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Sep. 22nd, 2013


Classes are going pretty smoothly. Though I need a lot of work on my ballroom dancing still. But I am getting better. Looks like more time in the studio after classes for a while.

Aug. 23rd, 2013


So, I woke up to this today.

Picture cut for length )

Darcy, did you do this?

Aug. 22nd, 2013


So I am having a craving for some vegan ice cream. I know this great place that also serves regular ice cream as well. Anybody want to come?

Jul. 22nd, 2013




From a short brunette to Well, this is unsettling, though I'm a bit relieved to be the right gender for me.

Whose body am I in? I'm blond, tall, and have blue eyes. And who is in the body of 5' 1" (1.55 m) brunette with brown eyes? I'd rather like to know where my body is as well.

Jun. 19th, 2013


SO, big thank you to the people who made my birthday special. Even if it was the last day the power was out, chilling was pretty fun. And now, I have "Punk in a Can "and an action figure of myself, among other things. I think I've used my iPod more than ever in the past week or so, of course, but that's kind of a given with me.

Jun. 12th, 2013


Gwen is gone. Returned texts, empty room, possessions gone. Even her unicorn sprinkle dispenser.

May. 25th, 2013


Those who dare abduct a Daughter of Asgard will taste my sword. Hark! Identify yourself now and mayhap I shall be merciful.

Or if you’re that stupid, let me spell it out for you: you’ve just kidnapped a really angry Asgardian, and don’t think I won’t Hulk Smash my way through this castle until I find a way home to my family. And if you don’t think that’s enough incentive, I have a war to fight and a world to liberate! I’m not going to be sitting around a castle eating grapes while my brothers are out there fighting robots. Just save everyone some trouble and some masonry and send me back, okay?

May. 19th, 2013


Private to Loki )

Private to Bruce Banner & Tony Stark )

May. 14th, 2013


I'm officially stressed to the max. Anyone just want to take a break from studying and do a spa day or something? Or help me to break in the new karaoke machine I got for my room? I think I could use a fun night.

May. 8th, 2013


Dear Diary,

Today I got kidnapped to the LAND OF MAKE BELIEVE. Cartoon birds did not fly through the window to help me get dressed, nor did they help me get into any sort of hijinks. In fact, there is a horrifying lack of cartoon animal sidekicks in this joint. I may have to write a strongly worded letter to the folks in charge.

And I'm pretty sure Harry Potter is here. I'm trying to play it cool.

Gossip Rachel

P.S. Apparently Tumblr still exists in other worlds. This is good news for my cat gif obsession.

cut for ridiculous cat gif. viewable to all! )