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Nov. 6th, 2013


Okay, question. Did anyone else get really creepy words written on their wall over night?

Is this just me?

I'd really like confirmation this isn't just me.

Sep. 21st, 2013


Strife Delivery Service is open. Letters and packages carried by chocobo.

[Private to Tifa]


Aug. 23rd, 2013


Amazing! Simply amazing! I've a visitor! Oh, this is a quaint reminder of Earth! I am.. without words, really!

Helena, Claudia Donovan! You'll know this one, needs no introduction but a simple: K-9! Come see, do come see!

Aug. 16th, 2013


Quidditch anyone?

Think we can get a Quidditch game going? you know of a way that maybe non-magical people can fly? I think it'd be brilliant to get a few matches set up, or even a tournament if we could!

Anyone interested in Quidditch?

Aug. 14th, 2013


As it seems reasonable that I will find myself here for quite some time, I would like to find a constructive way to fill the hours. What have the rest of you found to be helpful in that vein?

Jul. 27th, 2013


Well, this has certainly been an enlightening experience so far, hasn't it? I think I'm about ready for this to be over, though. Most of my classes are large enough that I can simply sign the attendance roster and sit in the back without being noticed, but I'm not certain how much longer my boss will believe that I have "the flu." And it's a little strange seeing Booker's mannerisms coming from an unfamiliar body, though I suppose it's odder for him to see me?

I do hope everyone else is doing well, regardless of whether or not you were affected by this strangeness.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Well, this is certainly the most curious way I have ever woken up. I've luckily already found my body and its current occupant, but could someone kindly direct me to the person whose body I seem to be in? He's a dark-haired young man with an odd scar on his left forearm, like some kind of brand, perhaps.

I also appear to be in possession of some sort of... power, that comes with the body? I turned my alarm clock into a stuffed bear this morning and I haven't the faintest idea how it happened!

Jul. 21st, 2013


What's -- I wasn't ready to cross over yet. I have people to look out for. My sister needs me and I need to make sure Bonnie is still I need to go back. How do I go back?

Jul. 17th, 2013


So...I'm gathering, from what I've read on here before, that it's a bad thing when I suddenly can't find someone anywhere, no matter how much I look.

Jun. 26th, 2013


Well, it looks like I've landed myself in the Land of Make Believe. Really, the only logical conclusion is that this is a very intricate dream, because I can't explain how I got here and I could've sworn I just walked past a couple of the Avengers. Assuming I am unconscious on the other side, I can only hope that Leonard keeps me under, plugs me into life support and lets me ride this one out, this is definitely one I'm gonna want to remember.

Oh, who stops to update their blog in the middle of a dream? How silly of me. Now, I'm off to see how many autographs I can get before I wake up.

Jun. 9th, 2013


No electricity I'm used to. Some lunatic messing up the city? Also used to. Maybe there should be some protocols in place if this happens frequently around here, and this is me assuming it does.

Filtered to Elizabeth:

Where are you? The city is a damn mess. I haven't heard from you and it's starting to worry me

Jun. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Elizabeth DeWitt )

alright i got have to ask because it's been bothering me after seeing it n in the store

what's hello kitty and why are there seedless watermelons?

May. 17th, 2013


OK, time to try this thing.

So, this is a 'network'? Something that I contact people on? Alright, I'll bite.

I'm Tom Sawyer, and this place freaks me the hell out.