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Dec. 13th, 2011


ARIADNE IS BAKC!!!!and she isnot a zomby or a vampre or jesus

Dec. 8th, 2011


Smartie. Out of your hole now.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Hello Land of Make Believe!!!

Could you all maybe direct your attention to this little texty thing, and give me your ears? Thank you, and brilliant.

Now before I go on any further, I think it's absolutely brilliant that the heart of the TARDIS has a bed and a room, that's so incredibly cozy. Unfortunately, you see, the TARDIS' exploding heart shouldn't have a bed in it, though I suppose never having been in a heart of a TARDIS before I wouldn't know that, but I in fact do!

Nevermind that though, it seems time's gone all wibbly and there's not much really to understand so I'll just have to ask...

Where. Am. I?

I have a planet to save, and you're making it really hard to do that by putting me in this--what is this? Oh it's a castle. A castle, you've put me in a castle. Well that's... interesting.

Something's off, and I intend to find out why. So you can go ahead and tell me straight to my face, and do this the easy way; or, you can go about hiding behind your little papers and behind your rock walls, and do this the hard way. But no matter which way you choose, I will find out who you are, and why I'm here, because I'm the Doctor. And there's one thing you never, ever put in a prison.


Nov. 20th, 2011


They're here.

Nov. 14th, 2011


I managed to get a job at a deli in the city. I'm thinking about getting back into radio, if there's a station based in this city. As far as I can tell, it's got just about anything you can imagine, so there must be a radio station. Does anyone actually listen to the radio anymore? It wasn't all that popular in my time and I'm still not entirely sure what year it is. Or if it even matters, since this isn't really Earth.

Nov. 4th, 2011


Who the hell do I have to shag to get some good music around here? Lady Gaga and Rihanna, my arse. Ramones and the Pistols are the real deal. And television-wise, how about some Passions? Stupid Angel, always changing the channel on me Hand a guy a bone here, okay?

Nov. 2nd, 2011


It's a funny thing when I can't decide whether or not last weekend was the best use of my time. Apart from the fact that only today do I feel like I can move.

Oct. 28th, 2011


Well. Since I'm guessing silver bullets and holy water are out of the question under the circumstances, if there is anyone who feels they are a danger to themselves and others, perhaps some of you practitioners could construct and empower a greater circle of summoning to hold them in?

Damn you, Harry Dresden. You're never around when I need you.

Please don't tell me this shit is effecting the angels too.

Oct. 29th, 2011


Posted in the evening

I'm so wretchedly bored. It's painful. I need someone tothing to do.

Oct. 22nd, 2011


The children keep mentioning 'Halloween' to me. Does anyone feel like explaining it to me?

I mean, I've found reference to 'all hallow's eve'. Back at home there was a holiday called 'Alls Fallow,' which was the only day that Witches and Wizards didn't get out bed.

 Is it the same idea?

Sep. 2nd, 2011






[Somehow turns on the voice posting]


Where am I? Who brought me here? Arthur, where did you go?

I swear, whoever did this, you will pay for it. I will--


Aug. 28th, 2011


This whole place is giving me a permanant headache.

Could someone please fill me in on the jobs situation? Are the application processes the same as we're accustomed to?

Aug. 26th, 2011


Having a muggle body isn't all that bad. Aside from having to do things without magic. I don't like having someone elses face though. I look in the mirror now and feel like I've started to lose a bit of my own identity. It sounds childish but I miss my face very much.

Sam, I was wondering if you'd come over and help me with something when you have a moment. Or if I could come over. I need my magic.

Aug. 25th, 2011


Honestly. If you decide to kidnap someone you might as well admit to it. It's not as if there's not enough moral ambiguity going on without adding 'lying' to the list.

I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge, if it's not too much trouble.