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Apr. 2nd, 2013


I am going to wear the bat socks all the time.

I have eaten so much sugar I think I'm shaking

Or at least all day today.

Batman isn't here right? I mean I wouldn't want to infringe on his whole Bat-thing


What the heck? I've never heard of this place before. My PHS won't function, can anyone on this thing tell me how to get back to Edge? Please tell me I'm not on another planet. That would be too crazy!

Cloud? Barrett? Are you guys able to see this? It's Tifa, I could use a lift!

Mar. 29th, 2013


Filtered to H.G. Wells )

So, has anyone around here played laser tag or might anyone be interested in joining people to play laser tag? After Easter is over and the fuss over bunnies and chocolate and such is done, of course.

Mar. 26th, 2013


As I arrived here without my tricorder, I cannot help but wonder if there is something in this place that would work as an acceptable substitute.

Also, I wonder if there would be a lab available to do experiments on the various flora and fauna that may be found here, and to analyze soil samples in an attempt to discover more about this place where we find ourselves.

Mar. 25th, 2013


I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. I think it's time to get back out and be social. I've been going to work, picking up an extra shift even as they are getting ready for a huge spring sale. The spring lines are pretty good. Color is still in, which I love. There is nothing more boring than a bunch of browns, greys and blacks. They have their place, but they should be mixed in with something to dress them up. We have to dress the mannequins on the floor per the designer, but in the back, several of us like to dress them up to make them pop. It's fun.


Poll Time.

Since there is people from all over. There might be differing views on things.

Monday is ....

a) the first day of the week
b) a manic day
c) a day you can't trust
d) blue
e) some other song reference I can't come up with

[ooc: I'm sure Jensen could code a fancy poll for his entry. I however would need a fancy account and can't do that. So ... pretend poll.]

Mar. 10th, 2013


It's official. My brain has officially cracked.

I went to sleep in one of the decent hotels in Manhattan that wasn't knocked down to rubble and I woke up in a CASTLE. Either Loki left behind a hex that we didn't realize or...NOPE, I'm going with the hex. Nothing else makes sense.

And I can't BELIEVE that I'm entertaining the notion of magic.

Not that this castle room isn't nice and all, but it's not home. And it doesn't have Pepper. There a way for me to get home?


So -- it's over?

Please tell me other people remember those Reaver things because ... I went to hug one of the cooks I was excited that the cook was back okay and they gave me the 'crazy person why are you hugging me' look. And didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned The Reavers.

Please, please, please don't let me be cracking up.

Feb. 26th, 2013


yeah, i didnt need to sleep anyway or eat or function as a human being at all

woke up with the freddy krueger jingle in my head good times totally

just wanted to share that with the class because im never sleeping again (she jokes or does she)
so can i interest anyone in pulling consecutive all nighters with me? you know how tempting that sounds, dont deny it
i just um need someone could use the company

sidenote, am i missing something or are there different versions of people running around lately yay distractions

Faith )

Feb. 21st, 2013


Is it spring yet?

Better question, is it spring break yet? I like being in school again but I forgot how boring it could be even if you like the subjects.

Also, I think Purim is coming up. Anybody want to make hamantaschen with me?

Feb. 20th, 2013


I'm a dude again. It's good to be back. I might miss the multiples. ...


We don't have to ever talk about how I was a pretty girl ever again, cool? Cool.

Feb. 19th, 2013


I'm happy to be back in my body, but I am really going to miss being able to reach things on high shelves without getting a stepladder.

At least I don't have to shave my face anymore. And can wear all my clothes again.

Feb. 13th, 2013


Officially things have gone from cool weird to not cool weird.

And I am suddenly very, very, very glad that no one else from home is here to witness this. Pooch would never, ever, ever let me live this down.

Feb. 11th, 2013


So, I'm...kind of just wondering.

Is there anyone here who isn't afraid of death?

I think that's why people find me creepy. Because I remind them of death.

Feb. 6th, 2013


You know, its kind of fun here. Weird, but fun.

Does anyone want to come into the city and look at the shops and stuff?

Feb. 3rd, 2013


This is weird.

I mean on one hand I feel like I've been adultnapped to the Land of Make Believe (really? I mean that's what this place is called?) but I've been adultnapped to a place with room service, and some sort of communications network. And I'm in a castle. A castle! Freaking cool man.

Also: Hi.

Also: I was sort of in the middle of something Really Important. So anyone have an ETA on how long I gotta cool my heels here?

Apr. 14th, 2012


.... Are you there God? It's me, Margaret.

One confused and disoriented Margaret.

Seriously, this some lame joke. Gotta give the drama department props for their awesome lifelike set and all, but point me in the direction of the exit posthaste so I can make like a bread truck and haul buns.