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Sep. 6th, 2012


Lance My Dr. Sweets has been sent home.

Those of you with appointments will have to find someone else to analyse your whinin emotional complaining issues.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my office. Working.

Aug. 29th, 2012


I have a job. I start tomorrow.

I will be selling art supplies and answering questions.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Dieu merci. C'était

It's always easier to admire the genius of this place when its experiments are over. At least this one ended promptly. I wonder if

Juno Jr. )

Lance )

Aug. 21st, 2012


This book I've begun reading, The Silmarillion, is fascinating, but...formidable.

Aug. 19th, 2012


I think I want to do something craft-like, but not necessarily art-like, today. Anyone, or any pairs of people, have a desire to do an activity along those lines? If not, I can start working on Christmas gifts three months early.

Aug. 16th, 2012


What's holding us together?

It's a force, obviously, but I don't think it can be conclusively measured without causing... physical discomfort. Which I know doesn't usually get approval. Or funding.

Aug. 12th, 2012


It's my birthday next week. If anyone wants to get me a new short cavity laser for the lab I'd be very grateful.

On another note, I don't suppose anyone joining the University next term is considering taking a physics class?

Sally )

Aug. 8th, 2012


Burned myself on the coffee machine again, today. Might be time for a career change. Any suggestions?

Filtered private to Damon )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


Hello? This is a cool castle and all but I'd like to go home now. Who do I talk to about going home?

Jul. 20th, 2012


Qui lui laisse dans mon

Next time I'm replaced by a younger version of myself, can we please not let her go into my room and mess everything up?

Jul. 14th, 2012


Filtered from Minnie

I need some help. Minerva has been de-aged, it seems, into a young child. I am at work.

First thing first, is there someone who can go to our rooms and check on her?


Cut for length. )


It's that time again - Metallica Monopoly! Dining Hall, tonight, 8ish. BYOB(or snacks if you want to stay sober).

Jul. 4th, 2012


[Filtered to Dr. Sweets]

I heard that you were the resident psychologist. Is that true?

Jun. 26th, 2012


I'm interested in finding the biggest and average deviation between people's time at home and the calendar here (June 2012). For example, I was brought from 2007, so there's a four year, six month and twelve day five year aberration.

Any other data people can offer would be much appreciated.

Filtered to Johnny Storm )

Jun. 21st, 2012


I know I moan about the crowds, but outside of term the University seems... odd. Having locals milling around turned out to be a bigger help than I was anticipating when researching this place.

I might try and spend more time in the castle library.

Jun. 20th, 2012


[Filtered to Dr. Lance Sweets]
Hello there Dr. Sweets,

My name is Sally and I heard you were a psychologist. I was wondering if I could make an appointment or something in order to talk with you about some techniques I could use to help with control. A fair warning, I'm not all that normal and I'm not just talking about mentally.

[Filtered to Clint]
I'm going to see a psychologist, maybe he can help with the reason I'm scared to control my powers. That's where I'll be today.

[Filtered to Johnny]
I'm going to see a psychologist, make an appointment. So I'll let you know the day I'm not coming in. Is that okay?

Jun. 18th, 2012


What's What's the longest time people have been here?

Jun. 17th, 2012


Okay, so! The library is about as fun as the one in my old high school was. I found out I look way better on TV than in movies. Good times, seriously. Crummy movie. I mean, I could do wayyyy better than a scrawny 90210 knockoff guy. I have done better. Kinda wishing I was still the dumb blonde that thought Dewey was just a third of Donald's nephews. Totally feel bad for disbelieving the craziness I was told when I got here. It's still crazy, don't get me wrong, just a believable sorta crazy. That, and I'm not 100% convinced that I'm not still dreaming.

I like Obi-wan's take on them. Just some B-movie level documentaries about my life. Can't believe people would have sat through seven seasons of what I went through.

Anyway, in less mind blow-y news! City's nice. Think I'm on to getting a job already, too, so yay me!

Jun. 11th, 2012


Thanks to everyone for coming to graduation! Our senior class was awesome. I know I say I miss my friends from home, but you all are great friends too and if I was there, I would miss you all too.

The big question is: Now what?

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