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Aug. 3rd, 2011


I miss my brother, and my boyfriend, and I really want to go home. And sorry Caroline, I don't really care much about the school stuff. I don't get what the point is of doing that here.

Jul. 5th, 2011


Matt is gone. I went by his room to see why he wasn't in class today and his stuff is gone. He got sent back home just when I thought things were going to actually work out and be ok. First Elena, now Matt. I don't want to be here anymore.

Jun. 26th, 2011


This place is so boring.

May. 31st, 2011


Matt, Vicki and anyone else who is interested in summer classes at the high school, I went over on Friday and summer classes start June 13th. Classes are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from eight to twelve. I'm signing up tomorrow. Who's coming with me?

May. 23rd, 2011


Well this place is simply fascinating--well provided that this place actually is fascinating. I'm not sure where I am, but I figure the fact that I am here without knowing why or even how probably makes it fascinating. Not many times am I this stumped.

But the scroll seems to provide some clues, and I suppose I am in the Land of Make Believe which is so incredibly vague, but no matter. I figure I'd start with this global social network here and introduce myself. I am The Doctor, and if anyone can report to me anything more about this place that'd be swell!


Donald, have you found the piano? Brittany and I got some sheet music the other day and if you're still interested in playing piano for us I can bring you some, see if you can play it. I don't know if you're familiar with some of it.

Is there anyone else here who plays an instrument?

I still want to plan a dance or party of something to make up for the fact that me and Matt and anyone else who should be going to Prom, will be missing it. I need help though, because as much as I enjoy organizing things, I can't do something that big by myself.

Matt, I think we should enroll in summer classes at the local high school so we can get our GEDs and graduate. I am not going to let being kidnapped prevent me from graduating high school!

[Filtered to Vicki]
Matt's birthday is this week. Are you planning anything for him?

May. 6th, 2011


I should be getting ready to go to the prom and to graduate, but instead I'm stuck here in this castle, not sure where me and Matt stand and waiting tables in a diner. What am I supposed to do in September? I don't have any of the papers I need to enroll in school, highschool or college. This is so not fair! Not to mention I've had to spend most of my money on animal blood from the butchers.

I can't believe I'm going to miss prom.

Brittany, what was that you were talking about before? About singing?

Apr. 24th, 2011


Since it's Easter, shouldn't there be a ton of candy around?

Apr. 18th, 2011


This place is trippy.

Apr. 13th, 2011



[ooc: bad typing is due to bloody hands!]