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Jan. 29th, 2013


Whoever said routines were you best friend was completely, and terribly delirious. It's not a friend. It's boring and it makes you a loner. I'm not a loner. I don't do well quietly alone.

Wait a sec...was it me who said that? No...I don't remember. It has been that long since I got out of the labs.

Every day: Wake up, go to work, eat late dinner in the kitchens by myself, sleep.

I need to get out more. I need to stop thinking about death...

Any takers?

Dec. 27th, 2012


Bloody hell I've the worst luck imaginable. First I'm taken by a time traveling - reality hopping train and now a bloody castle...Am I a magnet for this phenomenon or something? Right then. I'm Tonks. Who here can explain all this to me?

Dec. 25th, 2012


YAY! Santa came officially and I have got to say that I love my Pink sweater, I am wearing it now with a good pair of jeans. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope that whomever received gifts from me enjoys them. Alexander is enjoying his new baby gifts, we've been playing and watching Christmas movies all day. If anyone wants to come over you are more than welcome too!

(OOC: Julie set them by their doors with their names on the package)

Charlie )

King Henry VIII )

Annie )

Dec. 16th, 2012


Accidental Voice Post

Oh Myka I feel for you. Not too long ago Myka had a cup of hot cocoa and stirred it with a candy cane because it gives it a hint of peppermint. Now everyone can be subjected to the consequences of her actions. Hehe let the amusement begin. Everyone will hear the faint sound of Santa Claus is Coming to Town being hummed and then words begin to bleed through and then humming again

oh you better watch out, you better not cry
You better not pout I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He's making a list and checking it twice...

Dec. 15th, 2012



I don't know what I'm doing here.


Now it's definitely starting to feel a lot like Christmas with the snow! it bad if I use my dad's shield as a sort of sled to go sliding over the ground and Sarge chasing me?

Dec. 8th, 2012


I did a lot of Christmas shopping yesterday. I think I am almost done.

Then I woke up this morning -------------------------------------------


Dec. 3rd, 2012


[Andy and Charlie, Duncan, Elena, Peter, Darcy, Olive, H. G. Wells] )

[Andy and Charlie] )


Here is a strange, and ironic twist -

I can make people smell like sugar cookies. I've been doing it all week. I don't know how, and I don't know why. I thought it was all the rage in perfume, but when I look at someone, they smell like cookies.

The irony -
I'm getting a cold. My sense of smell has given up to tissues. Yuck.

Nov. 26th, 2012


First day of work went swimmingly, I must say. I didn't drop anything. This is certainly an accomplishment.

James Rogers )

Claudia, Steve and Charlie )

Nov. 25th, 2012


Okay, so I got a bit singed, but I'm done with taking it easy now. It's really boring.

Anyone up for a game of something? Football, scaled-down Qudditch, rugby... I'm really not fussy. I just need some fresh air and a run around, I reckon, and I'll be as right as rain.

Nov. 21st, 2012


So tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I am going to be cooking for myself, which is going to be a lot of food. I'm opening up my place if anyone is looking to eat lots of turkey with the fixings. I'm so excited, this and Christmas are the times that I really get into cooking and baking. I'm a really good cook too. Oh I can't wait. Also do the businesses here do that whole Black Friday shopping thing? I want to know because I do it every year.

Nov. 18th, 2012


It's the Holiday Season

Friends of Team Warehouse (Claudia, Myka, Helena the elder and younger and Steve) Filter )

Nov. 8th, 2012


I like the snow. It reminds me of Russia.

Nov. 6th, 2012


So I'm pretty glad that I decided to NOT go down to that party. It seemed like it was pretty interesting. My son and I had a little party of our own, after he went to sleep, mommy had a night of her own with relaxing wine, and plenty of scary movies. Now that its all over, I can say that work is going fantastic and when I can sign up for classes I'm going to have to balance both, which I can do while raising my son. He's getting so big! And in that time, I can be called Supermom!


[Backdated to roughly 9 pm November 5]

Today is the 5th of November. In 1605 on this night there was a foiled attempt on King James I life. Guy Fawkes is the man who was arrested for guarding the explosives meant to kill the king. This is a time of celebration for the British. In the aftermath people lit bonfires to celebrate and it is a tradition that has been carried out ever since. It has been referred to by many names but the most common is Guy Fawkes Night. After the disaster that was Halloween I thought we could all benefit from a calmer celebration. Is anyone willing to help me set up a bonfire outside?

Nov. 1st, 2012


Okay, so next time I crack out the Robin Hood act, people are allowed to knock me out if I decide I want to go outside. I'm bloody frozen.

Oct. 29th, 2012


Last time I had a day this bad, my kid brothers had jinxed my underwear.

Anyway, I'm totally walking home. At this rate I'll end up splinched. Anyone fancy joining me en route and nipping over for a pint?

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Today has been a day I wish I could forget or do over. I never thought that I would say this but right now I loathe all books.

Oct. 20th, 2012


OH NO!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO, this is NOT happening. My son's costume is RUINED, I don't know what happened, I put it into a pile of clothes that needed to be washed, I told housekeeping exactly what to do, you know what happened? It SHRUNK! I knew that I should have just washed it myself. And on top of that, I tripped over my shoelace and fell to the ground, I'm alright but it did hurt for a second or two. Looks like I'm going to have to go shopping for a new costume, I am having some bad luck today or something.

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