last supply run I did with Simon was only mildly successful in that we got enough food to sustain for a few days and some medical supplies but it is clearly not enough. We are surrounded on all sides by these creatures and while the wards hold us in it also keeps us from being able to obtain necessary supplies to survive.

I wish to work out a supply run with those able to not only teleport, or apparate as the magicians call it, but those able to protect and run defense as it will more than likely be necessary with the sheer amount of these creatures.

I have spoken with Thor who says he can create cover in the form of rain which may work for us... or against us. Is there anyone willing to volunteer? It will be very dangerous but the more fight we bring with us the better chance of survival we all have.

In case some of you do not know me my name is Kurt Wagner. I'm also known as Nightcrawler to those familiar with Heroes for Hire. I am going to be able to teleport rapidly anyone willing to go in groups of two at the most if those willing to go can not do so themselves.

Nov. 30th, 2011


Prime is back in his quarters. If you need him you'll have to talk to me first.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Hello Land of Make Believe!!!

Could you all maybe direct your attention to this little texty thing, and give me your ears? Thank you, and brilliant.

Now before I go on any further, I think it's absolutely brilliant that the heart of the TARDIS has a bed and a room, that's so incredibly cozy. Unfortunately, you see, the TARDIS' exploding heart shouldn't have a bed in it, though I suppose never having been in a heart of a TARDIS before I wouldn't know that, but I in fact do!

Nevermind that though, it seems time's gone all wibbly and there's not much really to understand so I'll just have to ask...

Where. Am. I?

I have a planet to save, and you're making it really hard to do that by putting me in this--what is this? Oh it's a castle. A castle, you've put me in a castle. Well that's... interesting.

Something's off, and I intend to find out why. So you can go ahead and tell me straight to my face, and do this the easy way; or, you can go about hiding behind your little papers and behind your rock walls, and do this the hard way. But no matter which way you choose, I will find out who you are, and why I'm here, because I'm the Doctor. And there's one thing you never, ever put in a prison.


Nov. 23rd, 2011


Who: Kurt Wagner and Murphy MacManus
What: Mass and revelations?
When: Tuesday evening 5:00 pm Mass
Where: A Catholic Church in the city
Rating/Warnings: Possible bad language
And on the eighth day, God created mutants. )

Nov. 13th, 2011


What the fuck?