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Jan. 27th, 2014


This message is for anyone who knew my brother. He's has been sent home.

Jan. 26th, 2014


[This comes in the early morning. She doesn't sound much different but it's only a few years age difference for her.]

Will someone tell me why this bucket of bolts that tried to kill me is following me around? I tried to get him to leave but he won't.

What sort of trouble have you gotten us into this time, Master? How did we even get to this backwater planet? There isn't even any fighting going on. Let me guess, we crashed and now have to wait here for Master Kenobi to come rescue us. Again.

Jan. 18th, 2014


Is this another case of the castle doing one of it's things, or are there simply new people here?

Dec. 18th, 2013


So is this largely how winter on Earth was like?

Nov. 6th, 2013


Okay, question. Did anyone else get really creepy words written on their wall over night?

Is this just me?

I'd really like confirmation this isn't just me.

Nov. 4th, 2013


My apologies for my withdrawal of late. I'm afraid I was feeling somewhat under the weather until recently. I'm grateful that I was well enough to attend the celebrations. It was a wonderful experience.

Oct. 10th, 2013


How do you prefer to celebrate Halloween? It isn't a festival we generally observe in Soul Society, though I suppose there are some of us who do get into the spirit. The young ones, mostly.

Oct. 8th, 2013


Since this seems to be a thing. The Doctor's gone, for anyone that knew him. And his droid dog, K-9 too.

Out of curiosity has anyone ever left anything behind when they disappeared?

Oct. 5th, 2013


Well! Seems we've lost some old faces and gained some new ones, such is the way of this unusual world! For those who've experienced Halloween here, what do you suppose will occur this go round, hm? I've done some research on past events, of course. I imagine the common desire would be nothing 'life threatening'. Perhaps something as harmless as becoming a cartoon image?

Having been stuck in a portrait before, being a walking and talking version of one in reality was a bit refreshing! I really would like to track down the source of whatever it is that can cause these events. Be much easier with my TARDIS... Ah, well! All in good time.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


This is a bloody joke, isn't it? Kidnapped to the Land of Make Believe. That's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. These people are pretty hospitable for kidnappers. Giving us a phone and what I think is currency. Pretty posh rooms too.

I'm going to assume that everyone on this network is in this similar predicament and introduce myself. My name's Dr. John Watson. Anything you can really tell me about what's going on here would be lovely.

Oct. 1st, 2013


At least that did not last long. I'm glad to be back to myself once again.

Sep. 27th, 2013


This is new.

[Helena and Claudia]
I keep thinking about how much Pete would be disappointed to miss this.

Sep. 24th, 2013


Crazy how quiet it feels around here.

Hope that's not a sign.

Hope that's not a jinx. Crap.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Why are middle aged businessmen so boring? I mean, under all the sordid shit they try to hide, just boring?

And when did child abuse become a entertainment franchise? I mean, really, how can that stuff be legal? They're like performing monkeys. If monkeys were forced into frilly shit, painted up and give really big hair.

I really wish I'd tailed the floozy in the skirt instead.

Sep. 9th, 2013


It would seem several people were returned to the places they came from. For those who knew her, Inara Serra was sent home. I have never been al I do not like this feel

Aug. 31st, 2013


Well? Isn't anyone going to say something?

Aug. 27th, 2013


I am in need of some help. I am needing to have an income, but these times are strange to me and I am uncertain how to go about having a job. Given I am also not human, having a job outside of the castle is out of question. Is there anyone that may be able to help me figure something out? Datak would undoubtedly dislike this, but he is not here and I need to survive

Aug. 22nd, 2013


This is Padawan Ashoka Tano. I'd say being kidnapped to a world I've never visited is a surprise but it's not. The hospitality is a nice change - hot meals, soft beds and water showers. Already it's better than the last time I was captured. Though it's usually not so difficult to find a way off of a planet.

My Master has filled me in on some of the details of this place but if anyone else has anything to add, I'd be glad to hear it. We got a little distracted with other topics.

Like what happens if you don’t show up to a school you never signed up for? Sitting around in lessons all day isn’t something I’ve done in a long while.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Aside from the strange happenings here, is this place much like Earth was is?

Aug. 16th, 2013


I must have gone mad. Really! Imagine that. Me? Mad. Perhaps I already was! Must have been to end up in a place like this. Is that dragon real or is it an LED screen? Not a spoiler, I wager, what with this being the year 2013. Have those already, don't you? But no, no. Already know the answer to that myself, so no need to answer that. Skipping right to the point, because you lot voice your thoughts so clearly on this device and I am so very clever, I understand the basics and whatnots and rules.

So, skip all that above and read only this: Hello! The Doctor is in.

..and is that a dog I hear?

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