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May. 18th, 2012


Destination: Museum

Okay, this place is a trip. I am locked in a box all day, but at night, it's crawling. I love the Civil War people. This has got a bit of everything, even dinosaurs.

I know that these are displays, and that is pretty damn cool, but there is this name plate with my name on it, and there is this biography about me. Has anyone else seen these? I didn't know there was a show called the Vampire Diaries, but the history is pretty damn accurate.

Anyone find anything interesting out there?

May. 16th, 2012


Destination: The Museum. [Voice Post]

[Posted sometime after midnight]

I appear to be in some kind of...the only way to describe this is a museum. With a section dedicated to me, with my history and apparent future written down.
This place is only getting stranger. I am going to investigate further, despite my phaser now being a plastic replica.

Spock out.

May. 15th, 2012


I feel like my schedule may need reshuffling now that I am not sharing my rooms.

People on the television set appear to have a lot of antiques to sell...

Apr. 23rd, 2012


I went into a department store today. I believe there was a sale of some description in progress. People were slightly hysterical.

I can't say I enjoyed it very much.

Apr. 15th, 2012


Okay this I mean this would probably be much less confusing if I'd been asleep or something but I wasn't, I was just suddenly in a room in a bloody castle.

I'd think I was hallucinating if I wasn't pretty sure that was impossible

So...does anyone have an explanation? Is there even anyone out there or am I just typing this for the sake of my own cracking sanity?

Apr. 13th, 2012


[Voice Post]

Ah, I'm Tom. I'm not sure what's going on, so if someone could tell me. There's a note here telling me I'm in the Land of Make Believe and another about living in the castle. Who's this McFeely chap? Is he in charge? Is he a good guy? Can I go home, cause my friend is er...detoxing and he sort of needs me.

Right. How do I turn this thing off, then?

Apr. 12th, 2012


I find myself intrigued by this society and it's dependency on these devices. It seems that you can not walk down the street without seeing at least a dozen people with one in their hands. They are certainly useful, though how the Muggles invented something like this without magic makes me curious about how their minds work. I think I might like one of my own to study.

Apr. 11th, 2012


Has anyone soberly walked past a bar after ten o clock? When I was young they had special rooms and women for those kinds of activities.

Apr. 1st, 2012


Everything is wrong. EVERYTHING IS WRONG. I'm missing everything. Where is my Halo Night? Where is Vintage Games Night? And what about my barbecue bacon cheeseburger? I have missed EVERYTHING. This world is complete chaos and I don't like it. I want to go home.

I must figure out a way.


Do people turn into animals often around here?

It's my birthday tomorrow.

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Does anyone know what happened to Steve Rogers? I hadn't heard from or seen him in a few days, so went to his room and all his stuff is gone! Did he move or something?

Mar. 21st, 2012


Is this place always so... noisy?