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Aug. 7th, 2012



[Just one long, ridiculously loud, angry scream]


[And so on...]

Aug. 6th, 2012



Sorry. I - I mean...

I'm still here.

Jul. 31st, 2012

[info]die_as_myself think the future's better than now. At least, that's the feeling I got. Wish I could remember why. But that's why we keep trying and hoping, right?

Oh yeah, free pastries at the bakery today. For everyone who changed.

Jul. 29th, 2012


It looks like everyone is back to normal. I'm really glad I wasn't young or old.

I have been thinking a lot about this event planning thing on the side. I wonder how hard it would be to start a business like that. I wouldn't really need an office, just some cards and stuff. I have tons of pictures from the wedding and Halloween. Since it's like contract stuff, I could plan it around school, and shows, and my normal job. It would be kind of very awesome!


Filtered to Katniss and Peeta

Annie's checked out. She isn't saying a thing. But on the bright side, she's the age where she knows us.


All right. Jokes over. This is not funny. Send me home right now.

Jul. 15th, 2012


I hope it's okay to write on this thing, and I'm pretty sure this is a stupid question... but does anyone have any idea where I am? I'm kind of really not where I'm supposed to be.

Is this the Capitol?

Jul. 3rd, 2012


So guess what everyone. Apparently I am too crazy to work a normal job. One guy at a store even chased me off with a broom after I started yelling at

But there does exist a place where I can yell at and hit things and I get paid to do it.

Jun. 29th, 2012


[Private to Katniss, Annie, Johanna]

[Private to Katniss, Annie, Johanna]

I was thinking maybe we should all get together sometime this summer, while the weather's nice? Maybe have a little picnic, or something? If y'all want, of course.

Jun. 17th, 2012


Okay, so! The library is about as fun as the one in my old high school was. I found out I look way better on TV than in movies. Good times, seriously. Crummy movie. I mean, I could do wayyyy better than a scrawny 90210 knockoff guy. I have done better. Kinda wishing I was still the dumb blonde that thought Dewey was just a third of Donald's nephews. Totally feel bad for disbelieving the craziness I was told when I got here. It's still crazy, don't get me wrong, just a believable sorta crazy. That, and I'm not 100% convinced that I'm not still dreaming.

I like Obi-wan's take on them. Just some B-movie level documentaries about my life. Can't believe people would have sat through seven seasons of what I went through.

Anyway, in less mind blow-y news! City's nice. Think I'm on to getting a job already, too, so yay me!

Jun. 6th, 2012


Am I sane enough to get a job?

Or is the better question, who's insane enough to hire me?

Jun. 3rd, 2012


Not sure how this thing works, I'm from 1994. Not familiar with all this high tech junk.

Where can someone who sticks out like a cat in a dog pound find some good, non-castle food and not be made uncomfortable by staring strangers while they eat?

Jun. 1st, 2012


Seems I've found a job at a bakery in town. Feels good to be doing something familiar and making some money doing it.

If anyone wants to stop by sometime, I'd love to see you. I'm working from 4am to 12:30pm (great hours, really). I can also take special orders, so definitely come by.

[Filtered to Katniss]

Now that I'm getting paid, let me take you out somewhere special this weekend.

May. 29th, 2012


Filtered Against Ron

Why are men so impossible?!


Filtered to the Castle Residents

To those interested, the magical expansion of inverted space which is to contain the Quidditch Pitch is just about complete.

What I need next is help constructing the pitch and stands.

May. 26th, 2012


Can I just say how much I HATE camping? I have taken three showers, and I still feel like there is something crawling on me. I am more of an inside guy. I like to be clean. Even when I was on the football team, I kicked the ball. I didn't roll in the mud. I feel like I haven't slept in a year. I need a day at the spa.

I missed everyone!

I have to say it was really weird to see Blaine's phone suddenly going off like crazy with all the messages I tried to send when I was in Neverland. Did that happen to anyone else?

May. 17th, 2012


Destination: LofMB

[Filtered to Peeta and Katniss]

Do either of you have Annie? She goes out on her own a lot, but she usually comes back a couple times by now.

May. 14th, 2012


So I guess on my show I got crowned Prom Queen, a couple of my so called enemies wrote me in and I ended up getting it. I'm still shocked that even happened, I guess people really do grow up and do things that are so unexpected. I can't believe that this is it for me though, my whole high school experience is about to end. But it only means that I get to start a brand new chapter in my life and I have to say that my future is looking up. And I really couldn't do anything without my besties Kurt and Blaine and my wonderful Fiance Finn, and of course Minerva, whom I adore going shopping with.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Sent to the Network


I hate to ask this, but would someone mind helping me find something to wear to the prom? I don't want to embarrass Katniss, and I'm afraid I really don't have much fashion sense on my own.

Apr. 21st, 2012


Everything seems to be coming up so fast. I have to say that I feel really blessed to have so many people in my life right now that are helping me and supporting me. I can't believe that Prom is coming up and I can't wait to see Finn in his tux and him to see me in my dress, graduation will follow, then the musical opens up this summer and then I will begin classes at the University and will be getting married New Years Eve.

I have to say that I've already cried like 3 times just thinking about the next chapter in my life. I'm not afraid to say that even though I have a lot of confidence in myself I'm still pretty scared. I know that I have Kurt, Blaine and Finn here but I wish that I was graduating with my entire class from New Directions and I wish that my dads were here to see me walking across the stage to get my high school diploma.

I'm just going to stop right here because I'm going to start crying again just thinking about it. And I can't cry right now because I have rehearsals and work today.

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