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Aug. 24th, 2013


Huh. Whatever this place is doing, it's got a strange sense of humor.

Aug. 21st, 2013



Come to your loving father's arms!!!!!

[Added a Few Minutes Later]

I almost forgot! Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Isshin Kurosaki! I've just arrived, and I am seeking gainful employment! Where might a capable, handsome doctor find work in this place? My apologies in advance, ladies. My heart is already taken!

Aug. 16th, 2013


Okay, so, anyone out there up for a sparring match? If I don't do something soon I'm gonna start slacking off.

And don't worry, Ukitake. It won't be in spirit form unless these guys can see me...even then I'd be careful.


I must have gone mad. Really! Imagine that. Me? Mad. Perhaps I already was! Must have been to end up in a place like this. Is that dragon real or is it an LED screen? Not a spoiler, I wager, what with this being the year 2013. Have those already, don't you? But no, no. Already know the answer to that myself, so no need to answer that. Skipping right to the point, because you lot voice your thoughts so clearly on this device and I am so very clever, I understand the basics and whatnots and rules.

So, skip all that above and read only this: Hello! The Doctor is in.

..and is that a dog I hear?

Aug. 15th, 2013


So okay, back up a sec here. Dragons actually exist here??? And people can theoretically go see them??? This is an actual thing?

Jul. 31st, 2013


[Regulus and Ukitake]

So how is progress? Or whatever you want to call it?

Jul. 30th, 2013


Well, this doesn't look like Japan.

Any of you kids want to explain what I'm doing here?

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Okay, somebody mind explaining to me what the hell is going on here? Kon, if this is your idea of a dirty trick, you're dead, got that?

Anyone out there got orange hair?


Jul. 21st, 2013


What's -- I wasn't ready to cross over yet. I have people to look out for. My sister needs me and I need to make sure Bonnie is still I need to go back. How do I go back?

Jul. 14th, 2013


I guess I really have been here about a month now. It feels a lot longer than that, sometimes.

I should...probably look into getting a job. Most of what I'm good at involves something magical, so I'm not even sure...what kind of job I should look for here.

Jul. 13th, 2013


So, anyone around here a doctor? Or know a damn thing about spirits and such? My friend is here, and though he can't really die from what he has because he's a Soul Reaper, it would help if someone around here was able to help him when he needs it.

Jul. 6th, 2013


So... I guess I need to check my Dramamine prescription again. I don't remember anything about my flight. Or getting this new phone. When did the ruble change to English?

Man, this is a nice hotel.

Jun. 26th, 2013


All right. Someone had better start explaining. And if your name is Renji or Ganju, you can bet your ass I'm coming after you for dragging me here.