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Oct. 24th, 2012


It turns out that if I don't want to be plagued with the incessant whining of my younger self, I need to acquire a Halloween costume,

This kind of thing isn't exactly my forté, so I may require some... assistance in selecting one. If anyone happens to have an hour or two to spare, I'd appreciate it.

Oct. 17th, 2012


I have the worst French accent ever. I can't believe that anyone bought it.


Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

A shout out to all the lady engineers, scientists, technologists and mathematicians out there. Who's your fav - and you cannot say yourself, that's cheating! and why?

For me - gotta be Sally Ride. Who didn't see that coming? First US Lady in space, a physicist (and an English major on the side). Ya, totally my heroine.

Oct. 14th, 2012


Apparently I can't bring a seven year old into work every day.

What exactly is the process of enrolling her into some kind of... supervised daily activity? I don't know if she'd fit into the primary school, but the concept is valid.

Oct. 11th, 2012


Je n'aime pas cela. Il est improbable. Où suis-je?

Est-ce la technologie de fées?


ooc translation )

Oct. 8th, 2012


Out of curiosity, if I wished to publish some of my writing in this place, is that a possibility?

And if it is possible, would it be wise for me to select a pseudonym?

Sep. 30th, 2012


So I am pretty much having a great weekend. I think I finally have written another song for my musical. Beware, its kind of angry song, but its also pretty fun. If anyone wants to hear it, let me know, I wouldn't mind giving you a little preview of what to expect from this musical.

Cut for GLEE Spoilers )

Sep. 29th, 2012


My department's holding another fund raiser. They seem to enjoy them.

I need someone who owns, or can get hold of, a suit, and is free next Friday.

Sep. 20th, 2012


Why do I have the feeling that something strange is going on? All the furniture in my room has changed and the date on my phone is wrong. At least I'm the right age this time, and all my bits still work.

Sep. 15th, 2012


Je suis coi I'm stuck.

I've been stuck since Thursday. I haven't been stuck since

Sep. 12th, 2012


You'd think, considering our predicament, there'd be a few people arriving who are known in alien literature.

Just a thought. I feel like I should try and keep up a regular amount of human interaction even if Lance is

Sep. 10th, 2012



I fixed my mother's necklace. Thank you Make Believe for not being totally sucky. Still hate you though

Now to continue being busy.

Filtered to Clint )

Sep. 6th, 2012


Lance My Dr. Sweets has been sent home.

Those of you with appointments will have to find someone else to analyse your whinin emotional complaining issues.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my office. Working.

Sep. 4th, 2012


After drinking A LOT of alcohol for the first time

Thios plkace bloiwsss..imsick an reremotelyyyy drrunkl....imtaek awrm shshooowert imfreezerting

Sep. 3rd, 2012


WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? I can't have anything!!! It always gets taken away from me.
I.. just screw this stupid place
He was so wonderful to me... what do I do now?

I broke a lot of things...

Anyone know how I go about replacing them and will the staff be angry?


I.....I can't believe it. He's gone! Just up and left without even as a warning to me that he wanted to leave. How could he do this to us? His own wife, was I not enough for him or something? Was it because I was talking about us being able to raise a family and be happy here? I just want to know why he got sent back. This is not fair, I have tried to stay strong, even by going to my classes, but I can't anymore. It literally feels like a Divorce, and I'm all alone again. So I guess I'm just Rachel Berry again. I can still smell his scent on his pillow, I miss him so much.

Private to Kurt
Well, I guess what we discussed last time you don't have to do any planning now. I'm taking the dress back, everything.

Aug. 30th, 2012


Anyone else kind of excited for school? Normal will be nice. Or as normal as things can get as I suppose.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Dieu merci. C'était

It's always easier to admire the genius of this place when its experiments are over. At least this one ended promptly. I wonder if

Juno Jr. )

Lance )

Aug. 19th, 2012


You know they should really warn us next time that they plan on dragging people away and forcing them to stay with another person. I'm not saying that my person is bad or anything, at least its another woman so I won't be tempted by anything. But I really miss Finn. Thank goodness that the musical is over with, it was a great run and I enjoyed every minute of it, Kurt and Blaine you both were amazing as always.

Okay so I'm being questioned about that thing I said about temptation. Let me just say that I love my husband very much and wouldn't dare try to cheat on him. What I meant by that when I said it was that it would be a little awkward to have to be stuck with another man besides my own husband, Kurt, and Blaine. Plus I wouldn't want Finn getting upset or jealous and having to wonder if I'd cheat on him, which is something that I wouldn't do. I just wanted to clarify that.

Filtered to Finn
I hate this, I can't even be alone with you until this is all over. Maybe I can convince Johanna to come with me to see you, I miss you.

Filtered to Johanna
Is there a way that we can arrange so that I can at least see my husband while I'm stuck to you like glue practically? I would really appreciate it, I just.....I miss him alot.


You say one stupid thing...

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