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Feb. 11th, 2013


Annie...are you okay?

Are again?

Feb. 6th, 2013


You know, its kind of fun here. Weird, but fun.

Does anyone want to come into the city and look at the shops and stuff?

Feb. 4th, 2013


Okay. So... Hi.

I erm I'm not really... totally sure what's going on, but this really isn't District four, is it? There's no... well, it's not. And there was a man and a baby And I can't find my way back to anywhere I recognise. So could someone help me, please?

Thank you.


Would anyone like approximately sixteen thousand balls of fluff?

Okay, maybe not quite that many. But they're completely filling my entire shower.

And I can't stop sneezing.

Jan. 30th, 2013


So, I'm just curious.

How many of you would go back to where you came from, if you had the choice?

Jan. 29th, 2013


Whoever said routines were you best friend was completely, and terribly delirious. It's not a friend. It's boring and it makes you a loner. I'm not a loner. I don't do well quietly alone.

Wait a sec...was it me who said that? No...I don't remember. It has been that long since I got out of the labs.

Every day: Wake up, go to work, eat late dinner in the kitchens by myself, sleep.

I need to get out more. I need to stop thinking about death...

Any takers?

Jan. 27th, 2013


I have an iPod again.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can't have this one, nor any of the iPod accessories.

That is all!

Jan. 18th, 2013


[Posted around 4 am, by a not-sleeping Claudia]

Steve Jinks is gone, for any that might have known him.

Jan. 17th, 2013


One minute I was on a train. The next minute, I'm in a castle. And this doesn't look anything like Narnia. What is this place?

Jan. 16th, 2013


So I was at work today, and this guy comes in and comes up to me, slamming his fishing rod down on the counter, and wanting to know why, when he paid blah blah blah for the rod, he couldn't catch any fish. So I start talking to him, trying to find out what he's doing wrong, and it turns out he's fishing in knee deep water, in the middle of the day, with just a hook. No lure. No worm.

Apparently he'd seen it done in some movie.

Now, granted. You can fish in knee deep water. Sometimes it's even best. But with a fly rod. And you still have to have some sort of bait or lure. Fish might not be the brightest bulbs in the ocean, but they're not particularly attracted to the smell of sharp metal. Go figure, right?

Are people really that stupid? Or is this guy - please - an exception?

If I hadn't given up drinking a long time ago, I could really use a drink tonight.

Jan. 13th, 2013


Hello? Ahsoka Tano speaking. Is this some sort of written-word comm device?

Of all the ways I've ever shown up on a foreign planet, this takes the cake on the WEIRDNESS scale. Last time I checked, The Crucible didn't have a castle bedroom in its cockpit. Walked back through the door and it's a hallway, so I guess whatever happened, there's no stepping back through so easily. Still, I could really use passage back to Coruscant, if anyone here has a ship. I feel a bit worried about the younglings I left behind -- they're counting on me. Does anyone know how long we have to stay here? Are the people we left behind safe? There's a war going on, so it's really important.

Also, "enjoy your stay, while you can" sounds so ominous.


You know, I'm not sure what it is about being a father that makes you re-evaluate everything that's ever happened in your life. These past few weeks, I've been laying in bed, unable to sleep, thinking back over my life. And it hasn't really been a good one. I've seen - and done - so many terrible things. And I can't help wondering...

How do I explain these things to Aidan?

When he's old enough to ask questions, how do I explain to him that his dad's killed more than a dozen people, for the sake of entertainment? How can I explain Panem accurately to someone who's never had to live there, who doesn't understand what the Capitol can do?

And the other things. The things the Capitol did to me after I won. Obviously I can't tell him those things until he's an adult. But should I tell him at all? Is that something he needs to know? Or will he just think badly of me?

There are so many things in my past that I'm not proud of. But I can't just avoid them. I don't want Aidan to find these things out some other way.

I don't know. It's late. I should probably sleep. I just...I'm terrified. I'm terrified that my son will grow up to hate me when he hears what I've done. And I don't want it to be like that.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Happy New Year, everyone!

For the first time in a long time, I'm going into a New Year filled with hope. Annie's here. We have Aidan. We're not in Panem. These are all things to be grateful for. It's always been hard for me to keep my mind on the positive aspects of my life (usually because there haven't been many), but I think that's what I'm going to try to do this year. Stay positive. Try to be a good father to my son and a good husband to Annie. I'll never forget the things that happened to me in Panem, but maybe I can move far enough past them that they aren't quite so crippling.

And in happier news - I'd like to invite everyone to, well, I guess it's best to call it Aidan's welcome party. Annie didn't have a shower, and we knew everyone would want to meet the baby, so we're going to be throwing a party. Kurt's graciously volunteered to organize it all, so check with him for the time and date and details. But Annie, Aidan and I look forward to seeing you all there.

Dec. 26th, 2012


I'm a dad!

Mom and baby are doing great.

Dec. 25th, 2012


Merry Christmas everyone!

You still have a gift to unwrap in our room Tasha.

Nov. 29th, 2012


Anyone want a halo?

Nov. 22nd, 2012


Just thought everyone would like to know...


She's probably not told anyone so nobody would make a fuss. But...I think we should make a fuss.

Have some cake, too... )

Nov. 16th, 2012


Right. So. I've got a family to support, and I'm going to need to find a job sooner rather than later. Um. Is there any need for fishermen here? Or I'll do whatever I need to do.


Are you working?

Nov. 14th, 2012


Do babies... I mean, I didnt realise they needed this much... stuff... he'll have more things than i do.

Nov. 10th, 2012



...the Land of Make Believe...

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