March 2014


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May. 7th, 2013


Okay, this fireman thing is awesome, but I am a bit freaked out by the classes I'm going to have to take. And my girlfriend is apparently very popular. She's all kinds of male friends and I'm just supposed to be okay with that. It's not like I have a lot of friends here, although I suppose that's my fault for not getting out much.

That gets me to my second thing, if anyone wants to get out I'm okay with that.

Apr. 27th, 2013


Image cut for the friend's page sake - viewable by all )

What do you do now?

Apr. 25th, 2013


YES!! I HAVE FEET! And I can walk again. Getting out of bed and knowing that I don't have scales or fins, happiest day of my life. No bathtubs, no lakes, no nothing. I think I'm going to go and spend the day outside, just walking around. Maybe even head to the University and do a little dancing.

Apr. 20th, 2013


Where the hell am I? And I don't want this Land of Make Believe crap.

Who are you? What are you? How did you get me here? I'm getting tired of this whole lets throw Bo into strange new places and situations without warning thing.


So, my girlfriend is a mermaid. I don't really know what to think about that. But it's really lame! There is so much about this place that is confusing, and the fact that something like this happened is just even more confusing. How am I supposed to date her and see her if she has to stay in the bathtub?

And I never liked The Little Mermaid.

Apr. 19th, 2013


I guess this is an alright situation. But it still really stinks at times because I'm not free to just get out and do whatever. I feel like a prisoner of the bathtub so to speak. Thank goodness that I had a friend bring in a TV and a DVD player, and I've been reading a lot actually and doing some necessary writing. But I just wish that I could get out and do things, I swear I'm about ready to sing Part of Your World here pretty soon. I think I've watched the Little Mermaid like 10 times, I have to say that I really love Disney movies and musicals.

Apr. 15th, 2013


Okay this is not what I needed at this time!!! I have fins and I woke up in the bathtub. What am I supposed to do now??? I have stuff to work on. And this tub is not exactly comfortable. Can somebody help me out....please?

Apr. 1st, 2013


Right. So.

Looks like this place isn't going to send me home any time soon.

Which is awesome. Really.

Mar. 19th, 2013


So, I got a job! I am a volunteer for the firehouse. I can't believe it. I am pretty excited, it should be a good thing. I can get to help people, and I can learn to cook some for the firefighters. I don't know if I am really cut out for it, because I am going to have to go to classes, but it's okay. I don't want to give up. I'm just not smart enough, but I will have to do my best. Rachel believes in me, so I need to start to learn to believe in myself. Things are going okay, I mean, I have a job, and I have Rachel back. It could always be worse, right?

Mar. 17th, 2013


I have some amazing news. Due to some help from friends, I am really really close to finishing up my musical. I hope that people are going to be auditioning for roles in this. I can't wait to see it on stage. In fact, I can do this for a grade in one of my musical theater classes.

Private to Finn
I feel so bad for Kurt losing Blaine again. It makes me think that I don't want to ever lose you again, even if its your first time being here. I don't want to be apart and I know that we have some things to work on. But I want you to move in with me, its really lonely here when I can't have your arms wrapped around me.

Mar. 15th, 2013


He was back for a week. Now he's gone again.

Mar. 8th, 2013


Guys, there's another store of food in the kitchen. Damon, Elena, and I went out for some and then Buffy went again after we came back.

You're welcome.

Don't be greedy little bitches. This shit gotta last ya.

Leia mentioned some dude named Blaine (?) Buster (?) or somethin' offered to sort and ration it with his husband? If that's you, step on up.

Also, Doctor Angst, I grabbed some extra first aid kits and bandages for you. I'll bring it up to you in a minute here.

Stay alive, folks.


Mar. 6th, 2013


I am safe and sound in my room. Sorry, I should have said something earlier but I was a little shaken up and everything. Peter, thank you so much for the lift home, literally. Although, I did go out for just a second because I saw Trevor running around. I brought him back to the castle and until this is all over with, he's staying in my room. I am just glad that he's safe and sound.

Aug. 25th, 2012


I finally went and got Mine and Finn's wedding picture developed. I can't believe that I waited so long, but it will be in a frame in our sitting area. The happiest day of my life.

(ooc: REALLY crappy picture....but its the best that I could do with my gimp its just to get the hint of what it would look like.)

Our wedding picture )

Aug. 24th, 2012


Fact: Each successive Might Ducks movie is worse than the last. They should have stuck with just the one.

Also fact: I need to stop watching crappy kid movie sequels.

This concludes today's Deep Thoughts by Olive Penderghast.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Oh my goodness I am so glad that I can go back and sleep in my own bed and not having to be stuck to someone. Its such a relief. Even though it really wasn't all that bad, but I am glad that I can go where I want when I want.

Private to Finn
When you get home from work, I have a surprise for you!

Aug. 19th, 2012


You know they should really warn us next time that they plan on dragging people away and forcing them to stay with another person. I'm not saying that my person is bad or anything, at least its another woman so I won't be tempted by anything. But I really miss Finn. Thank goodness that the musical is over with, it was a great run and I enjoyed every minute of it, Kurt and Blaine you both were amazing as always.

Okay so I'm being questioned about that thing I said about temptation. Let me just say that I love my husband very much and wouldn't dare try to cheat on him. What I meant by that when I said it was that it would be a little awkward to have to be stuck with another man besides my own husband, Kurt, and Blaine. Plus I wouldn't want Finn getting upset or jealous and having to wonder if I'd cheat on him, which is something that I wouldn't do. I just wanted to clarify that.

Filtered to Finn
I hate this, I can't even be alone with you until this is all over. Maybe I can convince Johanna to come with me to see you, I miss you.

Filtered to Johanna
Is there a way that we can arrange so that I can at least see my husband while I'm stuck to you like glue practically? I would really appreciate it, I just.....I miss him alot.

Aug. 2nd, 2012


My future self has left me a few invaluable charms.

Flying brooms can now be charmed for non-magics. Shenaniganing-sprogs get first serve - you're welcome Eames and Juno.

PS - my healing abilities only extend to minor injuries.

Jul. 28th, 2012


Well, that was umm well, certainly interesting.

Jul. 16th, 2012


Okay I don't think this is funny at all. Why am I back here in this place? I can tell that things haven't changed here at all since I've been here for so many years. Seriously though, why am I here? I have two little girls who need my attention, oh Sophia and Liza are not going to like me being gone for so long, so how does this work? Am I still here but in my time as well? Or what? Cause I am just really confused.

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