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Apr. 6th, 2013


I was debating about doing this.
But maybe it'll be easier if I just

It seems I was here before. I'm sorry to say I don't remember. If I don't answer you when we pass in the hall, I promise I'm not angry or ignoring you. I just can't remember.

So, I thought maybe I could just re-introduce myself to everyone. If we were friends before, I'd love to try again. If you want to, of course.

Even if I didn't know you from before, don't hesitate to contact me.

Also, is there someone named Spock here?

Clint )

Apr. 4th, 2013


Seri I ca Is E Is A Last I remember, it was September here and I was living in an apartment. It's kind of fuzzy right now. I hate this pl Is there anyone here that still knows me?

And does anyone have any asprin?

Apr. 3rd, 2013


Is there a shooting range here? I'd like to keep my skills sharp, even if there's no danger at the moment.


Apr. 2nd, 2013


What the heck? I've never heard of this place before. My PHS won't function, can anyone on this thing tell me how to get back to Edge? Please tell me I'm not on another planet. That would be too crazy!

Cloud? Barrett? Are you guys able to see this? It's Tifa, I could use a lift!

Mar. 26th, 2013


As I arrived here without my tricorder, I cannot help but wonder if there is something in this place that would work as an acceptable substitute.

Also, I wonder if there would be a lab available to do experiments on the various flora and fauna that may be found here, and to analyze soil samples in an attempt to discover more about this place where we find ourselves.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Poll Time.

Since there is people from all over. There might be differing views on things.

Monday is ....

a) the first day of the week
b) a manic day
c) a day you can't trust
d) blue
e) some other song reference I can't come up with

[ooc: I'm sure Jensen could code a fancy poll for his entry. I however would need a fancy account and can't do that. So ... pretend poll.]

Mar. 19th, 2013


I see that Lt. Uhura has already made use of these rudimentary communication devices. It appears that they are indeed the simplest and most straightforward way to communicate with the inhabitants of this place, despite the rather simplistic and overly quaint technology involved. Nonetheless, I shall attempt to make do.

I am Commander Spock, First Officer of the USS Enterprise. It has been nearly a week since I found myself marooned on this planet, which is unknown to me. It is much like Earth of the distant past, it seems, although this device is a definite anachronism, as are many of the inhabitants here.

I should be interested to know which of you are not from Earth, and how you came to find yourself here. Also, are there peoples indigenous to this place?

May. 16th, 2012


Destination: The Museum. [Voice Post]

[Posted sometime after midnight]

I appear to be in some kind of...the only way to describe this is a museum. With a section dedicated to me, with my history and apparent future written down.
This place is only getting stranger. I am going to investigate further, despite my phaser now being a plastic replica.

Spock out.


Destination: The Museum: Sometime after midnight on Thursday

Apparently, I'm a comic book character first published in 1961. That's 45 years ago.

I look pretty good for my age.

Apr. 23rd, 2012


I think I'd much prefer the University if it didn't have any students in it.

Spock )

Apr. 20th, 2012


I'm not quite sure how to process something. I have been known to faint on occasion, most recently about heights. It's an illogical fear I can not fight.

But apparently my dreams have been pointing to something, not that I have any faith in the reliability of dreams. There is no scientific fact. And last night I observed something that made me faint.

Spock. The Spock lives in the same hallway as me.

asdflkj; can you smell my excitement?

Apr. 19th, 2012


Accidental Post

[The beginning is all corrupted text.]

DSA5986gsfg~ W D@£!@ dssad ar3$£R Er. df eoih wfsdzbvw;e54u tgjfogbva;w3i59yhtfbe'ar, dg rearfgrg34p5h2 fQF BWDg3 A DBvdsfC B45ffgsT £$@R wT 4 $ rg ErY 35Yre%£ 6w3647 fgnawlrth 43%£ R234 !@ whom I shall ever regard as the be$t and the wisest man whom I have ever known.

Apr. 18th, 2012


If anyone would tell me where I am, I would appreciate it.

This "welcome note" isn't very helpful.


Accidental Mass Voice Post

[Sounds of rustling, moving furniture, windows and doors being opened. Punctuated by gruff mumbles that do not sound amused.]

[Sounds of pacing, a pause, pacing resumes for a second.]

Dammit, I'm a doctor, not a princess.

[Call cuts out.]


Does anybody know of any nearby areas that are dark enough to see the stars accurately? The lights of the city cause light pollution and I'd like my charts to be as accurate as possible.

Apr. 15th, 2012


How do people handle birthdays here? When I was pulled here it was only a few weeks until my birthday, but according to the calendar here, that's still months away now. So exactly what calendar are you supposed to go by?

Ginny )


Filtered to the Castle Residents

I've marked off a piece of the green east of the pool for a personal project of the quidditch variety. Don't worry, the lawn is large and I've only taken a small piece along the southern, wooded area.

Nothing harmful is happening to or in the area, but the magic work that will be done on it is sensitive until completion. It's been warded to repel people from intrusion. But if I notice it's being messed with I'll strengthen the wards so they carry consequences.

[Filtered to Kel]
You mentioned months ago that you would be willing to collaborate on some magic. Does that offer still stand?


[Voice Post]

[The sound of footsteps, he's pacing as he's recording it]

This seems to be the most efficient way of reaching out to people and the others who are inhabiting this area from what information I can gather from this network. Is there an explanation for this? I had a communication device that should at least be able to pick up Starfleet and yet I cannot reach them in any way or form - however, I am reading the dates on these primitive devices as...centuries ago, which cannot logically be possible. If anybody at all can assist me in a solution I would be most grateful, as I am not supposed to be here.
Spock out.